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sleazenation, Lurid Archive, Regrettable Juvenilia, grant, Baz Auckland, Jack Denfeld, w1rebaby, STOATIE LIEKS CHOCOLATE MILK, ONLY NICE THINGS, Less searchable M0rd4nt, Our Lady Has Left the Building and Cherielabombe
Legislation by post
Instead of unelected bodies such as the House of Lords and The Queen, how about everyone gets to vote on every bit of suggested legislation by post?
:: STARTED BY Brigade du jour
:: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:16 24.03.05

Different democracies
Looking at the diversity of democracies in the world today...
:: STARTED BY sleazenation
:: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:09 18.03.05

Michael Jackson arrest warrant
An arrest warrant has been issued for Michael Jackson.
:: STARTED BY sleazenation
:: 110 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:02 15.03.05

Political blogging for the Today programme
The opportunity to write a blog during election time for the BBC Radio 4 programme, Today.
:: STARTED BY Olulabelle
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:51 10.03.05

International adoption &, ummm, baby economics.
I read some news about Korea's declining birth rate and steady (or growing) international adoption rate, and it worries me.
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:44 09.03.05

David Blunkett. Sex Pest
David blunkett is a dirty sex pest whos fathered a love child say the tabloids :)
:: STARTED BY Whale... Whale... Fish!
:: 49 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:48 08.03.05

Should Ken Livingstone Apologise?
The row over Ken Livingstone's so-called 'racist' remarks to an Evening Standard employee.
:: STARTED BY Regrettable Juvenilia
:: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:59 05.03.05

The stigma of HIV
Chris Smith has revealed that he has been HIV positive for the past 17 years - does his revelation help highlight the stigma of HIV AIDS? Should he have spoke out earlier?
:: STARTED BY sleazenation
:: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:51 23.02.05

Funny how it's always those "workshy" poor people who are the probelm, eh?
Except this time you don't even get a break when you're sick. Yet another blatant votewinner from Tony at the expense of the vulnerable, otherwise known as "Incapacity Benefit Reform".
:: STARTED BY Nobody's girl
:: 16 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:41 20.02.05

Lynne Stewart Convicted
Is Lynne Stewart another innocent victim of the Patriot Act or an unwitting messenger for violent Islamic fundamentalists?
:: STARTED BY Liger Null
:: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:59 18.02.05

Surveillance, CCTV, and privacy laws...
"You should only be bothered if you've got something to hide" Well...whatever your views on that statement, CCTV in public areas is here to stay, but is it an invasion of privacy?
:: STARTED BY jeed
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:31 17.02.05

Super Size THIS!!! McLibel 2 victorious
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that two environmentalists, sued for libel by McDonalds, should have received legal aid from the government.
:: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:09 15.02.05

Changing the Democrat Party
Methods, tactics and calls to action in an attempt to change the Democratic leadership in the fallout of the 2004 Presidential election.
:: STARTED BY Hieronymus
:: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:19 13.02.05

SpongeBob SquarePants in Homosexual Agenda Scandal!!!
More nonsense from the american right. SpongeBob is 'promoting' homosexuality again! How dare he hold hands with Patrick???
:: STARTED BY the Fool
:: 20 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:31 10.02.05

Bill Clinton as Secretary General of the United Nations?
The far right, and perhaps not so far right, quiver in terror and rage at the prospect of Bill Clinton potentially becoming secretary general of the U.N. Ramifications?
:: STARTED BY Grendel's Mother
:: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:05 09.02.05

A Sensible Conservative
No, it's not a joke. However unlikely it might seem, here's a conservative who actually criticises fanatic devotion to the leader.
:: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:54 07.02.05

US Complicit in Iraqi Oil Smuggling
The war hawks have new gristle to choke on: the US is apparently as guilty as the UN in allowing Saddam Hussein to ignore embargos.
:: STARTED BY lekvar
:: 3 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:24 06.02.05

Bush and illegal immigrants
The President is taking an unusual stance on legalizing illegal immigrant workers. I don't know what to make of it. Do you?
:: STARTED BY grant
:: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:57 06.02.05

Ruth Kelly is new education secretary in Britain.
Member of Vatican group, Opus Dei, is the newest cabinet minister.
:: 37 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:46 31.01.05

Protestor Killed in Genoa
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Jack Fear
:: 64 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:06 29.01.05

Jon Stewart Rips Crossfire a New One
Keywords: Responsibility, media, Crossfire, Comedy Central, Jon Stewart (feel free to move to TV, Conversation, as appropriate)
:: 23 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:22 25.01.05

Colin Powell
If he were to run, could he be supported by both mainstream parties?
:: 19 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:09 23.01.05

The Conservative Party - What would you do ?
If, like Gregor Samsa, you woke up one day to the alarming discovery that you had Michael Howard's job, how would you go about getting elected ?
:: STARTED BY Alex's Grandma
:: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:18 16.01.05

Drug Testing in Schools
So then, how do you feel about the proposed legislation?
:: STARTED BY Spaniel
:: 48 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:47 16.01.05

Have a miscarriage, go to jail in Virginia
Miscarriage reporting, women's right to privacy
:: STARTED BY Cheap. Easy. Cruel.
:: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:14 14.01.05

So where do we go now (but nowhere)?
In the wake of another Bush victory, what does the future hold? Not just for policy, but for the Democratic electorate?
:: 108 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:45 14.01.05

Racism in football
Monkey chants, terrace racism, Dwight Yorke, Spain.
:: 39 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:56 12.01.05

We now interrupt this program to bring you--"The (Falun) Gong Show!!"
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Margin Walker
:: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:39 10.01.05

We have a right to ask difficult questions.
The Case For Fraud keywords: voting fraud e-voting exit polls audit kerry bush electronic chuck hagel nebraska ohio florida
:: STARTED BY unheimlich manoeuvre
:: 14 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:41 07.01.05

Just heard a rumour Arafat kicked the bucket
Rumors reaching my ears that Arafat has croaked it
:: STARTED BY I'm Rick Jones, bitch
:: 12 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:52 07.01.05


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