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City Ghosts

17:03 / 22.02.06
He pauses part-way over the bridge, leans on the heavy grey thickness to stare west along the Thames as the sun sinks towards it. The river's wet silver-velvet seethes and humps before him. The sun is shining, the day is warm. His eyes are blank.

We pass him, we churning tourist commuter mass. We pass these ghosts each day.

A stiff and tattering card or photo or paper hides in his hands, restlessly vague hands. It turns, flips, turns, holds. He's staring at it but not with his eyes. His eyes are fixed somewhere near the horizon. Or at least a horizon. His self is staring at the scrap. With a decade of past and a lifetime of past future.

The little paper whirlpool spins in his larger stillness, a little inner doll of the bridge's larger churning plodding rush. He's a calm both surrounding and surrounded. People rush and freeze and bustle again all around him. Cameras are clicking, smiles are donned, shoes scuff and children scream their way away to the next English icon.

The wind gusts, buffets his hair, tears at his clothes, stings at his eyes, and as he ducks his head, his gaze falls squarely on the dog-eared card. He stands almost stiller for a long moment, a long long moment as his eyes light a fire on it, then with a slight twist of his mouth he crumples its sharpnesses in a too-tight fist. A reflexive jerk down bruises his forearm on the wall and arcs the little new polygon shape into space. The wind drives its lightness out of sight beneath him under the bridge too quickly. He never sees it land, never sees it sink. He turns and straightens stiffly, and with his mouth still twisted he walks fast and heavy away along the bridge.
17:06 / 22.02.06

change line 2 to:

"Wet silver-velvet: seething humps of sun-spattered softness."
17:11 / 22.02.06
no, "spattered"'s not quite right there, either.


"Wet silver-velvet: seething humps of sun-dazzled softness"
17:12 / 22.02.06
no, that's not quite right either.

21:12 / 22.02.06
leans on the heavy grey thickness to stare west

the beginning of that phrase, i'm thinking that he's leaning more metaphorically into the atmosphere or the view, but i guess he's leaning into the bridge. just a confusing bit.

A stiff and tattering card or photo or paper hides in his hands, restlessly vague hands. It turns, flips, turns, holds. He's staring at it but not with his eyes.

subject changes from the paper to the character too quickly. the paper acts ("hides"), then it turns, then he's staring at it. i would say: commit to one point of view.

you have: "sun is is scuff...children scream" but you also have "cameras are clicking, smiles are donned." go with the active phrases, kill the passive phrases. cameras click, smiles appear (or something). be consistent, it will quicken the pace.

twice you qualify things ("or at least a horizon", "almost stiller"). this deadens the effect. instead, describe another horizon, or more perfectly describe his stillness.

i like the "he walks fast and heavy" and "we churning commuter mass". i think those work, even tho they are non conventional phrases. reconsider "land" in "he never sees it land," because giving that a more liquid description might add life to it.

overall, things seem to happen to him instead of him acting on things - his gaze falls, for instance. why does it fall? what is it about his relationship to the card that is making him avoid looking at it? doesnt have to be precise, just more active (i think).
01:30 / 23.02.06
>>leans on the heavy grey thickness to stare west
>the beginning of that phrase, i'm thinking that he's leaning more metaphorically into the atmosphere or the view, but i guess he's leaning into the bridge. just a confusing bit.

excellent point. only obvious if you've recently walked across london bridge. the intent was that you feel him simply stop and prop himself on the 2-foot-thick stone "railing"

but your "into the atmosphere/view" interpretation is so nice i'm not sure if i prefer it.

i tried some twiddlings based on your POV note but i feel given the place within the limited space means it's better as it is.

> cameras are clicking etc.
hmm. very nice. you're right, better there in active voice -- punchier.

except... i just got tangled on how i re-work "smiles are donned".

grr. anyone got any ideas?

