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The Great Wave

All Acting Regiment
02:33 / 04.04.06
The Great Wave

Shite feeds on shite. Goodbye Bowery Smith
Bacon Blake hello mediocre cesspool rites.
Hello Strictly Come Dancing,
Hello SOCA and ID Card,
Hello lack of sound Hello lack of vision.
Hello Spastic Joke:
Hello half-cocked slies at a mythic PC by cunt on
E4 while real one snoops outside your door.
He can search you-
Didn't see that one coming.
No-one knows where Auschwitz is,
And there's no-one left who cares-

Shite feeds on shite. Middle class fucknecks
despise Girls Aloud for reasons of commerce
whilst slinking back into comfortable anus
of Dylan box sets coffee table books and
internet sex.

Now beckons Eschaton version two point
seven B, AKA Scatology-
Not the neutered kind you see on
tv but kiss of dildo-lipped gods on
street corners, hot electric iron in the face-
Schwitters pissing from atop the Portland Tower
Merzbau Merzbau Merzbau Redux-

Ancient austere avenues of the east
swilling with blood and vomit
Erupt and send back our ugly gift:
Soup of white-buttocked GI Jokes sent
to build empires in secret,
Lost fragments of Babylon,
Soup of roadside bomb and daisycutter:
Comes in a great gust to
Wipe clean the ugly slate of “perfidious Albion”-

Now in Shoreditch and in Buckinghamshire
they gnash their teeth and sigh:
Too late, too late, it was your inhumanity
That commissioned Hokusai.
All Acting Regiment
23:41 / 05.04.06
I mean obviously it needs a bit of work...
20:48 / 06.04.06
Trying to think of concrete suggestions, but I liked the second half a lot better than the first. I think it's better when you work in your references rather than just list them with hello x, hello y.
Whisky Priestess
22:39 / 06.04.06
I think you may need to do a T S. Eliot "Notes on The Waste Land" style gloss on this if you really want people to get it, fully, like.
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