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National Fronts

yawn - thing's buddy
14:07 / 10.03.03
Was wondering how people feel about groups of people demanding their own country.

How should this problem be tackled?

For example:

Should the Kurds be allowed to create an independent state after the Iraqi carve-up?

What sort of credentials are required for such a move?

Is it necessary for a people to have had a country in the past (This would rule out the Kurds, but ratify the Irish position)

If the creation of such a state destabilises a region should it be endorsed or even encouraged? (think Yugoslavia 1990 onwards)

Should global policy begin to move away from the notion of nation states as a sensible way to govern?

Is it reasonable for the neighbouring countries to have a say in how any new adjacent state is created and run?

Man, those Normans sure fucked up our relationship to the land, didn’t they.
14:37 / 10.03.03
I've been wondering that too. Apparently, that's Turkey's biggest fear. If the US/UK carve out a slice of Iraq for the Kurd, then the Turkish Kurds will demand the same.

Should be somewhat easier to sort out than the whole Palestine issue anyway, since I don't think there are any "Holy Land" issues.
Our Lady of The Two Towers
15:37 / 10.03.03
Damn, a very similar situation to this led to the creation of Iraq, but I can't remember the specifics. I know that Turkey doesn't want a Kurdish state as it fears that it would allow the Kurds to mobilise and then attack Turkey, so I doubt we're going to see that after Iraq is sorted. Luckily as the EU is so split over Iraq it looks unlikely that Turkey can hold out for EU membership as their price for letting the US/UK use their country.
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