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Kill Bill - Tarantino's Latest


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17:20 / 16.09.02

Read the script!

Am I the only one who's really looking forward to this.
18:01 / 16.09.02
That URL is 404.

But based on other reviews of the script (here's one) I'm not excited at all. The story sounds moronic and I doubt Tarantino can pull off something of this length. It's a 202-page script, fer crissake! That's over three hours. Pulp Fiction, as good as it is, to me feels overlong at two and a half, as did Jackie Brown. Unless he's written the most detailed fucking fight scenes ever, 202 pages is waaaaaaaaaay too long, especially given the story it covers.

The one thing I do like a little bit is the image of Uma in Bruce Lee's tracksuit.
20:10 / 16.09.02
The script that has been floating around for quite a while is dated by now. And the page count is not in this case an indicator of the runtime, since QT spends so much space on describing the action in detail - it could very well be the most detailed fucking fight scenes ever - excpet that is not so much a technical manual as movie references and his usual verbosity.

Anyway ... I am looking forward to this. Quite a bit, actually.
00:22 / 17.09.02
I hope you're right. I'd love for the guy to come out of this sabbatical and prove that he can do it. I've just watched Reservoir Dogs and Pulp Fiction after going years without looking at either one. The transperancy of his references still stands out, as does the novelty of the dialogue. This is nothing new, but given the amount of time he's been away, which has supposedly been spent studying, I'm left wondering if he just needed to build a new stock of genres to pilfer. Not that it's a bad tactic - obviously it's served him well. Many others have noted that being a) so referential and b)so specific in tone provides a short path to self-parody, and what I know of KB suggests that it's a road he wasn't able to refuse. We'll see. But if anyone knows how to put Yuen Wu-Ping's talents to good use, it's Tarantino, and that will probably make a lot of the flick worth watching, even if the rest fails.

I'm not with you, Mocca, on the page count not being indicative of running time. Pulp Fiction is a 150 page script and a 155 minute film, so the 1 page = 1 minute rule applied there. And that's a dense script, full of more detail than most scripts ever have, but it shows on the screen in all of those long pans across locations. Until I hear substantiated news that the shooting script is much shorter, I'm sticking with what I said above. And even if the script floats to teh surface again I'm not gonna read it 'cause I just want to see the damn thing.

So it's still got that 'new Guns and Roses' record feeling to it and I'd like to see it be otherwise. While I haven't seen much that makes me look forward to this, I'll see it and will be as happy as anyone if it's solid. Hell, I'm one of the people who thought Jackie Brown was good.
Mycroft Holmes
06:42 / 17.09.02
It always gets me riled up when someone talks abot Tarantino. No, I have not read the script, but if youve been following the set reports on Aint it Cool news you'll realize that Tarantino is not making this film for broad appeal. This is quite a statement looking at some of his films. This is suppose to be a film that reveres the exploitation genre. An extreme version of how Jackie Brown paid homage to blackpoitation films.
David Carradine is the star (replacing Warren Beatty).
Also forgive me if I come across retarded, because I'm smashed (and slihtly retarded).
14:32 / 17.09.02
As easy as it would be to dislike Quentin, I have yet to be disappointed by any of his films (well, maybe Dusk/Dawn, but he didn't direct that). True Romance was great fun. Pulp Fiction even funner. Resevoir Dogs is a perfect crime movie. And Jackie Brown brought a humanity to postmodernism that few writer/directors could ever hope to achive, let alone this pop culture dropping punk.

Therefore, I am whole-heartedly looking forward to seeing his latest creation.
Tryphena Absent
14:58 / 17.09.02
I don't like Pulp Fiction or Jackie Brown. Well, I like parts of Pulp Fiction, I just can't watch it as it's arranged on screen. I'll watch the new one though and hope there's enough violence to keep me slightly interested.
Mr Tricks
21:25 / 17.09.02
Check out this Interview on that flick, Donnie Yen an other stuff.
13:15 / 05.01.03
Have a trailer.

Standing on swords? OK, that's alright.
16:56 / 05.01.03
A lot of Tarantino fans seem down on Jackie Brown. I don't know why, I thought it was a great film (of course, I am a huge Pam Grier fan, especially her older films like Coffy and Foxy Brown, so I'm kinda biased there).

