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Give me yr feedback!

19:20 / 22.06.02
Right. Me and a mate made a zie. It's called the sky is falling in. I want feedback on it.

PM me yr address and we'll send you a copy (it's all free) and then tell me. I have a peverse need to know how bad it is.
rizla mission
17:29 / 23.06.02
I did ask for one, didn't I? I don't remember..
19:23 / 23.06.02
I'd love one, Pin. I can put some in Quimby's, too, if you want. Will PM you.
08:36 / 17.07.02
Thee should start flopping thru peopls doors soon (Pres, yrs will take a few days more because I'm yet to deal with postal employees to get them to send over big water), as they've been sent... So: FEEDBACK! FEEDBACK!
11:43 / 17.07.02
ooh, can i have a look?
Ellis says:
18:39 / 17.07.02
I loved it dude.

You should become a writer, the fiction bits were awesome.
17:52 / 21.07.02
OK, some questions:

First of all: Does it really come across as "propoganda"? One guy (who is, admitedly, a 17 year old Conservative) who read it branded it as such. I'm sure there are people who have a much better understand of the word then me out there, so I'm gonna hold back from comment on it- but is it?

Second: What bits did people like? There seems to be a heavy consensus that the last piece, the fiction, was better then the rest, which I'm inclined to agree with. All the pieces were written in a "Stop making me write! Here! Have something! ANYTHING! Get off my case!" mood, bar that one, which probalbly goes some way to explaining why I didn't just stick a first draft in an email and tell the designer to check for spelling mistakes.

Third: I've been told it comes off as unfinished. I agree- do you?

Fourth: Why does everyone love the envelope more then anything else?!

Five: Please give as much feedback as possible about the design, cos the designer is twitching that no one loves him.

Thank you.
rizla mission
18:29 / 21.07.02
First of all: Does it really come across as "propoganda"? One guy (who is, admitedly, a 17 year old Conservative) who read it branded it as such. I'm sure there are people who have a much better understand of the word then me out there, so I'm gonna hold back from comment on it- but is it?

No. You're putting forward your ideas & opinions, but I don't recall any suggestion that they're absolute truth or superior to everyone else's. Maybe he kind of missed the irony of your describing yourself as Political Commisars..

Second: What bits did people like?

I think I actually preferred the other stuff to the fiction .. which isn't to say the fiction wasn't good too.. but I thought the 'political' (forwantofabetterword) stuff was fucking brilliant..

Third: I've been told it comes off as unfinished. I agree- do you?

Er .. no. Don't really understand that. What are you s'posed to do to 'finish' it?

Five: Please give as much feedback as possible about the design, cos the designer is twitching that no one loves him.

the design was, um, good and cool and stuff. Don't know much about design, so I can't really say more. The occasional pictures/collages are particularly good. Couldn't really fathom that page that just has 's p a c r' written on it though..

Thank you.
18:56 / 21.07.02
Heh. We both lvoe the "s p a c r" page. People keep telling us we missed an "e", or spelt "space" wrong. I personally think it's probablly the single best page in it. It seems... weighted just right. That and first a truth, which does just what I wanted it to do. A one page summary of everything.

We could have called ourselves Action Intellectuals, but then he would have been completely lost. He doesn't appear to have any real grasp of things outside of his own private ENGLAND. It's a bit sad really, but he didn't take the message in at all. It didn't make him go "hmm, there's a new thoght. I'll think about that". He just went humph and said he liked the fiction more. I wanted to make people think! Other then him, most people have tended to say that we "scare them" now. I don't know if that's good or bad. Guess I must at least come off as cleverer then they thought, at any rate.

And all the articles were just a bit rushed, and there are still more thoughts and ideas that i didn't put in the first issue. But maybe the woman (my girlfriend's mother) did know we plan to do more. As a self contianed one-off piece, it's a shitty mess, I'm sure.

And I like the deffinition of "political". Run with it. One of the ideas (did this not come across in it?) was that everyting is pollitical in some way. I don't really belive that, but I do belive that a lot more things are political then people are willing to admit. But mostly in a lazy, conservative way. We put the line "You ake a mistake if you think what we do is anything but political" on the front! That should give something away! (By the way, that's a bastarizing of the Hitler quote at the start of Glamorama, "You make a mistake if you think what we do is purely political")
autopilot disengaged
21:44 / 26.07.02
it was ace. and yeah, i thought it kind of was propaganda - in a good way.

but i would. i wrote and distributed my own 20-page manifesto.

anyway: i'll give you more constructive feedback next time i speak to you i9n realtime. suffice to say: yay! and extra yay!
Tryphena Absent
23:07 / 13.08.02
I stole away a copy lying on a table in the Pillars on Sunday and thought it was really good. Design wise I really loved the envelope and the boxes on art! Propaganda wise I didn't see it, the type in parts reminded me of the Russian constructivist artists (Rodchenko)and as they were very tied in to the communist regime people who know about that probably would have propaganda in the front of their minds.

Having said that this countries been bombarded with centre-right propaganda in the papers constantly for the last 6 months so it's about time we got to read some left wing work. Just carry on, I look forward to the next one!
Less searchable M0rd4nt
18:23 / 14.08.02
Propaganda? Sure. It certainly can't have been information. Information is when the Government spends £3 billion on an advertizing campaign; Propaganda is when you or I make a photocopied magazine and hand it out in a pub.

I didn't like the fiction as much as some of the non-fiction bits. Which isn't to say I didn't like it-- it was dead good. The only part I felt went a bit off the rails was the piece on art, but that might just have been my mood.

The design was super smashing and great, especially the envelope.
18:43 / 14.08.02
The piece on art is, infact, English coursework...

Full mark English coursework, no less.
13:31 / 15.08.02
I really liked it too Pin. Very nicely done. As for propaganda, I'm with Mordant for the definition of that one.

One guy (who is, admitedly, a 17 year old Conservative) who read it branded it as such.

hahaha! And you listened? Shame on you! Funny old world this, they won't let you drink till you're 18, but they'll let you be a conservative.

What bits did people like?

Well all of it really. I did particularly like the opening bit - "a world that is turning slowly, shuffling in awkward pirouettes away from you." Nice turn of phrase.

I liked the "Art" bits also, especially the way they were designed, like they weren't meant to be an essay or anything, but kind of like graffiti on the corner of the page. I don't know much about design, but in general I'd say it worked pretty well. I mean, there's only so much you can do on the printed page, and I thought things were spread out nicely. I loved the "spacr" page. First you see a blank page, then you see the word, then you think it's a typo, then you think, no it's not, and you get this little zen moment where you just stop and go "oh".

Why does everyone love the envelope more then anything else?!

hehe. It's just very stylish mon frer. The public is very fickle you know - it's all about bright colours and flashing lights. And if your book's going to be judged by its cover, then you might as well have a funky cover.
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