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WHAT? That CAN'T be the end!


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Haus of Mystery
18:01 / 29.03.04
What are some of the most dissappointing film endings ever? You know, the kind of plot twist that leaves you frothing at how the film makers could totally fuck up a perfectly decent film so much. I'll start the ball a-rolling.

1) Pretty in Pink. She ends up with that smarmy rich twat who treats her like shit, completely ignoring Ducky, who is fobbed off with a random hot blonde who appears from nowhere. grrrrrr.

2) The Jungle Book. That's right Mowgli. Forget about your talking, dancing animal buddies and you're untamed existence and follow some pot-carrying bint into a human village for a life of drudgery. Nice One.
00:47 / 30.03.04
Okay, I blame myself for knowing that the film would be crap going in, but still: City of Angels (the one with Meg Ryan and Nick Cage, and Nick is the angel who decides to fall and be human and get it on with Meg).

What a moronic, predictable ending! The film was cheese but that ending made me want to hurl shoes at the TV.

They'd've gotten more respect from me if they'd just halted the film and flashed text that said "We wrote ourselves into a corner and can't resolve the story in a nonpredictable manner. Here, have some kettle corn instead."
Tom Coates
05:40 / 30.03.04
Wasn't it the case that with Pretty in Pink the reaction was so terrible that they essentiall remade it as Some Kind of Wonderful so that they end up with the right person at the end? I'm not sure anyone actually watched Some Kind of Wonderful of course (apart from me), which is a shame because it has a really good version of "I Can't Help Falling In Love With You" on it.
Jack Vincennes
07:20 / 30.03.04
Although this isn't a twist, Limbo probably has the most disappointing ending of any film I've ever seen. It actually doesn't have a conclusion, the screen just goes black and the credits roll at an abitrary point in the (what felt like) the middle of the film. The fact that it had been interesting up to then made this even worse. I went to see it in a provincial arthouse cinema and I think that most of the audience came as close as they ever would to being part of an Angry Mob.
uncle retrospective
08:53 / 30.03.04
The breakfast club. Take the cute, if weird girl then turn her into a horrible 80's teen.

Ewoks. Nuff said.

The end of the Holy Grail, that took a few watches to be able to deal with.
Gary Lactus
11:16 / 30.03.04
Yeah, the fucking Breakfast Club! I love that film but always turn it off just before the geek starts doing their work for them and the cool weird girl ends up getting a makeover and winning the jock's heart. It's like this great film about non conformity then at the end... THEY ALL CONFORM!
D Terminator XXXIII
12:21 / 30.03.04
A film ending that did ruin the whole film:

Gothika; which might not be everyone's cup'o'cool, but at that point, I was desperate for some tackily implausible Hollywood-scary fun. And it delivered. Right through the creepily realised (& painfully topical) echoes of the Belgian Dutroux mess. I honestly sat there thinking that they couldn't go that far - providing thrills and fright out of something which is frighteningly real and true. Yes, that was something that I didn't expect out of a multimillion dollar Hollywood movie; a sequence that leaves one disturbed and in futile search for easily served answers.

Then the moviemakers decided to undo everything by making Halle Berry into this... This... Laila-wannabe, along with a mentally unstable "friend" as a sidekick.

How fucking lame.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
13:36 / 30.03.04
Ewoks Rule 4 Lyfe.

They are the ultimately realized underdogs. May God bless them and keep them. Without them, we would have never had that most perfect of ending arias: The Ewok Victory Song.

One of the top ten endings of all time. Slightly bruised by the special edition, but, well, that's clearly a different film altogether.

Sixth Sense.
"That's THE ENTIRE movie? Please, M. STOP WRITING."
Tom Coates
14:01 / 30.03.04
Not so much a film ruined by its ending as a film of atrocious scope in all directions that was made actually laughable and ludicrously ridiculously stupendously rendundant by it's total "wasted-two-hours-of-my-life"-ness: Vanilla Sky.
15:08 / 30.03.04
Yeah, I'm a bit with Chareth. Without the ewoks, we wouldn't have their victory-song - which means we would miss out on the part where they sing "det luktar flingor här", which translates to "it smells like cereal here" in swedish.

We literally fell out of our seats laughing when we heard that. It is the only thing that saved the ewoks from getting their forest bombed with napalm in my dreams.

