Having just moved from Texas to California, (I love my Governator), I can tell you from personal experiance, this is what you get when you exspose primitives to the internet. Just when you thought you had isolated the message of hate to the dank and dark corners of Smalltown Amerika, modern technology gives it a vitamin boost from hell, or heaven, or wherever. These people are farmers. Thier lively hood depeneds on stability and continual familial ownership of the family buissness, (i.e. the farm). So when Jerry Falwell says homosexuality is a choice and that God and Jesus hate all fags, you can see that these very stupid, well off people, and yes the poor rednecks and white trash that dont own farms too, are going to act out of fear. Really these ignorant farmers are being taken advantage of by the republicans and the neocons. Niether ahs done a benificial thing for the amerikan farmer for..., well ever. You guys are right to blame the leadership of these groups, obviously stirring the shit pot for fun and profit. But the average joe farmer shitkicker is ignorant. He's just been exsposed to the internet and all of our modern culture, (yes joe, fire IS hot). So don't hate the trusting flock too much, or the red faced hate monger either. Time will take its course, and in the future, we will have evolved into the perfect utopia or whatever dream you nurse yourself on, or we will die and become extinct. But hating won't get us to the former. And now, the rant...
...oh FUCK these assholes and there fundamentalist bullshit. I am so sick and tired of these dipshits being given a lick of fuckin' attention. Who the fuck let these assholes open there fuckin' mouthes, I thought there where laws against this kind of blatant fuckminded shit talking. Who the fuck do these people think they are? They're as bad as Al-Queda, if you believe such a group actually exists. These people are rediculous. And the fucked thing is, they get listened to! These fucks get news stories, yes news stories!, written and recorded about them. Do any of these assholes realize that if your intolerant, it pretty much knocks out from under them the moral authority to condemn the fundamentalists across the ocean? I dont know whats worse, the fact that these fucks reproduce, or the fact that they can somehow form enough of a coherent thought to use the internet. I mean shit, SHIT! FUCK, ah hell... |