>twice you qualify things ("or at least a horizon", "almost stiller"). this deadens the effect.

actually that's exactly the rhythm-jolting effect i was after, so that's good (or at least matches my intent, anyway)
>overall, things seem to happen to him instead of him acting on things
, matches my general intent so i'm happy you got that feeling from it.

the intent was primarily vignette: to depict a man physically still in the middle of bustle yet internally churning, suddenly switching to internally resolved (at least temporarily) and physically active -- mere simple energy. the card/photo/paper is related to or maybe shibboleth of the cause of the churning, but intentionally held ambiguous. the focus is the emotion, the resolution, the walking away, with the implication that the apparent purposefulness so many non-city people see in city people rushing may be more to do with walking away (from something internal) than arriving.

did anyone get any of that feeling when they read it?
01:33 / 23.02.06
how about:

People rush and freeze and bustle again all around him. Cameras click, smiles stretch, shoes scuff and children scream their way away to the next English icon.
11:59 / 23.02.06
over here! they're over here!
12:08 / 23.02.06
People rush and freeze and bustle again all around him. Cameras click, smiles stretch, shoes scuff and children scream their way away to the next English icon.

yes, that works well. i want to revisit it based on what you wrote about intent, and that deserves mo time. will return!
19:03 / 23.02.06
the intent was primarily vignette: to depict a man physically still in the middle of bustle yet internally churning, suddenly switching to internally resolved (at least temporarily) and physically active -- mere simple energy. the card/photo/paper is related to or maybe shibboleth of the cause of the churning, but intentionally held ambiguous. the focus is the emotion, the resolution, the walking away, with the implication that the apparent purposefulness so many non-city people see in city people rushing may be more to do with walking away (from something internal) than arriving.

did anyone get any of that feeling when they read it?

ah. um, not me.

my first suggestion would be to take key words from your theme and put them into the action of the scene, not necessarily directly related to the objects that hold the key meanings, but to get the thought pattern of the reader thinking along the lines of "arriving," "leaving," etc. just a thought.

also, dont confuse narrative with theme. it seems like you want the narrative to resemble the theme, and thats not a bad thought, but it's difficult to execute. first, i would draft it so that your words and only your words convey your theme. this might lead you to a pattern or a rhythm that you can then mold thematically. because as it stands, it has no center, and your attempt to convey uncertainty and vague things thru vague and uncertain language muddles the piece, muddles the reading of it. you can accomplish those themes with clean language, and it might help to do that first, and then start playing with sentence structure.
All Acting Regiment
09:54 / 24.02.06
His eyes are fixed somewhere near the horizon. Or at least a horizon.

I think perhaps you need to meld these two sentences together and lose the italics. Something like:

His eyes are fixed somewhere near the horizon, though something about them suggests that they see a different one to the crowd.
19:59 / 24.02.06
> > did anyone get any of that feeling when they read it?
> ah. um, not me.

:O curses and bah!

can i ask you to maybe throw in a line or two about what general impression it DID make on you? just if you have time and inclination.

> also dont confuse narrative with theme

i don't remember saying theme. did i? crap. if i did, i didn't use it in a strictly Literary sense. sorry. i think (just quickly grabbing words to formalise vague thought clouds) the Theme would be closer to: isolation in crowds, how close our lives can come to others' without ever being aware of theirs, the casual carelessness of people to other people, the evanescence of individuals and their efforts and dreams and wants and lives.

when i said "intent" i was talking to the meat of the writing and the reading, more than to the meta of the interpreting.

> my ... suggestion ... [INSERT <OPEN-ENDED> DAYS' WORK]

ahh! so much effort implied! ahhh!....
see, this is where we need goonshow soundeffects on the net. you should then have heard a one-second scream then frenetic hobnailed stampede into the middle distance. with maybe after a brief silence a little voice shakily saying [far-off] "is it safe?"

based on my explicit-ing here (is there a good verb for that?) my thoughts re Theme, how would that change your suggestions?

how about something like:
"His eyes are fixed somewhere near the horizon but they don't seem to see it."

actually no, in context that over-eggs the "not see" aspect. hmph.
if you really don't like the stiff-legged tempo at that point, how about if we just deleted the 2nd sentence : "Or at least a horizon." ?

read in context it still works, though different flavour/emphasis.

but does it address your thoughts?
All Acting Regiment
01:18 / 25.02.06
I'm getting the idea that the guy's looking into a different world.
Alex's Grandma
01:44 / 25.02.06
I'd assumed that this was about a homeless guy, on say Waterloo Bridge at 7am, who turned his 'please help' sign into a paper aeroplane, and then a strange fist of rage.

