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Jack Fear
12:52 / 07.08.02
Perhaps the surest sign that I daydream too much is that I've worked out exactly how I will dress should I ever be elected Pope.

The 20th Century, especially the latter half, saw a huge decline in the state of public costume. The British royal family, for instance, are reduced to their drab military uniforms for state occasions, and even duller suits and frocks for everyday. And as above, so below: the era of the nurse in her peaked cap and white starched pinafore, of the bellhop's brocaded tunic and hat, of the school-teacher's gown and mortarboard, of the waiter's tuxedo—those days are over.

But why should they be? While I recognize this trend as part of an overall trend towards leveling and democratization, I don't want to get into the politics of it here. This thread starts with a recognition that costume matters: superhero comics understand this. In THE FILTH, the agents of the Hand are essentially garbagemen, yet they sport ornate, ludicrous uniforms—not to impress the general populace (to whom they are functionally invisible), but out of an innate sense of style, however misguided.

This isn't about giving people in the shitty jobs nice clothes to make them feel better about themselves, in lieu of proper compensation—this is about recognition for the folks who deserve it, for the people who really touch lives, who really make a contribution, who make society run. If I had my druthers, nurses would wear crowns, schoolteachers would have halos, and waiters and waitresses would sport medals for valor (and they'd all make a million dollars a year, while pro ballplayers pumped gas in the off-season—but that's another thread).

This is the Creation: remake the world. How would changes in public costume make the world a better, or kinder, or more stylish, or more amusing place? Which public costumes would you evolve upwards? downwards? sideways?

Some examples:

Ban the manufacture of dark suits and white shirts: the trading floors of Wall Street would swarm with color, stockbrokers in scarlet and peacock and emerald like a convention of pimps.

In my perfect world, all restaurant chefs would have elaborate, personalized outifits—ever chef an Iron Chef (and every chef would exit the kitchen thrice nightly for a victory lap around the restaurant, greeted by thunderous applause—but that's another thread).

Exchange one uniform for another: dress corporate CEOs in coveralls with the name stitched across the breast (Rupert, for instance).

Taking cues from ancient Greece: Actors would wear masks, crippling the cult of celebrity. Athletes would be naked except for pads and helmets as appropriate: teams would be distinguished by different-colored body paint.

What say you?
13:03 / 07.08.02
Ban the manufacture of dark suits and white shirts: the trading floors of Wall Street would swarm with color, stockbrokers in scarlet and peacock and emerald like a convention of pimps.

I say you should come to the London Stock Exchange sometime. You may appreciate the sheer horror of what you are suggesting more.
13:51 / 07.08.02
It's already that way anyway, and Gursky has photographed it. You can look at his pics of the Toyko Stock Exchange vs. the Chicago Board of Trade for a bit of before-and-after frisson, if you like. At CBOT there's some sort of code whereby the junior traders wear plain (bright) colored jackets & the senior traders graduate to wacky patterned jackets.
Jack Fear
14:22 / 07.08.02
Oh, I fucking give up.
14:25 / 07.08.02
Journalists should be forced to wear ill-fitting, food-stained suits (oh, hang on...) PLUS trilbies with press cards in the hat-band. And long macs.

Police officers, obviously, would wear the same uniforms as they wear now, but in pink. Because they'd love that.

And soldiers should be made to wear their hair in long mullets with the fringe cropped ridiculously short, as in Ancient Greece, so that they are never tempted to run from a fight for fear of their opponent grabbing their hair and slashing their throats.
14:49 / 07.08.02
Well you're never going to make Pope with an attitude like that.
14:51 / 07.08.02
I like the idea. I'd trade my labcoat for an alchemist's robes any day!
But then, I don't work with open flames much...

Evil thought - what should we make the much-reviled metermaids wear? I'm sure everybody's seen the bumper sticker that reads, "Metermaids Eat Their Young," but around here we have 'maids that could swallow them whole.
Jack Fear
15:33 / 07.08.02
Having at first misread the above post, I think metermaids should wear the traditional long fish-tails and brassieres of scallop shells. They could go from car to car in motorized wheelchairs.

