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Looking for an artist to collaborate on a comic with me

Colonel Kadmon
16:23 / 20.02.06
I've got an idea for a comic-book series. It's set in the South African police Occult Crimes division (a real unit), and centers on Sipho, it's first black head. Police procedural with occult elements. It might be called "Rainbow Nation".

I'm looking for an artist to draw it for me. Then we hawk it around. I have the first episode written, and if anyone's interested, I'll mail it to them, and if they like it, we'll take it from there.

And anyone else with anything to add/suggest/complain about, feel free.
16:32 / 20.02.06
Dude you have to do the story Tokoloshe harassment... in the late 90s the Fortean Times carried a report of a woman who was so dirven to distraction by harassment by a supernatural Tokoloshe that she phoned up the government and demanded to be put through to Nelson Mandela...
Colonel Kadmon
21:35 / 20.02.06
Nice one. I'll definately need to have a tolokoshe incident.
18:49 / 21.02.06
thought/suggestion: ongoing theme: half-fake half-real. the fake allows all standard detective stuff. and in the half that is real, a developing common theme of one particular person or group...

but only comes up if say responsible for half of all real stuff 25% of the time. so the only one(s) who really notices is the chap/ess(s) who's the central character(s). loads of extra intra-story tension therein. particularly if you run that background group along a plan plus give the chap/ess(s)'s boss(es) grief from superiors for tolerating their oddities.
Colonel Kadmon
11:11 / 22.02.06
Yeah, not bad. I had considered one central group/person orchestrating things in the larger narrative. But I can't tell you who just yet.
Colonel Kadmon
19:52 / 23.02.06
So, no artists interested then...

Well then, anyone have any suggestions where I might be able to find one?
20:28 / 23.02.06
Comics International used to have a section at the back where writers could get in touch with artists and vice versa, but it's been years since I bought an issue so you might be out of luck.

The Image comics website used to have a faq about submitting work and included a section on finding people to collaborate with. Alternatively, and its a long shot, but perhaps rec.arts.comics.misc is worth a try.
21:22 / 23.02.06
Digital Webbing was where me and my artist friend bumped into each other. You can always post an ad there.
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