Patriot 2 Act
Lionheart asks for updates on the Patriot 2 act.
:: STARTED BY Lionheart :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:23 21.03.03
"Israel did *what*?" and other consequences of the Iraq situation.
Iraq and the Middle East - hotting up nicely.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 27 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:01 21.03.03
Anti-Anti-Semitism. Too long staring into the abyss?
:: STARTED BY Our Lady of The Two Towers :: 22 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:20 21.03.03
Anti-war/News etc links
keeping up with the War: links to useful resources.
:: STARTED BY Goodness Gracious Meme :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:49 20.03.03
Pacifists, do your homework
This thread contains a link for an audio file of a radio show where two guests, an Iraqi immigrant and a feeble pacifist, "discuss" the issues of war.
:: STARTED BY deja_vroom :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:28 20.03.03
Coincidentally - US sends troops into Afghanistan.
Odd isn't it. the same day war is declared, 1,000 US troops are sent into South Afghanistan.
:: STARTED BY Goodness Gracious Meme :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:27 20.03.03
America - NOT a bad thing
Just to balance the scales - America is basically a good thing, and we should be glad of it, however angry we are with W.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:03 20.03.03
And it starts...
Gulf war two has begun...
:: STARTED BY Rev. Orr :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:18 20.03.03
See, Bush is trying to help the environment!
Bush is pro-environment!
:: STARTED BY Slim :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:44 19.03.03
Michael Moore's letter to Bush
Michael Moore's letter to President-in-Thief George W. Bush
:: STARTED BY SecretlyClarkKent :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:32 19.03.03
EU HQ bugged
Bugging devices have been found in the EU HQ in Brussels.
:: STARTED BY Wyrd :: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:48 19.03.03
Pitiless Genocidal Monster of the Week
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Regrettable Juvenilia :: 56 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:27 18.03.03
Why saddam?
sadamm not hussein?
:: STARTED BY Char Aina :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:32 18.03.03
24 Hours and counting...
War starts today? God we all hope not, but it looks like this is going very very badly.
For the Abstract search: iraq, war,
:: STARTED BY Baz Auckland :: 49 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:57 18.03.03
Correspondent: Israel's nuclear programme & Mordechai Vanunu
Announcement, possible debate, of BBC's Correspondent prog this evening.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:13 17.03.03
New US Superbomb
The US has tested it's latest Superbomb.
This just fills me with despair and resigned disbelief.
:: STARTED BY angel :: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:09 16.03.03
The Brand America Project
It used to be a joke, and not really a subtle one: America™, the world's "greatest democracy" reduced to a sales meme of the same order as Burger King or Ben & Jerry's. But times have changed - no? - and the term Brand America is now used without embarrassment or even irony. Branding is the new national megaproject, as serious as the guns-and-ammo war on terror or the quest to inflate a new bull market.
:: STARTED BY H3ct0r L1m4 :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:12 16.03.03
The Best of Times
The upside of the times.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:54 16.03.03
Domestic Security Enhancement (Patriot 2)
Domestic Security Enhancement Act of 2003 (Patriot Act 2)
Protecting our security or removind our rights?
:: STARTED BY LVX23 :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:14 15.03.03
Thanks, Uncle Sam: independent media & correspondents under fire
No summary available
:: STARTED BY trouble at bill :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:45 15.03.03
Fun with billboards
monkeywrenching billboards
:: STARTED BY iconoplast :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:09 15.03.03
Important Info for all Americans
Just a show that knowledge is not necessarily power, but idiots ride... or something like that.
:: STARTED BY Mister Six, whom all the girls :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:31 14.03.03
This mall is screwed
Man arrested in mall for wearing a peace shirt he had made at said mall. Unfortunately for the mall, that man is the director of the Albany Office of the state Commission on Judicial Conduct.
:: STARTED BY Mazarine :: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:05 14.03.03
Woomera detention camp to close
Australia is to shut Woomera asylum seekers detention centre.
:: STARTED BY tommac :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 03:13 13.03.03
Serbian PM Assassinated
just to let you know, considering the importance of this region, assassination and world wars
:: STARTED BY Rev. Wright :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:15 12.03.03
Gross National Happiness
Ricahrd Layard -economics and happiness. What do you reckon?
:: STARTED BY illmatic :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:02 12.03.03
New contenders for worst corporation ever
Can any corporation beat Dow for sheer inhumanity and fuckedness? Nominations begin here...
:: STARTED BY Jackie Susann :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 00:38 12.03.03
Torture, schmorture
Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have denounced US interrogation as torture, as defined by international treaty. But it's okay--they're terrorists.
:: STARTED BY Perfect Tommy :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:12 10.03.03
The ARK II -- Cataclysm
the second Ark, cataclysm, damaged photos.
:: STARTED BY 000 :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:35 10.03.03
National Fronts
On the rights and wrongs of the creations of modern nation states
:: STARTED BY yawn - thing's buddy :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:37 10.03.03