Check out this BBC story, US fund withdrawal 'will cost lives'.
US withdraws funding for UN Population Fund over worries that it encourages china's abortion policy. It doesn't matter that the government report over there recommended that the £34 be given as it had found no evidence the agency was encouraging chinese abortion policy.
But that doesn't matter, the relgious right doesn't like this sort of thing and has campaigned against it. The relgious right vote for bush, so they're important and UN family planning targets aren't.
Is every bit of american foreign policy decided by who will vote for/fund bush? I mean Kyoto, big business says no, America pulls out. Steel tarriff are bad for american steel, so bush gives the WTO the finger, despite the US being the country who set the rules on tarriffs in the first place.
Its the only bit of coherancy I can see in american foreign policy, everything is decided on which of bush supporters it will benefit at the time. Theres no guiding doctine or big idea behind anything.
It almost makes me nostalgic for the cold war. |