i think life is no one thing,and that a few of the threads woven together to make it are fictional.
urban myths that people lead their lives in light of.
money having valuable in and of itself, beyond the paper.
the concept of a 'you' without reference to others.
i could go on, but these are a few examples of fictions that make up life.
i'm not sure its appropriae to criticise the lad's philospophy, though, so i'll stick to the work.
it flows well, but for a piece that is about being a writer and creating shimmering fields, unique to your boundless domain and in which you may walk it... well, it aint shimmering.
'tribute' by tenacious d, innit. you need to evoke the spirit you describe when the spirit is that of your chosen medium.
that, and the last paragraph needs more punch. maybe the last line is missing?
no, i know it isnt actually missing, but maybe it, y'know, is? |