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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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13:56 / 20.08.07
is art vote time. You get art vote linkage emonk?

Sept 15th is the article due date but as they come in beforehand I'm feeding them into the Editors' work queue. In a digustingly organized way I'm also tracking where each article is in the workflow so we can hand everything off to Layout.

A Brief Content Assessment Group Statement:

As has been discussed in this thread, the project's aim is to produce a high quality collection of work grounded in personal experience. Abstracts have been submitted and feedback returned, however much can change in the process of writing the articles.

When an article is received by CAG it is examined for content. Usually this means clarity of presentation (can we understand what you are trying to say) and does it meet the criteria of the Journal (practical information the audience can apply). Every effort is made and will be made to help authors reach these goals. This may require several rounds between the author and CAG.

The articles are then handed off to the Editors for further refinement. The author's project contact information is given to the assigned Editor to allow for communication regarding the nuts and bolts of style versus clarity.

/End Content Assessment Group Statement

Ok so as you might have imagined there are some questions that pop up around the above process. You may have more but here are a few and what I currently have for answers. Please view this as a collective decision making process. I'm not handing down the Law rather I'm trying to present to the group the structure we have collectively agreed upon.

1. What happens if CAG doesn't approve my article?

While every effort will be made to assist the author to produce an article both parties are happy with there is the potential of disagreement. This would require the members of CAG having the same concerns and the author deciding not to make the recommended changes.

As it is the duty of CAG to uphold the standards of the project the article would be rejected. Again this would happen after every effort was made to reach a mutually acceptable product.

2. What are the standards I have to reach anyway?

For CAG approval the article needs to have a clear goal and arrive there. It may be a recipe like approach using personal experience to outline how to perform a magical act. It may be an examination of personal practice to offer the reader deeper insights into an obscure tradition (personal or collective). Or it may be exploring how an author applies their magical philosophy to their lives. The key is the reader needs to be able to understand the objective of the article and the author needs to construct it in such a manner as to deliver the goods.

Potential problems might be inaccessible language choices, main topic derailed by too many tangents, unclear topic objective, and failing to present how the author uses or the reader may use this information. Included would also be the hot buttons of Barbelith and the Temple: lack of citing sources or giving concrete examples, and hand waving theory ungrounded in detailed actual practice.

An article with these problems will NOT be rejected out of hand. The author will be asked to change the problematic areas and suggestions/feedback will be given to assist. Only when the author decides not to apply the suggestions will rejection become a possibility.

2. How are Editors assigned?

We have three kickass volunteer Editors each with different skill sets. Articles passed by CAG are handed off based on Editor availability and special ninja/pirate skills. So it's a bit of who has not got a giant pile on their desk and who is more likely to be a good match for the author's specific ninja/pirate needs.

I'd like to say as an author submitting an article to CAG I fully expect to get a few rounds of suggestions because of where my personal skill level as a writer lives. I expect even more rounds with the Editors because of my poor grammar. Yet I do not fear rejection because I'm open to suggestions and willing to rewrite my work to achieve the standard to the project. I know it isn't a 'zine I can get into just because I sent something in.

Ok so does this seem transparent enough to everyone and are y'all cool with it?
electric monk
14:47 / 20.08.07
That all looks fine to me.

And No. No art vote linkys in my emails. Please send it when you can. I'm dying to see the artworks!
16:21 / 20.08.07
The artwork is wonderful (and many thanks to Inky who helped me to get onto the site!)
16:33 / 20.08.07
Glad you made it in!

mostly we should thank the artists and Medulla for the site. I'm just the door person/ ticket taker.
electric monk
17:12 / 21.08.07
A very public and very heartfelt Thank You to tha Inkwitch for the art-site link, and to Medulla for the art-site setup! Lots of beautiful work on display, everyone. Can't wait to get my digital mitts on 'em.
17:18 / 21.08.07
yeah when the votes is done I'll send you the originals sent in to CAG for Layout.
19:18 / 21.08.07
is this something i should have, cuz i don't.
19:25 / 21.08.07
you didn't get an email link to the art site grant? I thought I saw you were all contacted up?
21:28 / 21.08.07
I didn't get a link to the art site either. Am I missing something?
20:44 / 23.08.07
^Thank you for the Content Assessment, Inklet.^

It is very clear. I hope I can meet the requirements.
17:51 / 28.08.07
as I'm currently wading my way through my own article I can say it looks a bit sketchy right now and I think I may give the other CAG members a ringing headache. Not to mention the Editors...

How To Compress Your Entire Practice Into A Few Short Paragraphs.

It doesn't help that a big piece of my practice just shifted over and I'm trying to incorporate that into the old stuff.

I'll stop complaining now.
14:24 / 29.08.07
It's ok Inky, I feel nervous about some poor CAG person trying to get though my piece especially with my grammar. It's down to this being the first time of doing something like this I guess.

Still three cheers for all involved....