I like Tarantino a lot because I still remember when I was a kid in high school watching "Pulp Fiction" and "Reservoir Dogs" for the first time and being blown away by them, especially the dialougue. Tarantino films the things that obsess him and I respect that (one of the reasons why I like Coil so much, they do music about the things they like and don't give a damn about commercial considerations).
Mr Tricks
22:01 / 07.01.03
Looks like Brie . . .

Tastey Cheese
01:12 / 17.07.03
This was the big rumour at the (shudder) Tomb Raider 2 junket this past weekend, and apparently it's true:

Kill Bill has become two movies.
05:20 / 17.07.03
Yeah, it's been confirmed. Let's start a petition for the cinemas to show them half price.
Old brown-eye is back
08:20 / 17.07.03
Vid, one of the feedbackers on Aint it Cool mentioned Guns n Roses in relation to Kill Bill too. That wasn't you was it?
Old brown-eye is back
08:33 / 17.07.03
Now I think about it, are you actually Harry Knowles?
15:09 / 17.07.03
My petitions for acceptance into the revolving cast of pundits who are 'Harry Knowles' have gone repeatedly unanswered, and I'm bitter about it. So I'd appreciate not having that come up again.

Honestly, though, I never even glance at AICN - maybe once every couple months if something is relentlessly linked. It usually makes me very sad to read the forum posts. Only the boards at IMDBare worse.
ill tonic
03:00 / 18.07.03
This cliffhanger trend is pissing me off ... I don't want to wait two to six months to see the end of a movie. It's only three hours long, I say show the whole *#$&-ing thing.

Yeah, yeah, I know all about running times and how longer movies limit the amount of times it can be shown in a night (thus cutting down the box office numbers) but if you ask me -- they just want to get us to pay for the movie twice. (Boom, up go those box office numbers.)

I'm all for serials but show them the next weekend not months later for Christsake ... this baby is the can already, why make us wait?
The Return Of Rothkoid
03:23 / 18.07.03
Dude, videodrome does not have a Davros-like chair to wheel his corpulent frame around in - so how could he be Harry Knowles?

When it comes down to it, he just ain't got enough fat, or enough beard. True dat.
03:56 / 18.07.03
Oh, stop whining. You never know- this might even (gasp) make it a better film experience. You want cheap entertainment? Steal a television.
Old brown-eye is back
07:55 / 18.07.03
Have to say, I'm with VideoHarry on this one - Kill Bill is most likely going to rock. Still a little pissed off at Miramax though - giving Tarantino the special treatment after making Scorcese cut Gangs of New York.
12:42 / 18.07.03
Is it normal for them to have not penciled in a date for Kill Bill 0.5-1.0? Does anyone else think this looks like "No audience, no sequel"?

Am I being paranoid? I don't know enough about the business to know if something's up...
14:09 / 18.07.03
Part one is still scheduled for 10 Oct, with an indefinite follow-up release. What that says to me is that Harvey is going to see how it does for a couple weeks before deciding whether or not it's a good idea for Part Two to compete directly against Return of the King in December.

Additionally, he's famous for always keeping an eye on Oscar, and so may wait until January (or later) to pimp part two. That will give the film(s) a chance in the '04 and '05 awards. But, quoth Rocky, 'that trick never works!'
Regrettable Juvenilia
07:43 / 22.08.03
Today's Popbitch email has some info. The first paragraph doesn't excite me all that much...

"I saw a test screening of Kill Bill a few days ago. The thirty-minute fight scene will give the MPAA a stroke. Arguably the most violent fight scene in any film, animated or live-action. Blood sprays, people scream in pain... Truly incredible. It has a level of violence not seen in cinemas in ages. A little light in the story department, but that's OK. This is a movie you watch for the action and the Tarantino-cool, not for the story craftsmanship.

"And when Uma Thurman sets her eyes on one of the villains, this amazing, 70s wakka-cha-wakka synthesizer cranks up. RZA did the music for this, and goddammit if his soundtrack didn't rattle my balls."

...But oooh, RZA doing a funk/soul score - I'm actually a little bit excited now...
20:36 / 23.08.03
But oooh, RZA doing a funk/soul score

~jizzes all over himself~
Old brown-eye is back
21:14 / 23.08.03
"Tarantino making a beautiful yet horrendously violent film inspired by the best of Chinese and Japanese action cinema."

