This isn't really news - the government has been winding down Woomera for months now. This seems to be because Woomera had become symbolically central to anti-detention campaigns (ie I'd be surprised if anyone not from Australia could name another detention centre off the top of their head), as per the "human rights groups claim conditions are worst". This isn't particularly true - I think the general perception among activists is that Port Hedland is "the worst", and that all of them are intensely fucked. Literally every detention centre has been "plagued by riots, hunger strikes, break-outs, arson and suicide attempts" (except their have been no break-outs from Baxter, so far as I know).
The shut down of Woomera is tied to the PR exercise/new form of repression that is Baxter, the newest and ostensibly "friendliest" of the detention centres. Essentially, the government tried replacing razor wire with electric wire and even more divisive and decisive inmate segregation as less spectacular forms of immiseration. Everyone's happy! Except inmates, many of whom have done time at centres around the country, and describe Baxter as - psychologically - the worst. Try googling baxterwatch for more. |