Yeah, there's a couple of contributors who aren't, have never been and probably never will be barbelith members. If anyone has a problem with the rebranding and doesn't think its a good idea, there's nothing stopping them from posting their argument here.
I think it makes a lot of sense though as it brings a more forward looking attitude. I'd like to edit more of these anthologies in the future, but probably now under the auspices of LN rather than Barbelith, so from that perspective it makes sense to just create the LN brand now, rather than do Barbelith Vol 1 then Liminal Nation Vol 1 further down the line. Whilst all of the Journal CAG members are actively involved in Liminal Nation, it's a bit misleading to talk about who is/isn't a member of that board, as it hasn't been opened yet and is still very much in development and beta testing.
As I said upthread, I'd find it difficult to write an introduction for Barbelith Temple Journal 1 that didn't read like an epitaph. Not because of the quality of contributor here, but because the technical and administrative burdens of this place have made it so frustrating that it's been necessary to create Liminal Nation in the first place. If we did it as Liminal Nation Journal 1, I could write an introduction that showed how that new forum (and its publishing arm) evolved directly out of Barbelith Temple. I'd write it as a short history of how Barbelith began as an Invisibles message board, then evolved into something else, with specific emphasis on the temple forum and the culture and values that developed there, and how all these factors gave birth to the new project that is Liminal Nation. |