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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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19:40 / 30.05.07
I feel very strongly we need to to stick to the firm time requirements.

19:50 / 30.05.07
I'd add the caveat of saying if you send CAG an email with intent to submit art ( email by 5/31 not art) that might be an option.

Sounds fine to me.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
20:53 / 30.05.07
Well, I already submitted intent to offer painty goodness--could I have a smidge more time?
Sibelian 2.0
21:23 / 30.05.07
Have just e-mailed off pics! 4 totem pics! Abstract very soon! VERY!
21:28 / 30.05.07
Okay by me. You did already indicate you were going to do it after all. Hurry though! If we keep the momentum going lickety split we might even publish early, the more stuff we get in early the more we can do in advance. A wave of stuff just on deadline (3 months away) will mean longer delays while it gets sorted, get to work people! Get it in early for extra chocolate rewards! We should have a special thread praising those who submit early and make them special hats!
21:29 / 30.05.07
X-post, Sibelian thank you- the abstract doesn't have to be too detailed.
Sibelian 2.0
22:00 / 30.05.07
... and there goes the abstract.

Sibelian 2.0
22:04 / 30.05.07
The time on that post is wrong. It should say "12:00".

Why is Barbelith 1 hour ahead of GMT?
23:31 / 30.05.07
Oh and I believe the clock goes through 31/5/07 (or for us crazy Americans 5/31/07).

So the buzzer only sounds for things after midnight on the 31st.
09:36 / 31.05.07
If you say you have until June it sounds like ages, if you say twelve hours, not so much... BTW did we get 'lula's abstract yet?
09:43 / 31.05.07
...or justrix, wombat, checkmate? I get confused with screen names and real names, I'm going to check this thread again and poke those who may have forgotten, and try to tally the Daves with the DynamicPazazznames in my brane.
10:46 / 31.05.07
yes plus I haven't moved everything to the repos that's new this week. Everything that has a star in the email account is new to be added to the repos. I should get them all moved over this evening.

CAG please check your project email (that's your personal address you gave me) for the suggested schedule for abstract wrangling and reply back to me.I've only heard from Quants.
10:56 / 31.05.07
Do we know roughly how long before feedback is issued? Only as a rough guideline I know people are busy with work and life as well.
11:17 / 31.05.07
Feedback=abstract wrangling. Tentatively between a fortnight and a month at most.
08:24 / 01.06.07
I half thought this thread would ring at midnight or something like that.....
08:52 / 01.06.07
I only smacked the Aetheric Bell I'm afraid, your astral ears are clearly not attuned. Aural attuning available from for only $49.99 per session.

Right! Phase one went smoooothly (/Zim), now we move on to the next step in our plan for inevitable global domination, writing the articles! GET TO WORK!
09:38 / 01.06.07

An astral whip? Crumbs you CAG guys are prepared.
johnny enigma
13:19 / 05.06.07
I'd just like to say good luck to all envolved in this project and that I'm looking forward to reading it.

I'm expecting great things of you lot..........
14:33 / 05.06.07
Ok so all the abstracts are in the repos and feedback emails will start being sent out.
Please don't discuss the feedback in this thread as it is considered private.

Art will soon be up on a private website for review of contributers (authors, artists, and journal volunteers) . Again we won't be discussing the art or abstracts in thread but in emails and PM's for privacy.
14:34 / 06.06.07
CAG: Please check your personal email.
12:59 / 02.07.07

Ummm, I'm a little worried, there was an email saying feedback would be sent out... and I sent one back shortly after saying I hadn't had any, and I still haven't heard anything... what's going on?

Is feedback proving trickier than expected? Have I missed something? Has my email address decided to ignore messages? And how come the thread has been sooo quiet?


I've been mostly offline for the past 2 weeks and don't know when that will stop, but I'm always hopeful when I do get online at a friends that there'll be news...
14:29 / 02.07.07
I'm not sure why your feedback didn't get to you Halo, I'm sending it to you again (also one other person).
The thread's quiet because everyone's busy writing their piece... AREN'T YOU?!
16:57 / 02.07.07
Quant is made of TEH WIN.

Yes...writing..supposed to be...where's mah desk at?
08:53 / 09.07.07
Hope everything is good with everyone, let us know if you have any questions or need any reassurance. Art voting soon, you'll get detailed feedback on articles as soon as we get the first draft, then we can bash it into shape (hello production team) and have a launch party or two.
electric monk
11:31 / 09.07.07
(hello production team)

Hello to you. And speaking of the production team: I'm slowly piecing together a template for the articles. I'll be in touch with some production notes and such soon. Could our production people raise hands for a count?
13:03 / 09.07.07
emonk, I have a handy speadsheet of volunteers broken into groups. I have CAG, Proof, Edit, and Layout categories.

I think you are after the Layout Patrol who I have listed as:
emonk, feverfew, MattShepherd, and ghadis.
electric monk
14:52 / 09.07.07
Most excellent! Thank you. I'll PM soon, peeps!
06:34 / 10.07.07
let us know if you have any questions

Yes, why did I think it was a great idea to write the first draft on paper instead of typing it?

Ah well back to typing.......

I have to say each day I get more excited about seeing the book finished and printed. I know it's going to be brilliant.
08:45 / 10.07.07
I know it's going to be brilliant.

Yes. Yes it is. I can't wait for you all to read each other's articles, they're great.
electric monk
16:22 / 10.07.07
I started putting together a list of parts for the journal. In my head, it works out like this:

1. Wraparound cover
2. Intro page/Copyright info (Title and info on one side, Copyright and legal schtuff
on the other)
3. Table of Contents
4. "About the Contributors" section (if we want it)
5. Introducion (again, if we want it and someone wants to voluteer to write it)
6. Articles

Which raised a few questions for me, namely:

1. What do we want on the back cover besides the ISBN and bar code? Does someone want to write some descriptive, flowery copy for this?
2. Do our authors and artists want to provide a small bio for the "About..." section? Do we feel this is a necessary/desirable addition to the Journal?
3. Is Lulu still the publishing venue of choice? Other recommendations?

That's just off the top of my head.

Working on a PM to the Morlocks (Layout Team). I'd like to thrash out our processes a little, so that we can report back and hopefully hit the ground running when the first of the finalized articles become available. We'll report on Morlock-y concerns once we've had a chance to chat. My goal is to send that PM out by end of day today (once RL work is cleared from my plate).
16:44 / 10.07.07
Sweet. I don't think we want contributor bios, but we do need blurb on the back.

Lulu seems the obvious choice to me, publishing on demand of some form or another.
14:32 / 12.07.07
Art request...

I'm realizing I'm a bit overwhelmed with tasks atm and keep pushing this back. I have server space to host a site but am lacking time to make thumbnails and place the images on pages etc...

Is anyone able to take the images and create a website which I can then host for the vote? doesn't need to be fancy just needs to be organized enough so people can vote by ref to the image. All links need to be relative so I can tweak it for the server.

If no one is up for it I can possibly find the time next week but it will be pretty basic.

20:37 / 12.07.07
I can help you with that, XK. If you still need help let me know.
00:49 / 13.07.07
13:04 / 13.07.07
I'm just your standard non-Temple-affiliated lurker, but I wanted to say I'm pretty excited by this project and looking forward to seeing it published. And if there's one of me, there's probably more! If you see what I mean...

Thanks to all involved.

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