Need I remind people that they dropped that song in the Special Edition?
Gary Lactus
15:16 / 30.03.04
More importantly, we'd miss out on the "Celebrate Love! Yub yub!" bit.
Scrambled Password Bogus Email
17:04 / 30.03.04

I hate that movie, anyway. Actually I take it back, cos the fact that it was the end made me weep tears of utter joy.

Ummm...Armageddon, and Deep Impact. I always want to see Earth get wiped out, but some whiny kid or bald jock just has to fuck it all up.
The Tower Always Falls
18:34 / 30.03.04
Speaking of Armageddon, the fact that Steven Tyler and the rest of Aerosmith didn't blow up on the rock with Bruce Willis as they played that GOD DAMN RANCID CUM BUBBLE OF A SONG really ranckled me.

Must agree on Pretty in Pink.
19:09 / 30.03.04
Although this isn't a twist, Limbo probably has the most disappointing ending of any film I've ever seen. It actually doesn't have a conclusion, the screen just goes black and the credits roll at an abitrary point in the (what felt like) the middle of the film. The fact that it had been interesting up to then made this even worse. I went to see it in a provincial arthouse cinema and I think that most of the audience came as close as they ever would to being part of an Angry Mob.

Actually, I thought someone might bring up Limbo, but I kind of liked the ending. It was unsettling and disturbing, in a way, but it makes a certain amount of sense within the story. The people don't know what they're waiting for. We don't know either. I like that.

Then again, I'd heard about the ending before watching the movie, and I tend to give Mr. Sayles a lot of leeway.
19:11 / 30.03.04
Film endings that nearly ruin the whole film.
~from the abstract

Surely a really shit ending isn't merely the ending of a film you dislike.

Now, Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes ostensibly has a really shit ending: deus ex machina (monkey god whizzes out of the sky, everyone makes friends), followed by bizarre non-sensical randomness (Wahlberg gets home to find it overrun by apes).
At the end of the day, however, I really don't give a fuck, because I really, really hated the film as a whole.
Really shit endings afflict films that we would otherwise love.
20:32 / 30.03.04
The Game

The movie was already quite implausible, but I was giving it the benefit of the doubt, up until the point where he jumps off the building and it's all shown to be a hoax. What if there was a little wind and he was blown off course, what if he had decided to jump off the other side of the building, and why was that cushion so small? I didn't particularly like the movie to begin with, but that ending was so ridiculous, it killed what it had going for it. I was almost expecting to see Douglas lying dead on the sidewalk as the last frame, revealing that whole awful ending had just been a dream.
21:04 / 30.03.04
I just watched Equilibrium last night. It started out a delightful little bit of distopic fluff, borowing heavily from Farenheight 451, but they got the ending all wrong! At the end of a distopic storey Man must have His Spirit Crushed! That's just how the game is played. The ending is just a touch too Pollyanna for me jaded heart.


The final gunfight is delightful, though, literally a gun fight.
21:50 / 30.03.04
About the end of Equilibrium - who are all those people, and where did they find all those guns?
Rev. Orr
22:27 / 30.03.04
Well, yeah, "Some Kind of Wonderfull" would have made up for "Pretty in Pink" if it weren't for one tiny detail. The Purdy Pink Prom Princess removes the over-priced earrings of lurve from her perfect lobes and in her best Obi-Wan deadpan tells our clueless hero "These aren't the breasts you're looking for". Off trots sparky, still reeling from a clue-by-four to the head, to hand 'his future' to the one likeable character in the whole damn film. The bland begin to play and I'm just about to blub like big, fat, hairy baby when she puts them straight into her own ears. Dude! Those things have just spent the rest of the evening spearing through someone else's flesh! We know you've heard of peroxide 'cos we can see your trailer-park roots. Now, any time I hear that song, any version of that song, all I can think about are those blood-encrusted nickel bars worming their way through her body.

No, I'm not over-reacting.

And the ewoks don't ruin ROTJ - finding out that Darth Vader is Humpty Dumpty in a gimp suit did that already.

I'm not sure about the ending of 'The Return of the King', either. Sitting through endless tearful hobbit farewells I was losing the will to live, but that could just have been because I could no longer feel my legs. Two things perked me up though: why is the ship sailing from the Grey Havens so damned small? I know thay've only got to take three or four people on that trip, but were all the ocean-going vessels booked for retired Rohirrin cruises? Also, and I am by no means the first to point it out, but no soon as our brunette hero has sailed into the next world, than his blonde side-kick returns home to his equally Aryan wife and out run two dark-haired children...

