Things you wish your parents had given you
Material things you want to inherit or genetic traits that just didn't make the cut into your phenotype.
:: STARTED BY Tuna Ghost: Pratt knot hero :: 35 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:54 23.07.04
A British Superman? John Byrne and Dick Van Dyke
Why do all US portrayals of UK citizens, end up so shite?
:: STARTED BY Joetheneophyte :: 73 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:00 23.07.04
Let's write a rock epic
A 1 line per post rock songathon
:: STARTED BY Harrison Ford, in a battle suit, wheels for feet, knives and guns :: 185 REPLIES, LAST AT 09:21 23.07.04
Best junk email subject lines...
Junk email subject lines: sick, funny, downright weird.
:: STARTED BY that :: 109 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:01 22.07.04
Help writing word puzzles
Please help me think up a few simple word puzzles. Actually, I'm lying. I don't want help. I just want you to do it for me because I'm terribly frustrated and I suck at this.
:: STARTED BY HCE :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:02 22.07.04
Oh good lord
The King of Pop is excepting a litter.
:: STARTED BY Ethan Hawke :: 21 REPLIES, LAST AT 04:02 22.07.04
RIP Paul Foot 1937-2004
Left-wing campaigning journalist in premature demise shock. Death *really* isn't fair.
:: STARTED BY Bed Head :: 8 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:22 21.07.04
Looking for a new favourite Vietnamese restaurant in London...
Finding pho...
:: STARTED BY MsCirmish :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:28 21.07.04
Crabby mcgrumblepants
to tantrum or not to tantrum, to complain or not.
:: STARTED BY bitchiekittie :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 02:58 21.07.04
Your favourite topics...
Help a newbie. Give advice on the best underground topic so far. Every suggestion will be greatly appreciated...
:: STARTED BY Andric :: 2 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:54 20.07.04
Dyson Flash for Attention
Yet more Flash entertainment, oddly enough by the hoover-kings at Dyson...
:: STARTED BY Tezcatlipoca :: 12 REPLIES, LAST AT 15:52 20.07.04
Weird voicemail non-messages
gibberish from nonexistent phone numbers? Read about mine, tell me about yours.
:: STARTED BY gravitybitch :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 22:49 19.07.04
Fucking Firewall!
Help a retard.
:: STARTED BY bio k9 :: 6 REPLIES, LAST AT 18:58 19.07.04
Petals Around the Rose
A superb game that's been knocking around geek circles for years. But it's a fun game for everyone - it requires no specialist knowledge. Try it out.
:: STARTED BY ephemerat :: 93 REPLIES, LAST AT 06:49 19.07.04
The Lateshift: Its just like confetti for your brain
Oh come on, if you dont know by now. We sit around, talk. No big whoop.
:: STARTED BY Saint Keggers :: 396 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:43 19.07.04
Are you there, god? [PICS]
Talk to god.
:: STARTED BY No star here laces :: 7 REPLIES, LAST AT 03:08 19.07.04
Sharing birthdays with famous folk
bit of light fluff about who you share your birthday with and how you feel about it...
:: STARTED BY adamswish :: 23 REPLIES, LAST AT 05:20 18.07.04
It looks like I'm God, apparently
For reasons I'll go into, this may or may not apply if you're name's not Dave.
:: STARTED BY Alex's Grandma :: 9 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:32 17.07.04
So I have this photo ...
Advice needed: Post silly photo on blog? Or not?
:: STARTED BY Catjerome :: 22 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:42 17.07.04
The Barbelith Mission Impossible Game.
Your mission (if you choose to accept it) is contained in this thread. Canadian Lither's may be one step ahead but anyone can play and there's a prize and everything.
:: STARTED BY Olulabelle :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 19:32 17.07.04
How will you make your first billion dollars?
Get Rich Quick Schemes: The Good, the Bad, and the Ludicrous.
:: STARTED BY lekvar :: 11 REPLIES, LAST AT 01:58 17.07.04
I'm going to have an epileptic fit.
A new spectator sport.
:: STARTED BY Less searchable M0rd4nt :: 84 REPLIES, LAST AT 23:24 16.07.04
Livejournal - cross- posting from Blogger
A technical fix for Livejournal users who don't want to use livejournal.
Holiday in London
Any suggestions for activities in London for a poor provincial on holiday?
:: STARTED BY Axolotl :: 12 REPLIES, LAST AT 13:36 16.07.04
To work perchance to dream of other ways to work or not to work (even better). When you're growling into your coffee, what course of action do you imagine taking?
:: STARTED BY No star here laces :: 28 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:11 16.07.04
In which we walk sideways and scuttle about, eventually ending up being salivated over, boiled alive, and stuffed cruelly into the Gaping Maw of some Fat, Sweaty Corporate Fuck.
Happy Birthday.
:: STARTED BY VonKobra,Scuttling&Slithering :: 27 REPLIES, LAST AT 21:10 15.07.04
Good Morning Barbelith!!! Version 2.5!
Now better than ever!
:: STARTED BY Spyder Todd 2008 :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 14:08 15.07.04
Do you want to be an evil bastard?
evil bastard
:: STARTED BY Jack Denfeld :: 50 REPLIES, LAST AT 11:11 15.07.04
It's St Swithin's Day!
40 days of rain on their way. At least up north.
:: STARTED BY Sax :: 4 REPLIES, LAST AT 08:23 15.07.04
A Game for Everyone
No summary available
:: STARTED BY Slow Monday :: 1 REPLIES, LAST AT 07:12 15.07.04