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Hello peeps - this is v. scary indeed - thank grud for!

23:57 / 19.07.02
Oh Shit!

If this is real its shit scary.

If this is fake I hope I dont live near these guys...

Cheers Ears

Our Lady of The Two Towers
10:05 / 20.07.02
What's making you fill your pants, the web-board you connected to or the government agency they connected to which apart from their funky 'eye in the pyramid' icon to get conspiracy fans twitching seems no different to the kind of crap coming out from the American government all the time now?
Naked Flame
11:50 / 20.07.02
I think it must be the colour schemes.

The DARPA page makes for some pretty amusing reading, actually- I particularly like Project Genoa (I and II) which appears to be a scheme to collate information and manpower in such a way that the US military can reliably and demonstrably find its arse with both hands.

Am I jaded and cynical? Answers on a postcard, please.

Thanks for the headsup, Glandmaster.
13:30 / 20.07.02
i read the words 'refugee reprocessing' please say it's just a prank by geesis p-orridge or someone.
Mystery Gypt
21:03 / 20.07.02
here's an article about john poindexter, who runs the program. apparently he was a main brain behind iran-contra.
Naked Flame
23:41 / 20.07.02
some choice comments (and a full CV) on poindexter in the thread glandmaster linked to, also.

has project Genoa has been conceived with men like this in mind?
Rev. Wright
22:47 / 22.07.02
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