Jizzes all over himself and anyone nearby.
23:00 / 23.08.03
I've been waiting for this a long time, it might be one of Tarantinos best ever.
Jesus Q. Public
23:42 / 23.08.03
Releasing it as a two parter is totally shat, just because there are a load of trilogies and continuing film series happening right now, but I suppose it's depressingly inevitable that this will become the latest me-too tactic for l33t f1lmAk3rz. But then again, it's always more fun to watch Apocalypse Now at home where you can go for a piss whenever you want and skin up without disapproving glances, so we should learn to love these month long intermissions. In fact, why don't they just knock out all films in month long weekly segments on Proper TeeVee? Rah.
14:33 / 24.08.03
Arguably the most violent fight scene in any film, animated or live-action. Blood sprays, people scream in pain... Truly incredible. It has a level of violence not seen in cinemas in ages.

Good. I suppose its the way it should be, people swinging swords around. Like in Kurosawa movies. Or Lone Wolf and cub. Actually, its a very japanese thing not to forcibly tone down the blood and limb shed where there supposeddly is.

Not exactly like Wolverine slashing soldiers in that lame "berserk" X2 scene in the mansion, as if his claws were also surgically cauterising the wounds they inflicted.
Matthew Fluxington
21:31 / 24.08.03
I find people who want to see extremely graphic depictions of gore in a movie about superheroes deeply suspect.
The Falcon
03:00 / 25.08.03
I find you deeply unpleasant, but you don't see me going on about it, Flux.

What exactly are you suggesting in your little abstract sneer there?

I think it's the sharpness of the claws that makes all the difference.

And, yeah, Kill Bill. I hope it's good, JB was a bit boring. Din't know about the Rza, either. But am pleased.

Sounds pretty good, what I've read about it. Won't read the script, 'cos I don't like reading scripts.
13:20 / 25.08.03
What I've heard about the treatment of violence in Kill Bill fascinates me. Martial arts movies tend to go easy on the reality of violence, whereas KB sounds pretty horrific (people screaming as they die in a growing pool of their own blood, that kinda thing). I doubt it's an anti-violence statement - part of me thinks that Tarantino will still be getting a real kick out of it (to be honest, I probably will when I see it, too).

Stay away if you're squeamish!

Stay away if you're a self-righteous little fucking prick!
ill tonic
17:08 / 25.08.03
I'm with you Zoinks ... its nothing but a fucking money grab.
uncle retrospective
17:25 / 08.10.03
Well I caught a preview this morning and all I can say is… Holy Shit!! This is one great film.
I wasn’t too sure what to expect, I’d managed to avoid almost all the spoilers kicking about so with was with an open but tired mind I wondered into the cinema at 10 in the morning.


I don’t know where to start, there is so much I want to say here so here goes.
I didn’t know the tone of the movie, so when a black screen with while text popped up with “Revenge is a dish best served cold” I though it was going to be Van Dame territory. Then the credit for the quote is given as an old Klingon proverb and suddenly QT had shown himself. This is a funny movie, a black, black evil movie with come great gut laughs, the school girl interrupting mummy’s fight to the death was particularly memorable.

Uma! Uma is brilliant, never liked as an actor but Christ she’s nailed the cold blooded avenging angel. She pulls off the Kung Fu like a Ninja and I have never seen so much blood in a film. You know the scene in the shining? Where the blood comes out of the Lift? Well this film has that amount bursting from severed necks. Yea!

The Kung Fu. There’s a scene where Uma kills 88 hard core Yukuza bodyguards and it puts the Matrix to shame. There’s almost no noticeable wire work and it looks nothing like a shitty computer game.

So in conclusion this film rocks like a mother fucker! Bring on Vol. 2!
Jack Fear
20:14 / 08.10.03
"Old Klingon proverb"? I guess the Spanish (and Edgar Allen Poe, who used it as the epigram for The Cask of Amantillado) must have stolen it from them, eh?

uncle retrospective
21:00 / 08.10.03
But it was ment to be funny. You have heard of funny? Eh Jack?

Oh and The Raza's score was fantastic, Kodo drums, sonething that sounded like the soundtrack to a fist full of dollars and the Funk!


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