Worst ending evah? 'Starship Troopers'. You still want to claim it's a satire on Fascism, Mr. Verhoeven? Never mind that the dramatic resolution is to a plot thread you only introduced in the last quarter of the film, never mind that your characters appear to have learned nothing, and have just reverted back to the precise positions they were in at the start of the movie ignoring any developments or history between them from the last hour-and-a-half of my life, fuck all that, why are they so damned happy? Square-face has just had the the woman he's finally fallen in love with replaced by the emotionless robot who dumped him for more nights with her joystick, Doogie Howser has joined the SS and can now control and patrol everyone's thoughts, Zim will be cannon fodder in the very next attack wave, but hey, Denise's hair still looks good after a prolonged fire-fight. Yeah, cut back to the alienation device you cheap hack - we won't spot that you only filmed a third of the screenplay. Bastard.
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
23:25 / 30.03.04
Oh, thank God!

Starship Troopers is indeed such a steaming pile!

I loved The Game ending. Any implausability melted out of my ears when I saw the "I Was Left For Dead In Mexico And All I Got Was This Lousy T-Shirt"

Sold! Thank you!

And I also love that ends on a very subtle note of change for, uh, what's his name. LeatherFace.
23:35 / 30.03.04
A. I. Not a great film by any means but it does manage to submerge Haley Joel Osment at the bottom of the ocean for a rather beautiful ending, before fading back in just so that a bunch of aliens can turn up and sort everything out and make everyone happy and such. What?
Yotsuba & Benjamin!
00:16 / 31.03.04
The original Kubrick treatment for the end is brilliant and the whole thousands of years later is essential, but much more effectively done.

Basically, two fronts of greatness:

a) The conceit that the only way to get your happy ending is to wait thousands of years and the dissolution of civilization. Nice.

b) The only remnants of the human race are in the microchip brain of a robot. There's a brilliant sequence where the beings are trying to recreate that civilization but it's all from the robot's perspective. They try to build the house he lived in but, of course, there's a hole the exact shape and size of the living brother he was snubbed for and the mother is enormous. Extra nice.

So, I'm a fan of the fast forward but, yeah, Spielberg shot directly for the cheese, although I get a lump in my throat every time anyway. I am a sucker.

And I also seem to be the ender defender on this thread.
Baz Auckland
00:48 / 31.03.04
Pirates of the Caribbean - Great movie, but why didn't all three of them jump over the edge and become pirates?! Who wants to stay around the stupid fort when you could be off pirating?

...also, the whole bastard-commodore-having-a-change-of-heart 'we'll give them a head start' bit was awful...
Jack Vincennes
06:50 / 31.03.04
Then again, I'd heard about the ending before watching the movie, and I tend to give Mr. Sayles a lot of leeway.

Actually, since thinking about it I'd probably be less harsh on it than I was at the time -I think that part of my hatred of it at the time was just the shock that anyone could end a film like that. There was an interview with the director in which he was asked what happened at the end, and all he said was 'They're facing an uncertain future' ; which, in a weird kind of way, seemed to explain things (as you said, neither the audience nor the characters know what's going to happen)
D Terminator XXXIII
08:53 / 31.03.04
I should voice my, ahh, voice and say that I found the ending of Limbo quite fitting, also.

Limbo was a great experience.
Haus of Mystery
14:44 / 31.03.04
Starship Troopers has a BRILLIANT ending, weak-minds. Does it not end with an essentially terrified lifeform being goaded and tormented by the 'heroes' whilst a scientist claims 'THEY KNOW FEAR!' to which everyone cheers? How is that not good?

Anyway I'd just like to back up Bobboss' utter hatred of 'Apes'. Biggest wanktitude ever.
15:12 / 31.03.04
On Starship Troopers.

What were our 'heroes' supposed to learn? That war is bad? That the Bugs are people too? The ending was horrible because the politics and values of right-wing militarism are horrible.

You are supposed to feel bad.
You are supposed to feel frustrated.
The film is intentionally nasty.
Jack Fear
15:19 / 31.03.04
Agreed on STARSHIP TROOPERS, celebrity/mask--brilliant ending. We're primed throughout the film to expect Doogie Telepath to betray the human race, but in the end he, the party-line-enforcer, the Nazi fink, is THE BIG HERO. And what better hero for a fascist society?

