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Flash utopian fiction project (open doorways)

00:17 / 05.04.06
I have been working on creating a project to write a series of flash utopian fiction [flash fiction=ultrashort stories] pieces around an imaginary federation of diverse villages each working out their methods of community life. I am visualizing little dramatic impacts that also impart information about how the people of the community involved solve their social problems -- dramatic storytelling with a purpose: speculative fiction with which to fashion visions from which to expand our collective view of how collective life can be more happily structured.

I figured a fiction project could go outside of the currently "possible" and promote ideas in an easily digestable and enjoyable form, like a chain story -- each person involved adding their bits to the overall project, although its seems to be turning out more like wheel spokes out of a hub idea.

I have had some interest expressed by other writers, and even a couple of possible stories have been sent to me. I would love eventually to publish, if I get enough stories for a book. I envision a whole world of ideas created through these short bursts of fiction, little vignettes or as one person suggested, peeks into open doors. There is no set format to fit. What you write, if you choose to participate, would help to create the structure itself.

I am totally open to collaboration and inspiration. If you have or or feel inspired to create such stories, or know of others who might be interested, please let me know. If you are interested in participating in this project or have other ideas to add, please respond directly to me at:

If this project actually works out, it will result in a book in need of publication. If you have affiliation with or knowledge of any small press that would be interested in working with such a project, please let me know.

I am posting information about the projects as it evolves on my blog under the heading Flash Utopian Fiction Project, so if you like you can check there from time to time to see how it's going:

libramoon's observatory

I have posted there the first (and so far only) story I've come up with, as example, called "Sanctuary."

If you would like to help promote the project, here is a blurb you can leave where you go:

Laurie Corzett is seeking collaboration for her Flash Utopian Fiction Project: series of flash fiction pieces around a federation of diverse villages each working out their methods of community life -- little dramatic impacts illustrating creative solutions to social problems. Got ideas? libramoon’s observatory (blog)

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