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Barbelith Artist Collective


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16:23 / 06.11.05
I've been browsing through the Barbelith Art Gallery recently, as well as other creation threads with an artistic or painterly swerve, and I've been extremely impressed. Which led me to think that, in the same vein perhaps as the Barbelith Writer's Group, we could begin a Barbelith Artist's Group? I think that the disparate styles and wonderful talent of the members here would make for a more than interesting collection.
We could set themes. Any and all would be welcome, of course.
But this is really just a canvassing post. So anyone whose interest is even slightly piqued by the possibility or more welcomely anyone who is heavily excited by the prospect of a Barbelith Collective Art Movement say "Aye".
We could have a healthy one month deadline, with ever-open membership and even collect the resultant images and stream them into a slideshow or small webpage with links and credit to the specific people involved.
But yet again just a canvassing post to see if any momentum could be sustained.
Char Aina
18:43 / 06.11.05
20:24 / 06.11.05
Aye, why not.

Count me in.
00:40 / 07.11.05
I'd lurve to.
All Acting Regiment
02:43 / 07.11.05
Sounds good.
Saint Keggers
23:28 / 07.11.05
piqued by the possibility
05:49 / 08.11.05
Eye. PM me when it's to officially begin, as I sometimes forget threads that I've posted to.
14:03 / 08.11.05
Does it matter if we are actually any good or not? I'd like to join in to improve my skills, but cannot guarantee the quality.
14:09 / 08.11.05
Not to me! It's for anyone that expresses a wish to join. That's the sole criteria.
14:13 / 08.11.05
In that case I enter a tentative aye.
18:26 / 08.11.05
sounds interesting enough, but what exactly will be the purpose of the Barbelith Artist Collective? what will we be doing?
21:17 / 08.11.05
You'll have to forgive a facile answer to a complex question but we will "be doing" Art (sketches, gifs, digital images, collage or whatever else falls under the category). As I've suggested above it may be under a set theme perhaps later under other strictures like set styles or set materials for some level of variety/challenge.
I've already mentioned about a possible web-page or web magazine with credits and links to the artists concerned.
Any idea truly is welcome though so if you have one SPEAK UP! It will be strictly up to the members where this is all going to end up. It's out there floating vaguely in the ether right now but I feel that the end result could be really great.
So no far reaching aesthetic grand plan at the moments but these things have a way of turning out for the best. Squirmelia mentioned that she would like to join in order to grow in skill, Sekhmet's post suggests she falls into the same category and I feel similarly. We could incorporate this into our objective with the free sharing of commentary and tips from an advanced level to a more amateur one.
*Goes out skins a CareBear Cousin (possibly BrightHeart although that doesn't really matter), fashions a bodysuit, puts it on and begins to talk in dulcet, saccharine but ultimately sincere tones*
However the only true aim should be to enjoy oneself.
21:31 / 08.11.05
But anyway just try to create a convivial, supportive highly critical, atmosphere that will benefit everyone and alienate no one.
22:02 / 10.11.05
I'm going to leave it another week or so before I begin to set things in motion. But I'm hoping for a policy of ever open membership (if no-one has a problem with that).
15:03 / 11.11.05
this sounds very interesting to me, I will enjoy seeing the direction this could take.
20:37 / 22.11.05
Okay I'm going to *bump* this now to trawl for a little more interest and then send around pm's tomorrow and set the thing in motion.
Grey Cell
15:59 / 23.11.05
Hm, I'm interested, but I'm not making any promises right now...
19:08 / 23.11.05
This project sounds fun, can I play too?
23:34 / 23.11.05
I haven't seen a PM yet, D.S. What should we expect? An assignment? A poll? A congratulatory missive that self-destructs hilariously in 30 seconds?
23:48 / 23.11.05
Yes sorry. Time (for me) is a relative concept and although very serious and enthusiastic about this topic the terrible, terrible drunkeness has gotten in the way of pm-ing anything concise. So applepollylogies for that (I just didn't trust myself to pm today).
To answer your questions I think a poll may be in the spirit (by that I mean what I would like to be the spirit) of the group. But I also think people in general people may work more constructively as reactionary critics (initially at least). For that reason I'm thinking of a topic, which by the way is extremely pliable, and then after the months time limit (or before) is up you can tell the group and me (in harsh and criticising tones if it pleases you) where and why I went terminally wrong.

Also any input about where you would like the group to go or my own temporary position as organiser (be it constructive or critical) is very welcome. in summation very drunk and sorry for delays.
19:44 / 24.11.05
I think that I have now sent PM's to everyone. If you've expressed an interest but haven't been pm-ed pipe up. The topic is A is for Apple and the deadline is this date next month. Remember use whatever medium (photography, painting, sketching, weaving, modelling, pottery, dress-making) or style you feel most comfortable with. We'll try to incorporate everything.
All Acting Regiment
19:58 / 24.11.05
And will it be in a new thread?
20:02 / 24.11.05
Hmmm not sure, what do you think? Does anyone have mad HTML skillz or at least more web-fu than me? I could organise it onto a powerpoint slide show? Edit it together into a magazine? Suggestions?
16:27 / 25.11.05
Mine's done.
19:42 / 25.11.05
A nice pretty HTMLey interface would be super.
20:58 / 25.11.05
I've been thinking that we could use a flickr account to post them on momentarily? Or would a separate thread like Legba suggested be more beneficial since this is a Barbe-collaborative project? We could always link?
23:24 / 27.11.05
Unless someone would be so kind as to offer their HTML skills?
I would do it myself but since my computer borked I no longer have Dreamweaver.
+#'s, - names
02:47 / 28.11.05
14:28 / 28.11.05
I'm into it. Could you send me a PM please, ta? I have been trying to think of ways of improving my artisic abilities rather than producing bad drawings so any suggestions appreciated.
21:49 / 28.11.05
Check your PM's Illmatic.
Gridley: Cool, we'll have some kind of regular structure sorted by the by. I'll probably pm everyone nearer the time to organise methods and means.

For news check this thread from time to time, also check what I'm going to write under this sentence right now!

+#'s-names has offered us either the use of his site or some help to build a shell to host them on. I think it's a pretty cool idea and very nice of him too. Does anyone think it's a bad idea or would anyone like to offer an alternative?
13:40 / 30.11.05
Question: Are we dealing exclusively in 2-D art here, or would it be acceptable to contribute a digi photo of a 3-D piece?
14:15 / 30.11.05
Well it's cool with me anyway.
17:42 / 06.12.05
If you could add me to the PM list that'd be grand. Ta
21:40 / 06.12.05
would love to join aswell, if not too late...
thanks in advance!
14:19 / 09.12.05
Oh right sorry guys, I'll pm you today, more the merrier!

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