You'll have to forgive a facile answer to a complex question but we will "be doing" Art (sketches, gifs, digital images, collage or whatever else falls under the category). As I've suggested above it may be under a set theme perhaps later under other strictures like set styles or set materials for some level of variety/challenge.
I've already mentioned about a possible web-page or web magazine with credits and links to the artists concerned.
Any idea truly is welcome though so if you have one SPEAK UP! It will be strictly up to the members where this is all going to end up. It's out there floating vaguely in the ether right now but I feel that the end result could be really great.
So no far reaching aesthetic grand plan at the moments but these things have a way of turning out for the best. Squirmelia mentioned that she would like to join in order to grow in skill, Sekhmet's post suggests she falls into the same category and I feel similarly. We could incorporate this into our objective with the free sharing of commentary and tips from an advanced level to a more amateur one.
*Goes out skins a CareBear Cousin (possibly BrightHeart although that doesn't really matter), fashions a bodysuit, puts it on and begins to talk in dulcet, saccharine but ultimately sincere tones*
However the only true aim should be to enjoy oneself. |