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sleazenation, Lurid Archive, Regrettable Juvenilia, grant, Baz Auckland, Jack Denfeld, w1rebaby, STOATIE LIEKS CHOCOLATE MILK, ONLY NICE THINGS, Less searchable M0rd4nt, Our Lady Has Left the Building and Cherielabombe
Porn crusader swaps dildos for free condoms.
An unlikely Robin Hood is taking profits from porn - Adam & Eve videos & sex toys - and plowing them into condom giveaways for the developing world.
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:19 29.07.02

US Copyright Office attempts to kill net radio.
Help save internet radio from the US Copyright Office.
:: STARTED BY Matthew Fluxington
:: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:01 29.07.02

War on Drugs on ABC
ABC news dude John Stossel is doing a piece on the War on Drugs. He doesn't like it very much. This could be the first time a major news organization has been so starkly negative about the War on Drugs. That is, if it's as clear-cut as Stossel appears to make it in this announcement. I plan to watch the thing.
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:27 29.07.02

Citizen Spies, or "How I learned to stop worrying and love the witch hunt."
Citizen spies in the U.S.?
:: 20 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:35 28.07.02

Students' Right to Ignorance Upheld
Students at the University of North Carolina will not be required to read a book about Islam.
:: STARTED BY Jack Fear
:: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:38 27.07.02

P2P Legislation- hidden agendas, cowardice, or just dumb law?
Us govt introduces anti-P2P law that ignores the bulk of file sharing activity- what gives?
:: STARTED BY Naked Flame
:: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:28 27.07.02

Research: The Weekend Newspapers
Do you bother to read the things?
:: STARTED BY Saveloy
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:20 26.07.02

US politics: republicans, democrats, greens
Greens: Good, Bad, or Ugly? Do they have a chance in hell of forcing progressive change? Or are they more likely to impede it? Would you vote Green if the Democrat in your district was pretty much a Republican in Dem clothing?
:: STARTED BY alas
:: 22 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:36 25.07.02

Profit Over People: The Tax Break Years
What the F**K?
:: STARTED BY Rev. Wright
:: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:02 25.07.02

HIV Muppet gets into hot water
Sesame Street in South Africa decided to introduce an HIV+ muppet, to teach kids about being born with the AIDS virus. American Congressmen think it's gonna make the Africans gay.
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 12 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:50 25.07.02

Nader and Corporate Socialism
Ralph Nader woos conservatives to fight "Corporate Socialism."
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:39 24.07.02

US military to have police role in US?
Indication that the US government may be considering using the military for domestic police duties.
:: STARTED BY w1rebaby
:: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:06 24.07.02

Up against the wall, you file swapping felons!!
Should the music industry be allowed to break into your computer and disable it if you trade in pirated MP3s, etc?
:: STARTED BY Hieronymus
:: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:15 24.07.02

America doesn't have a foreign policy
America withdraws funding from UN family planning program because of the relgious right. Its really the continuation of a trend.
:: STARTED BY invisible_al
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:49 23.07.02

Hello peeps - this is v. scary indeed - thank grud for!
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Glandmaster
:: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:47 22.07.02

Question for ya.
Are we being watched? You Decide!
:: STARTED BY Naked Flame
:: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:39 22.07.02

Tribes of Nigerian women attack Texaco!
ESCRAVOS, Nigeria (AP) - Unarmed village women stormed four ChevronTexaco pipeline stations, as protests against the oil giant spread in southeastern Nigeria, tribal activists said Wednesday.
:: STARTED BY Mystery Gypt
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:45 22.07.02

"Youthful Urban Radicalism" to be terrorism?
New Spanish proposal to expand EU anti-terrorist laws to encompass protest movements (at least that's how I see it).
:: STARTED BY w1rebaby
:: 29 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:28 21.07.02

Giving money to charity?
How much money should go to charity?
:: STARTED BY Fist Fun
:: 20 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:56 21.07.02

Compare and contrast - more US "rave" reviews
Two reports from the USG on raves, relevant to the current RAVE policy, with very different emphases.
:: STARTED BY w1rebaby
:: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:06 15.07.02

You Brits and your violence
No summary available
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:10 15.07.02

RAVE Act: new salvo in drug war.
marijuana festivals, drug protests,raves & dance clubs may be outlawed by new Senate bill. "Property owners, promoters, and event coordinators could be fined hundreds of thousands of dollars or face up to twenty years in federal prison if they hold raves or other events on their property."
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:15 13.07.02

Polio. Knock 'em down then build 'em up.
Yes! Let's make some polio! For a laugh, like! Hey, aren't we just the coolest?
:: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:56 12.07.02

Transsexual Wins Right To Marry
"Transsexual Christine Goodwin has won her battle... to be recognised as a woman and to marry under British law."
:: STARTED BY Less searchable M0rd4nt
:: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:56 12.07.02

Boycott of Israeli academics. Is it right?
Is the boycott of Israeli academics an effective and just way to bring pressure to bear on the Israeli government?
:: STARTED BY Lurid Archive
:: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:30 12.07.02

Arms exports - again
UK changes Arms Export controls to appease US
:: STARTED BY Lullaboozler
:: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:07 09.07.02

Maybe Globalization's not so bad, after all..?
Anti-Globalization as a facet of first-world privilege or of solidarity? How can we work for global justice and equity and still live in the first world?
:: STARTED BY Abigail Blue
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:28 09.07.02

Go Chinese Pirates!
Chinese entrepeneurs impinge on intellectual property; defy local, national and international law; and meet a legitimate consumer demand. Piracy appears to be the true heir of the free market in post-state-captalist China.
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:48 08.07.02

Sod off Geldof?
An Ego Too Far
:: 24 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:29 08.07.02

Myra Hindley
parole for myra hindley?
:: STARTED BY Shortfatdyke
:: 36 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:57 05.07.02


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