I'm compiling two publications this summer that I thought this group of heads might like to help out with (I started another thread for the other publication, HUMAN GENOME PROJECT.) They are mostly being staffed and filled with my local cronies, but should have LOTS of space for non-local contributions, and I figured Barbelith would be the first place to start.
The first publication, code-named "PLUCKY DUCK COMICS," (until I think of a better name) will be a regular-sized comic book, printed on sub-par paper stock of course, stacked at about 40-50 pages depending on how many contributions I get.
This is a chance for experienced cartoonists to do some good, concise serial fiction, as well as a forum for completely new artists and writers.
The print run will be somewhere in the area of 5,000 copies, depending on how many ads I can sell for it. Publication date is tentatively set for July 28, because not only do I want to distribute it across Santa Cruz and the Bay Area, but I also want to bring several stacks down to the San Diego Comic Convention, the biggest comic convention in the world, which runs August 1-4. Not only will your work end up in the grubby hands of Everquest players and "Gundam" obsessives all across the convention floor, but copies will also make their ways before the eyes of lots of industry professionals and editors (hand-delivered by me–I'm trying to play this one off to get a job), many of them employed by the great AOL/Time Warner behemoth. So this is your chance to get noticed or hopefully even more famous than you already are. This is what I need for the comic:
1) Short stories in comic format, from 1-6 pages long, no color, done on 8 1/2" by 11" computer paper.
2) Stories must be completely self-contained–no "to be continued."
3) Stories can be done by a single artist/writer or an artist and writer team or however else you want to do it; I am more than willing to hook up artists and writers myself for this project, so if you are one or the other and need a partner, e-mail me. Personally I am available to illustrate other people's scripts, and would like other people to illustrate mine.
4) Artists who have previously worked with me will be familiar with the "computer shading process," which involves artists drawing only in closed-shape line-art (no cross-hatching or hand-shading, only clean black lines) so that I can scan the art in and shade it with the paint bucket in Photoshop. This makes everything look about five times as professional. However, you're more than welcome to do your own shading, computer or otherwise, as long as it looks just as nice.)
5) If you're planning on doing a comic, e-mail me with any questions, and also just so that I know a comic is coming so I can reserve space for it.
6) All submissions are due by June 23; pages should be scanned at 300 dpi, grayscale, and mailed to me in TIFF format.
If you're interested, respond here or email me at jlouv@cats.ucsc.edu
This might be a good space to arrange inter-Barbelith collaborations.
Thanks in advance and looking forward to working with anybody who wants to work with me! |