Hip Hip...Hooray!
Sibelian 2.0
15:24 / 29.08.07
...and there YOU are.

Jolly good!
22:24 / 29.08.07
Sorry for my quietness, I started a new job and then went on holiday for my partner's birthday and was camping in a tipi far from teh internet. I'm doing my article for sure, and don't you people worry about the poor CAG patrol, we're made of grit and can take anything you write, bring it on. Quickly!
00:10 / 30.08.07
Remember Quants we pushed the deadline out to Sept 15th back in June.
04:21 / 30.08.07
Sorry for my quietness, I started a new job and then went on holiday for my partner's birthday and was camping in a tipi far from teh internet.

Identical. Literally, it was my partner's birthday and we were camping for a week. My new job—my first full-time job—is proving to me that 40 hrs a week and two internships and various writing projects, as well as a committed relationship and some activism work starting up recently, is a little bit much for me to manage.

I work at a synagogue now. You can guess, if you know from Jews, how busy it is right now.

I start my MA project as soon as the High Holy Days are over.

All this is to say, CAG, I don't think I can make it. I'm tapped out. I'm sorry. I sent in my (very rough) article but any editing work is going to put me right over the top.
08:30 / 30.08.07
...and there YOU are.

Jolly good!

Ever thought of a hedgehog totem DB? I was walking back to my house less night and there was a hedgehog sitting on the path with that sort of expression on it's face.
09:20 / 30.08.07
we pushed the deadline

Good thing too or I'd be late, but it's still only two weeks! I'm going to attack the CAG over the next few days too, and get through my million various emails etc.
Holidays make so much work.
Sibelian 2.0
10:42 / 30.08.07

Arch - YES.

The toteming will return. I have had to give a rest for a while as it;s a relatively focussed, involved activity requiring time and solitude, sometimes for several days, and my summers are rarely like that... This summer in particular has been a blast of intensely wonderful fun, involving all sorts of new things, with the possibility of yet more stuff cropping up on the horizon which I will "SQUEE!" about later, so I'm going to have to be careful and plan carefully and not spread myself too thin.

I have a picture for you. It's not the right size, I'm afraid...

PM you later...
14:05 / 30.08.07
I am now intrigued.
14:30 / 30.08.07
my article just grew another tentacle, you know like in the above CAG statement where I said to watch the tangents? Yeah.

I'm just going to let myself go where ever with it and then edit it down. sure the power of an Outline is great and all that but I keep ending up in all of these great tangents that...I should really not spend so much time with. Le sigh.

It feels like after years of not writing term papers the dam has busted and all of these mad capped foolish ideas are pouring out. I just spent an hour researching the impact of Hollywood movies on educating/biasing people. while that's a great topic, it's not my abstract.

12:39 / 31.08.07
Exciting news!
First article to get an Editor pass went through the pipe to Layout!


Need more art votes...anyone not get the link by now?
PM me your email address!
12:43 / 31.08.07
I'm in the process of re-thinking my article and pencilling in re-writes (you would think I would learn and do this all on my computer but meh) if Zippy is snowed under I could see about possibly writing it into mine, if Zippy is happy with that? Of course Zippy gets last say on what I do.

If that would help....... Just offering.
12:44 / 31.08.07
First article to get an Editor pass went through the pipe to Layout

Of course this is bound to be the said article........
electric monk
16:56 / 31.08.07
I can confirm receipt of the FIRST ARTICLE!
22:24 / 04.09.07
I hereby request this thread...

bee in motovashunal tiem naow?

Bust out the cheerleaders and posters. Please.

I have 2/3 of a first draft staring at me and it really isn't the coherent wonderful piece I had hoped for. Plus, (cue violins) I'm sick.

so we're getting into the home stretch and I say we bust out whatever we can to propel our collective asses across the finish line.

02:42 / 05.09.07
That front tire is lifted, isn't it? Hoo boy.

I mean... C'mon! you can do it! I'm rooting for you! Write that article! I can't wait to read it!
02:42 / 05.09.07
Coherent and wonderful, by the way, comes in the editing phase.
electric monk
03:07 / 05.09.07
Zippid is wise.


Remember the Golden Eternity is yourself.

- Jack Kerouac (who is also wise)
12:32 / 05.09.07
we got 10 days right? I should totally be able to pull this off.

12:53 / 05.09.07
Dude. I am facing the article from the wrong end, take heart that I have yet to type anything and have a sequence of bits of paper & notebooks so far to show for all my thinkage. I have no doubt at all I will have it done , and if I can do it you certainly can.
13:05 / 05.09.07
13:45 / 05.09.07
13:59 / 05.09.07
wait is this whinging because there actually is effort happening versus whining in which there would be no effort?


Pieces of paper, yes. Two of them with lots of words that don't quite make any sense.
I'll rollup my sleeves and go back in, just for you Quants.
15:28 / 05.09.07
I'll rollup my sleeves and go back in,

You better had, whiny, OR ELSE!


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