Oh, and Persephone? You are so excommunicated, young lady.
16:40 / 07.08.02
I think Message Board moderators should use a furry brown belt with handcuffs hanging from them and fake cattle prods that go "moo" when used. Also they should wear silly hats.
Grey Area
19:04 / 07.08.02
Bring back the gowns for academic staff at all universities, but make them bright, colour of gown to indicate department the academic is engaged in. Include sequins and pimp-style hats, with length and number of feathers indicating rank within each department. Student researchers and Research Assistants are issued shoulder capes, following the same colour scheme as the academic's gowns. The length of the cape indicates how long the student/assistant has been engaged in their research activity.

Both academics and research students are issued with sequin-bedecked staffs of office that double as cattle-prods for moving undergrads out of their way in library queues and corridors.
Jack Fear
19:11 / 07.08.02
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:17 / 07.08.02
Ban the manufacture of dark suits and white shirts

But... but... but... I look so hot in those! And I wanted to turn up to my next cleaning/janitorial booking as a Resevoir Doggie! You just want to spoil my fun, don't you? I knew you weren't my real parents!
Jack Fear
22:29 / 07.08.02
Nah--the ban will only add to the gangster allure, see.

When dark suits & white shirts are outlawed...

...only outlaws will have dark suits & white shirts.
05:20 / 08.08.02
Anime clothes, man. I want t-shirts with shoulderpads and armor plate, brightly colored pants with armored codpieces, and giant kneehigh knobby boots with buckles up the leg. I want elbowlength fingerless gloves with plated knuckles. And I want them to be fucking mandatory. \m/ ^_^ \m/
Grey Area
07:32 / 08.08.02
Jack, it's only when you graduate that you get to wear those wonderful proposal would be to have academics wear them all the time.

Whatever new fashion is to be installed, I demand that hats play a big role. Big, silly hats. Big hats are good because you can equip the insides with pockets and other equipment that's useful for everyday business. People could sell advertising space on their hats as a source of extra income. It would make spotting friends easier. It would create jobs because every place would need a cloakroom or hat-check.
23:13 / 08.08.02
I've been working up a personal aesthetic for a few months, which strangely enough I'm starting to see in store windows, of almost entirely white, with thin bands of complementary colors, like you might find on the side of a late 70's/early '80's van or on the trim from one of the characters from Rainbow Brite. But just a touch. Though I need to find an oriental coat, the kind that button up to the neck with a short, stiff collar, and paint ROYGBIV wings going down the back. Only then would I feel right in carrying a sword.
13:10 / 09.08.02
Butchers: I'd like to see a softening of the butching environment, something to break up the endless sea of meat. They've made a start with the artificial grass that is used as a background in displays, why not take the botanical theme and splurge it all over the shop, starting with the butchers themselves?

The traditional straw hat smothered in fresh cut flowers; coats made from lush, green, slender rhodadendron leaves woven together; aprons made from long, shiny grasses.

The meat they vend should have a dignified funeral, treated with the same respect we afford corpses, ie dressed in the smartest togs. Sausages in dinner jackets and bow ties, or ballgowns and tiaras; chicken legs with dainty patent leather shoes; minced lamb sold by the stocking. (Horticultural conventions can help here too - different cuts, blends and flavours should be named after people. "I'd like a pound of Sir Nigel Gresley and a couple of Miriam Stoppards, please.")
13:46 / 09.08.02
I don't think I need to tell anybody here that bigger is most definitely better, so with that in mind, I think the stock exchange needs to go renaissance.

Gigantic ruffs, unfeasible codpieces, mandatory wearing of unecessarily long swords at all times. Let's see them get all frenzied in the pit when every move brings the danger of losing an eye, or of poking someone with a bigger sword than yours in an unwelcome place.

Hopefully this would even liven up the finance pages, because it just won't be possible for journos to keep their minds on the latest stock prices with such a fury of slashaliciousness going on beneath them.
14:17 / 09.08.02
Children and Teenagers: spoilt, label obsessed, cocky little bastards who need taking down a peg or nine. Not only should they wear a school uniform but an out-of-school uniform too. A hessian sack with holes in it is no less than they deserve. If they must express their individuality they can decorate their uniform with fabric paints and bits of felt.
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