Yup. More fun than a box of Stanley knives...
The Amsterdam Fantastic Film Festival, which wraps up tomorrow, had its infamous Night O' Terror last Saturday night, so I saw not one, but *two*, zombie films back to back!
(They also showed Haute Tension, a Belgian chainsaw movie and the remake of Toolbox Murders, but I skipped the latter.)
Dawn of the Dead (remake) was not as much fun as the original, which would be impossible, but it was worth watching. True, there were no bikers, but Andy the gunshop owner was a good character and plot. I'm not a zombie purist, so I wasn't bothered about fast zombies. I thought the US flag in the shot at the end a bit overdone and not as effective as its Australian counterpart in...
Undead! Zombies and alien invasion, with a weird and downbeat ending. I think it had to do with fishing, but I'm not sure. Check it out if you can find it. From 2003, I think. It's on imdb, and reviews were mixed. I liked it, though I probably missed a lot of the movies the detractors say it ripped off. |