Here's game for you all to try. You may solve it extremely quickly. Or you might not. You are allowed the following items of information:
1. The game is called 'Petals Around the Rose'.
2. The name is significant.
3. For each dice roll there is only one answer.
4 The answer will always be an even number.
SPOILER REQUEST: IF YOU HAVE PLAYED THIS GAME BEFORE, OR YOU SOLVE IT, BE A TRUE POTENTATE OF THE ROSE; DON'T SPOIL IT FOR OTHERS (if someone gets really upset and baffled by it we can always help via PMs).
I solved it fairly rapidly, many don't. Often those who don't are extremely talented and intelligent individuals, and some go so far as to state that the longer it takes you the smarter you are. Hm. When you've worked it out there's a great article about it here, describing Bill Gates and a whole bunch of Comex staff being utterly baffled by it. Very amusing.
Right then, Barbelith, let's see how you do with this, then... |