In that sense, I was a bit uncomfortable with some of the Freudian imagary, the silver-velvet river, the humping waves - there's a lot to be said for re-imagining the Thames as a phallic nightmare, but, IMVHO, it could do with some work.
18:21 / 25.02.06
that's good. or at least, better.

alex's grandma:
(aside: "hump" is phallic? don't you mean "mammaric"? ;-) i personally find the "humps"="sex" implication tenuous nowadays-- when's the last time you heard someone say they humped someone else? but i'm not the universe, no matter what i think: do other people think it's still too laden to use, or is it ok in context?
i don't get the "silver-velvet" sexual innuendo, but i may be being dense. does it maybe suggest "tipping the velvet" to you? or do you know something niftily filthy i don't? in which case please share!

but in essence, go down to london bridge and look west into a greyling sky as the tide comes in under a strong wind. stop. stop hard. put the city behind you and look out.

silver-brown velvet, humping and seething before and beneath you, thumping and hissing on the pylons.

no waves, just rolling humps.
hey i just noticed there's a typo. that should be "silver-brown velvet" in the original. ta!

re the Homeless Guy interpretation: that's excellent. see, it exactly fits the themes' intersection.
and all the vaguenesses created and maintained deliberately by the narrative were intended precisely to encourage whichever actual instances of those themes occurred to people, were first in their mind.
each person sees a different person and a different pain.

other interpretations i've heard so far: guy who's just been made redundant, with debts and mortgage and kids in school etc., holding/destroying HR's formal letter on the way from the office to the train for the last time. guy who'd gone to meet his girlfriend to propose to her but she first broke up with him, throwing away the trainticket he'd used to go see her. guy whose company's failed to get re-financing and is, despite great prospects, now bankrupt, throwing away his business card. guy with medical problems up for his last chance, holding his final tests' reports which say his last chance didn't work.

right. now. i'm off to a housewarming party at a mate's place whom i used to live with at party central.

i may be some time.
19:23 / 25.02.06
i personally find the "humps"="sex" implication tenuous nowadays

I fear, Saltation, that you may be a man out of time.

My humps. My humps. My lovely little lumps.
12:47 / 26.02.06
possibly, haus, we may not all be living in the past

"hee!hee! they said 'hump'!"
Alex's Grandma
17:30 / 26.02.06
You can presumably see, Mr S, how your view of the river might be interpreted as having sexual overtones. In my short and uneventful life, I've often found myself on a bridge on the Thames while the sun was coming up, gazing into the river, and while it is true to say that all this stuff is basically in the eye of the beholder, I can't say I've ever felt that it looks quite like that...
Alex's Grandma
17:43 / 26.02.06
The Thames just seems to be an aspect of nature, as far as I can see. It's not, in itself, an active part of anyone's (entirely reasonable, I feel, don't get me wrong,) decision to wank themselves off with a fistful of maggots.
18:01 / 26.02.06
you've got something against maggots!? ;-)

i'm just saying that a 1% overtone for most people is not necessarily the dominant factor in deciding whether or not you can cut 10 words out in favour of 1.

can you find me a better word than "humps"?
Alex's Grandma
20:21 / 26.02.06
Alex's Grandma
01:05 / 27.02.06
Alex's Grandma
01:11 / 27.02.06
Question mark intended to be attached to the above.
All Acting Regiment
05:18 / 27.02.06
Squirms, shivers, winds, sloops, meanders, lurches?
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