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See, Bush is trying to help the environment!

20:34 / 22.08.02

Bush must think that we are truly stupid people if he believes that this is a convincing plan to stop forest fires.
20:28 / 27.08.02
I don't think Bush thinks Americans are stupid. (He's way to patriotic to believe that.) I believe he is just the stupidest President the U.S. has had since Harding. Ever?
pointless and uncalled for
20:48 / 27.08.02
Did you think he would propose a plan that didn't involve additional revenue, and what a sweet way to throw a loop round the Canada softwood issue.

Next up, Bush gets his head around the word Potato.
14:11 / 04.09.02
A little bump. Seems Powell was jeered at the Earth Summit today
We're The Great Old Ones Now
14:43 / 04.09.02
I can't say I'm hugely surprised. It was particularly funny when he talked about the US's deep committment to environmental issues, in the face of Bush's statement that 'The American way of life is not up for debate'.

Someone really ought to put the Secretary of State in touch with the President. It looks bad when they don't appear to be in the same government.
15:12 / 04.09.02
Utter thread rot: Actually Powell's the only dissenting voice of moderation in Shrub's hawkish, pro-biz admin. I just think he keeps being hand the lousy job of actually talking to the people who don't contribute to the party and taking the bullets for it. Or in the case of the Israeli/Palestine conflict, sent on a fool's errand without any support. Rumbling rumors persist that Powell doesn't want the job anymore. Can't say as I blame him.
17:10 / 04.09.02
"Hey, it's in Africa. Let's send the black guy!"
We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:26 / 05.09.02
They're not rumours; Powell has stated he will stand down in 2005. See this week's New Statesman.
Baz Auckland
19:10 / 22.11.02
White House Loosens Clean Air Rules

Goddamn, goddamn, goddamn it. The funny bit is that they still call it the Environmental Protection Agency. Isn't that odd?
Eloi Tsabaoth
21:43 / 22.11.02
The only way they could possibly make Bush's role as 'Big Business Gimp-boy' any clearer would be to hold a press conference in which they hand him a big brown sack with a dollar sign on the side.
23:09 / 22.11.02
I'm having trouble reconciling Powell's apparent "only sane person in the Bush administration" role given his past role in covering up the My Lai massacre. But, well, that was some time ago. Perhaps he's learnt better. Or perhaps he's not but he's just not fucking insane.

Whatever - if he's consistently sane then he has to be someone to support.
Baz Auckland
23:44 / 19.03.03
Couldn't find anywhere better to put this, but some good news!

The Alaska Drilling Thingy has been defeated 52-48, so the caribou and whatnot are safe for now:

The Republican-controlled Senate narrowly rejected President Bush's proposal to open Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) to oil drilling today...

The 52-48 vote against a key element of Bush's energy program came despite GOP hopes that the likely onset of war with Iraq over the next few days would reinforce arguments for domestic energy production to help reduce U.S. dependence on foreign oil.

But eight Republicans joined all but five Democrats in opposing inclusion of a go-ahead for the long-controversial Alaska drilling project in the congressional budget for next year under parliamentary rules that bar filibusters.

A proposal to allow drilling in the refuge was defeated last year by a filibuster. Republicans picked up a few votes for ANWR drilling in last November's elections, enough to narrow the margin but not to change the outcome

The Senate Budget Committee's GOP majority attempted to make ANWR a budget matter -- and thereby filibuster-proof -- by including roughly $2 billion in anticipated revenues from bidding on leases for drilling rights in its version of Congress' budget resolution for fiscal 2004.
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