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Profit Over People: The Tax Break Years

Rev. Wright
09:11 / 25.07.02
"Why should ordinary wage earners, often on low income, pay their tax on time and in full when the grandest corporations and the richest individuals are apparently being allowed to get away tax free?" he said. "We're taking from the poor and giving to the rich."

Considering the increase in Government spending that has been mentioned in the last couple of weeks, I'm amazed that this can be pushed through. The workforce will be filling the gap on the missing billions, fucking outrageous.
14:02 / 25.07.02
This "business-friendly environment" mantra is starting to get downright nasty. And just the wording "strategy of appeasement to the multinationals" has me in a cold sweat.

So basically, they are, in as many words, openly allowing corruption because "it's good for the economy".

16:56 / 25.07.02
'Appeasement' has such lovely connotations after Chamberlain, no?
Our Lady of The Two Towers
17:02 / 25.07.02
If you read Private Eye you get this sort of shit every fortnight... (sigh) Look at Railtrack, failed at everything they did, yet given massive amounts of money by the government to try and keep them going then more massive amounts of money to make up for Byers shutting them down for being useless. It's sickening.
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