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The Best of Times

We're The Great Old Ones Now
10:01 / 16.03.03
Okay, so they're not. But consider this:

revolutions and revolutionaries have always thrived in times of turmoil far more than in times of peace.

Accept for a moment that the US is going to attack Iraq, probably without a 2nd UN resolution and with UK support. Also know that the WTO is unhappy about this and about America's unilateralism - an amazing state of affairs. The American pharmaceutical industry's stranglehold on US policy relating to drug patents and the 3rd World has actually raised eyebrows in the WTO.

The organisations, and the economies, which have perpetuated a rotten status quo for the decade since the end of the Cold War are in disarray. The notion of capitalism as an unchained and self-justifying exercise is being questioned even by executives inside the States.

This is a dangerous time. It's also a fascinating one from which wonderful things could emerge. So let's think about how we can help them along, eh?

More to follow.
Regrettable Juvenilia
17:54 / 16.03.03
I'd agree to a certain extent - see autopilot disengaged's post here. One thing that I've noticed, particularly in media coverage of public opinion in the UK about the impending war, is that certain assumptions are being widely challenged in quarters where they had previously been taken for granted. Simple questions, such as why we hold one moral standard for our strategic allies and another for 'rogue states', are being put to the Prime Minister on national TV, and I have really never seen that before... I think that's one of the reasons Blair has seemed genuinely rattled by some of the more mainstream anti-war activity - people *aren't supposed to question these things*, not 'ordinary' people anyway... And the optimist in me holds out hope that the political landscape in the UK could change for the better as a result.

But we shall see. Good idea for a thread, this.
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