Free film - what happened?
Open source collaborative project Free film
:: STARTED BY MsC :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 12:31 19.08.02
Answers to a questionnaire
No summary available
:: STARTED BY captain piss :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:52 16.08.02
New Project Greenlight Soon
Project Greenlight screenplay competition.
:: STARTED BY Ethan Hawke :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:18 15.08.02
Give me yr feedback!
You gimme yr addy, I give you a copy of my zine, you gimma feedback.
:: STARTED BY _pin :: 13 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:31 15.08.02
Remake the world with fashion: Everyone's a superhero, everybody's Captain Kirk.
:: STARTED BY Jack Fear :: 18 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:17 09.08.02
I'm not a poet, but form poems always seem to satisfy me. I invite you to write a sapphic and add it here. Sticking to the exact form doesn't matter. Make something more of it.
Sapphic form (more or less) consists of 11 syllables in the first three lines and 5 in the last, through a combination of three syllable feet and two syllable feet, both with the accent on the first syllable.
try <a href="http://www.public.asu.edu/~aarios/formsofverse/reports2000/page5.html">Sapphics</a> for more.
Good luck.
:: STARTED BY DuskySally :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:26 07.08.02
Appropriate Deaths
Executions where the instrument of death or the manner in which the victim is delivered to their doom is appropriate to their occupation.
:: STARTED BY Saveloy :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:03 05.08.02
INFO-PLEA: Big, big guns for big, big boys
We need guns. Lots of guns.
:: STARTED BY Our Lady of The Two Towers :: 25 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:47 01.08.02
Call of Cthulhu Zine
Putting a COC zine together. Anyone interested in helping down the line?
:: STARTED BY Captain Zoom :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:15 31.07.02
Negative reviews on Amazon. In character or as yourself. Get 'em posted.
:: STARTED BY Spatula Clarke :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:09 31.07.02
The Game
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Wombat :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:59 30.07.02
links to stuff what you wrote.
:: STARTED BY Cat Chant :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:08 30.07.02
Call for Submissions: PLUCKY DUCK COMICS
Contribute to a California comic book anthology!
:: STARTED BY Boy in a Suitcase :: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:46 29.07.02
Call for Submissions: HUMAN GENOME PROJECT
Contribute to a new freakish magazine!
:: STARTED BY Boy in a Suitcase :: 14 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:52 25.07.02
Women needed to participate in photo project...
No summary available
:: STARTED BY that :: 62 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:22 17.07.02
Roswell Screenplay
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Tamayyurt :: 10 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:43 09.07.02
I Palindrome I
Pal·in·drome Pronunciation Key (pln-drm) n.
1. A word, phrase, verse, or sentence that reads the same backward or forward. For example: "A man, a plan, a canal, Panama!"
:: STARTED BY Margin Walker :: 15 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:48 04.07.02
Hand Soap Porn
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Enamon :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:25 04.07.02
Fakeblogproject, collaborators sought
Starting a collaborative fiction fake blog project, searching for collaborators and information.
:: STARTED BY w1rebaby :: 5 REPLIES, LAST AT 10:11 03.07.02
The [insert container] of [horrid thing you don't want a container full of]
You takes a reticule, and you fills it with yeuchh. If a short explanatory paragraph can be arranged, so much the better.
:: STARTED BY Less searchable M0rd4nt :: 31 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:25 02.07.02
Help In Finishing A Line.
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Tamayyurt :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:37 01.07.02
Women Authors
The questionable attitudes of agents...
:: STARTED BY Tezcatlipoca :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:10 30.06.02
Exquisite Corpse - NES style
An exquisite corpse using Atomic Temple's NES comic strip generator. Develop as you see fit. Or not.
:: STARTED BY Ethan Hawke :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:11 26.06.02
Slash Fiction (TJ Hooker)
this is my first time. please be gentle. etc.
:: STARTED BY Shortfatdyke :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:11 26.06.02
I am Jack's Notes
Notes to I am Jack's ...
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:17 26.06.02
ISBN Numbers
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Shortfatdyke :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 17:55 17.06.02
Free Association, Stream of Conscioussness, nonsense, experiment
Comments and continuations welcome. The only rule is that you can't edit. What you type stays on the page. You should write as fast as you can without degenerating into total nonsense, and try to hold onto a sense of reality without second guessing yourself. The post took only slightly longer to write than this summary.
:: STARTED BY We're The Great Old Ones Now :: 19 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:52 13.06.02
The Room
No summary available
:: STARTED BY :: 30 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:20 13.06.02
Give me yr art-fu!
Teach me to draw! How?! I need help and advice and shit like that!
:: STARTED BY _pin :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:09 13.06.02
Comic Writers Online Contest: supernatural crime & blambots fonts
supernaturalcrime.com and blambot fonts are putting on a writing contest. with gritty pulp heroes.
:: STARTED BY grant :: 0 REPLIES, LAST AT 16:06 12.06.02