I think people are disappointed with STARSHIP TROOPERS as a satire because they expected it to, at some point, step back and reveal itself as a satire, to say, in effect, "Look at these fascists and laugh!" But it never does: it stays entirely true to the twisted values it satirizes, presenting its ideals largely without comment.

I hated it myself when I first saw it, but the more I thought about it, the smarter and braver its gambit seemed.
Haus of Mystery
15:19 / 31.03.04
Quite. Shall we dance?
20:24 / 31.03.04
Count my vote as "Hell Yeah" for Starship Troopers.

Try watching it with some right-wing knobs, observe as they piss themselves with righteous fury as the Brain Bug squirms in fear. Watch their paroxisms of jingoistic fury as poster children for rabid nationalism smile into the camera and endorse genocide.

The film is SO good at satire that they don't realize that the lefties aren't laughing with them.
20:33 / 31.03.04
Um, just to clarify, in my previous post I'm not talking about garden variety Republican rightwingers here- I'm talking about real facists. No offence was meant to anyone but facists.
21:12 / 31.03.04
Independace Day

Leaving aside the crap "upload a virus" thing which wwas just dire, it would have been a much better story if they aliens had won. Much more potential for sequels/cartoon/comics/whatever.
I imagined a world with humans struggling to reclaim their planet among the ruins of the cities, struggling to keep thier species alive.

Instead, they uploaded a virus.

Aliens don't use Norton's.
11:57 / 02.04.04
And the aliens' home central computer is now spamming the central computers with emails to 3nl4RG.E uR T3NT4KLE%!!!

I liked Starship Troopers. I didn't see it as a satire on fascism--it was faithful to Heinlein's book, which wasn't fascist either--but a straightforward view of a global society that could result from two developments: a)the world's governments blunder into a limited nuclear war and the survivors turn their backs on civilian politics and b)the human race faces annihilation by a really yucky alien enemy. Even so, you didn't *have* to join the military (at least before the attack), unless you wanted to vote or run for office.

The movie reminded me of the Frank Capra "Why We Fight" series of WWII, or the many wartime movies I saw on Saturday afternoon TV. Using TV actors from "teen" shows in a war movie maybe wasn't a good idea on the face of it, but it worked in Verhoeven's favor, I thought. Wars are fought by kids, and war movies made recently, like Saving Private Ryan, emphasize that in a way that the old John Wayne ones didn't. Most WWII-era movies were more propaganda than art. ST's resemblance to those movies is probably much closer than Verhoeven intended.

Bush tried to capitalize on the movie in the wake of 11 September but a) the movie wasn't a huge success so few voters responded to it, b) hardly anybody in the Bush White House had actually fought in a war and c)Arabs, even al-Qaeda terrorists, aren't insects.

The US or UK of 1943 (let alone Nazi Germany) is almost as alien and disturbing as the global society of Starship Troopers to us chaos-magicking, genderfucking postmodern wiseasses on Barbelith. We'd be shocked at the uniformity of attitudes and media and the stereotypes of buck-toothed simian Japs in kids' cartoons. We'd also probably give off funny vibes even if we dressed correctly and watched what we said.

The movie doesn't really end, because the book doesn't either, reaching only the turning point of the war for survival. But how can you not like the Zulu reference towards the end?

I think the biggest problem of the movie (and book) was that Heinlein, a US Navy man, had too high an opinion of the military's ability to run a decent government. All military governments I can think of have ended up even more corrupt than civilian ones. Maybe extraordinary circumstances could change this, but I doubt it.

But overall, I thought the movie worked and the ending was consistent with the rest of the movie. The "satire" was in the way Verhoeven took familiar (to us) details like Internetweb infotainment, highschool football, etc. and gleefully twisted or exaggerated them to fit the world of Starship Troopers.
15:51 / 02.04.04
I really don't know where to begin, so I won't bother.

Verhoeven interview

Also, there are lots of other interviews where the word satire is used wantonly. Go find 'em.
Benny the Ball
09:26 / 04.04.04
Hello. One of the worst for me is the ending to LA Confidential. I cringed when Bud White (Russell Crowe) is joined in the back of the car by Kim Basinger and his all bandaged up and okay despite being shot 30 thousand times. But I thought that the film only started getting good about a third of the way through anyway.

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