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Correspondent: Israel's nuclear programme & Mordechai Vanunu

We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:01 / 17.03.03
Mysteriously moved from a seven fifteen slot last night to eleven twenty tonight, the following:

Mon 17 Mar, 11:20 pm - 12:05 am 45mins

Israel's Secret Weapon

As the United States and Britain prepare to wage war on Iraq for its undisclosed weapons of mass destruction, Israel's nuclear, biological and chemical capabilities remain undisclosed. Mordechia Vanunu has been imprisoned for 16 years for exposing Israel's secret nuclear bomb factory to the world. Vanunu is seen as a traitor in his own country, has been abandoned by most of his family and has spent 11 years in solitary confinement. Today only an American couple who have legally adopted him are among the few visitors he is permitted.

I'll be watching...
Ray Von
14:13 / 17.03.03
I'll be watching to. I turned on to BBC2 to watch it last night but got some American chap talking about Iraq's "Legs of responsibility" and poker games instead!!!!!
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