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Lovecraft's chinese box

nyarlathotep's shoe horn
16:00 / 22.03.06
Pickman, Legrasse, the sailors of the Emma, the cult in Greenland, New Orleans, Providence, the South Pacific.

have you anything to add?

--Not Jack
16:20 / 22.03.06
*looks around*

I don't know what's going on.
16:44 / 22.03.06
Nor do I. Not Jack?
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
17:46 / 22.03.06
can't you see it???

this is a thread that's been poorly put together for additions to the HP Lovecraft Mythos - specifically, to add barbelither-created fiction to add to the Cthulhu Cult box as described in The Call of Cthulhu

it was discussed in the BOOKS forum, so I was mostly setting it up for those who've chatted about it, but the more the merrier.

[I'm typing from work, and my Lovecraftian noodling's at home. I'll post something appropriate in a bit]

I'm not sure what is going on myself - we'll have to wait and let our minds put it all together.

00:52 / 23.03.06
It's a good idea tenix but I think a clearer abstract or first post wouldn't go astray. As you say, the attraction of passing Creation posters who haven't read the books forum discussion wouldn't be a bad thing.

Also there's been a few similar projects in Creation before which you might feel to be worth a look:

The Thing from Beyond Time Thread
A link to the completed Arthur Blake Project
And CoC Urban Legends
00:56 / 23.03.06
P.S The Thing from Beyond Time/Arthur B's Journal is ace.
nyarlathotep's shoe horn
14:31 / 23.03.06
aha - thus my historical predecessors have unveiled the shadowy darkness of the cyclopean ruins of my fetterred soul.

cool air.

--not jack
23:15 / 23.03.06
Just wait till I finish my tale of airborne terror Shoggoths On A Plane.
Hallo, Paper Spaceboy
23:19 / 23.03.06
Dagon Does Dallas?
16:06 / 25.03.06
Well, while we're on the topic of Lovecraft related projects, here's a website I created a few months ago (still in development) at:

Oficial website of the Necronomicon Transhuman Society! Check it out... lots of interesting text, images, and sound to play around with. If anyone has anything here they'd like to contribute, drop me a line...
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