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The Barbelith Mission Impossible Game.

21:42 / 16.07.04
Track down Kwendecentral and get the Barbelith Wandering Notebook back.

Last know location and name:
There is some confusion about this. Baz Auckland gave Kwende the book in person a while ago. His real name is apparently Kwende (Baz may know his second name but this is unlikely since he only met him once) and he was last located in Mississauga, Ontario. Other clues to his whereabouts can be found fairly near the end of the Wandering Notebook thread.

I am still thinking about that. But there definitely will be one.

Other info:
a/Let's not just all go "Oh well" and let the Barbelith Wandering Notebook die in Mixtape fiasco form. Let's GET IT BACK in true comedy fashion.

b/This thread will not self-destruct in 5 seconds because if it did then no-one would be able to play the Barbelith Mission Impossible Game.

c/Kwende, if you are out there, you are also eligible for the prize if you return the book.
21:52 / 16.07.04
Oooh, and googling 'Kwende, Mississauga' (at least in UK Google) might help someone who knows more about Canada than I do.
22:21 / 16.07.04
There are extenuating circumstances regarding the whereabouts of Kwende, but those involved have been reluctant to post about it, possibly due to issues of Kwende's privacy.
flufeemunk effluvia
23:03 / 16.07.04
Do we get to use burlap hoods (Pentagon Style) if we find him?
Bed Head
23:16 / 16.07.04
May: Aren’t there always? Extenuating circumstances, I mean. I don’t think anyone here is interested in reading posts about the whereabouts of Kwende. Just in securing the whereabouts of the book and getting the thing moving again. Everything else is None Of Our Business. I don’t need - or want - to know any personal details May, but if you are indeed aware of the circumstances surrounding this disappearance, then do you know whether the book is coming back to us anytime soon? Or should we simply forget all about it?
00:13 / 17.07.04
I didn't say anyone was interested in the whereabouts of Kwende. But if the whereabouts of the Notebook is in question then, and it is indeed with Kwende, his whereabouts would come into play, right? As far as it stands, only he would know if it is with him and if it is not, only he would know of the whereabouts of the Notebook ATM. How do people suppose tracking the Notebook down without trying to make contact by learning of Kwende's whereabouts should go? People have already tried emails and PMs. Should we try to find out his address via internet? Or his home phone number? This behavior seems a little sketchy to me. I think people should be very careful, here.

I do understand people are cheesed about this, but I think we should have a little perspective and watch ourselves as we proceed. I would like to see some suggestions about how to go about this without the possibilty of encroaching upon Kwende.
00:42 / 17.07.04
I just thought of an idea that may help as a solution to future collective projects. Perhaps divising a buddy system so that everyone is accountable to at least one other 'lither at a mor personal level. It may result in some people being excluded as it's only drawback that I can think of at the moment. I just thought of this, it may be feasible as a solution to ensure the whereabouts of projects. The difficulty with Kwende, is no one seems to know who he is or has ever had contact with him previous to the exchange. Having that kind of connection would have been very helpful.
Baz Auckland
01:51 / 17.07.04
It might also be helpful to restrict the rest of THIS notebook to posters who appear with some regularity... it would be bad to exclude people, but we can always start another notebook including them?

Kwende's full name (as found by google and it's in his email addy in his profile) is:

Kwende Kefentse

.. his number is unlisted in the phone book. But! If worse comes to worse, by the end of August, he should be back in Ottawa (as according to him, and his profile) he's a student at Carlton University there. Odds are by September he'll be checking his school account again...
Baz Auckland
01:52 / 17.07.04
...and so this seems less sketchy, if anyone finds out any info about his whereabouts or ways of contacting him, they can just PM me instead of posting it for all eyes to see...
Our Lady Has Left the Building
13:02 / 17.07.04
How about we all dress in black suits, get a black helicopter, then when we track them down abduct them in the middle of the night and fly them to a secret replica we've made in the woods of Camp X-Ray where we can electrocute their genitals and make them have sex with dogs until they say they're very sorry and won't do it again?

Then we invade Wales for kicks.
8===>Q: alyn
19:11 / 17.07.04
Barbelith is Hell.
Grey Area
19:32 / 17.07.04
Whatever you do, don't let Von Kobra/Kustom Kar Kommando see that plan...we'll be up to our eyeballs in disemboweled Dai's, burning monoliths and greased leather. And could we delay the invasion until after LithStock? I'd like to be able to camp in a lush countryside, not a barren wasteland.
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