BARBELITH underground

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Question for ya.

Naked Flame
21:30 / 21.07.02
Lots written recently here about state surveillance and our privacy.

I'd just like to take a straw poll: who here, to the best of their judgement, thinks that we are being watched? I mean watched here, on the 'lith. Are we on someone's list? If we are, did a computer put us there? If it did, will anyone ever look at the information? If not, how did they find us?

I promise not to argue the toss- I just want to see what people think.
21:40 / 21.07.02
We may have had a cop or two surf across. Probably not more than that, if at all, though, because this is not the most well-known site on the net.
03:46 / 22.07.02
There are probably little robots that come by (despite a no bot policy). Barbelith is not a threat to anybody. It would be a waste of time and money to watch us.
rizla mission
15:29 / 22.07.02
Well I think I'll stick with "maybe, don't know" at the moment, but I wouldn't be hugely suprised if it turned to be the case.
Kit-Cat Club
15:46 / 22.07.02
Well, my boss certainly is. Apparently it is a threat to my successful completion of internet research and phoning people - unlike the protracted email conversations about Big Brother which go on within the department. So it is undermining the economy. Also, this is a 'chat site'... oh, to see ourselves as others see us...

(Had to let off steam)
17:05 / 22.07.02
I have to throw in my lot with Rizla on this one- who the fuck knows?
Though I must admit to having felt a little paranoid that time this was MSN (or whatever) site of the day...
Our Lady of The Two Towers
20:25 / 22.07.02
I doubt it. Not in the intent in which the question was asked, not seriously. I mean, everyone knows about how Haus works for the lizards, and Ganesh for the evil paedomedicoconspiracy right? Any other surfers are probably looking for the Pirates/Ninja slash.
21:53 / 22.07.02
Well maybe.
I mean, the police used to pick up zines and suchlike from radical bookshops in the 80s so maybe there's somebody in a room somewhere whose paid to bum around the net all day watching out for "subversives".
They probably would'nt be on here for to long - just scoot on over to the "Squall" website to see whats up..

On a similar note there's Anarcho community space "the Radical Dairy" in Stoke Newington (where I live).They were raided before Mayday and the police made off with their computers.. allegdely for "stealing elctricity" but obviously to look for protest information. They still not given em back and The Dairy's 'lecky is till out.

Just because I'm paranod doesn't mean their not out to get me....
21:54 / 22.07.02
Well maybe.
I mean, the police used to pick up zines and suchlike from radical bookshops in the 80s so maybe there's somebody in a room somewhere whose paid to bum around the net all day watching out for "subversives".
They probably would'nt be on here for to long - just scoot on over to the "Squall" website to see whats up..

On a similar note there's Anarcho community space "the Radical Dairy" in Stoke Newington (where I live).They were raided before Mayday and the police made off with their computers.. allegdely for "stealing elctricity" but obviously to look for protest information. They still not given em back and The Dairy's 'lecky is till out.

Just because I'm paranod doesn't mean they're not out to get me....
Mystery Gypt
21:59 / 22.07.02
why, is there something subversive going on here?
Naked Flame
22:39 / 22.07.02
That's worth a thread to itself, Mystery... did we already have that conversation?

assuming there was, would it make a difference?

They were raided before Mayday and the police made off with their computers.. to look for protest information.

Bit of a dumb thing to break down a door for. What with the stickers everywhere, and it being in the calendar and all.
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