Powell is damaged goods, I fear. He has fallen between two stools.
He won't get the support of the Bush machine, because he was insufficiently loyal to the President—and with personal loyalty now more important than patriotism, and with Bush loyalists in charge of the GOP, Powell's going to get the cold shoulder.
The fact of his being a black African-American negro gentleman of color probably sinks his boat, too. Sec'y of State and NSA are appointed positions, remember—I can't shake the feeling that Bush's white Southern base might think Powell "good enough to hire, but not to marry."
And he'll never fly with Democrats because he was too loyal to the President: that stunt at the UN, brandishing chemical vials, the ludicrous claims of mobile chemical-weapons labs—however he may try to distance himself, he got his hands vy. dirty with Bush Administration lies.
An interesting question. I think it would be better served in the Switchboard, though. Moderators? |