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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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10:23 / 25.02.08
Oooh! Excellent idea.

Liminal Nation also has a really interesting sound.

Will everyone who contributed end up at Liminal Nation? If so I can't see a problem with it as they are very compatible!
10:48 / 25.02.08
Re:branding, I'd have no objection to separating the book from the word 'Barbelith' to excise any Invisibles connection and it would help launch LN. I'm moving house and have no internet at home right now but will do what I can today to tie up any loose threads and get everyone up to speed.
Gypsy Lantern
11:11 / 25.02.08
I think there's a good argument for it, not least of which because it helps us leave behind the whole Invisible thing, and makes the book seem like a forward looking prospect, rather than something mired in the late 90s. It will also help me to write the introduction in a way that doesn't read like an epitaph...
Gypsy Lantern
11:15 / 25.02.08
Also, I think the bulk of the contributors whose peices have been accepted are already on Liminal Nation. I think its pretty acheivable to work towards getting the book and website ready for launch around the same. How exciting would that be!
11:25 / 25.02.08
I think that sounds a great idea for the reasons above. We can, once the book is printed, organise book launches if some folks want to pull together to buy the books for it across country or at least where we all are.
Gypsy Lantern
12:50 / 25.02.08
I'm already having conversations about self-publishing and distribution options - but haven't got anything definite sorted out yet. I'm going to see if its plausible to self publish and distribute according to the DIY model that Dreamflesh and Strange Attractor uses, rather than opting for vanity press - sorry, "print on demand" – options like Lulu. If that happens, it'll likely be published and distributed from the UK - which makes sense cos this is where I am and where the bulk of the contributors are based.

This route will likely require an initial layout of funds to buy the print, and we may have to look into ways of raising that money, but we should hopefully be able to at least break even on it. I think there is probably a wider conversation that needs to be had about setting up LN as a company for handling stuff like that, but lets focus on getting both of these things (journal and website) pushed through the production process towards something less embryonic before we get too mired in discussions around that.
14:52 / 25.02.08
I'd say that 90% of contributors are from the UK and it will almost certainly be published (at least initially) in the UK.

Oh, hell.

Well, I'd been doing the initial copy editing from a US perspective, just because Americanisms tend to be more invisible to me. I can switch hit, but the things I've passed will have to be VERY CLOSELY proofed for American style.

Although... whether or not it's published in the UK, where will most readers be?

In terms of marketing, I think there's actually a strong argument for rebranding this anthology "Liminal Nation vol. 1" and tying it in with the launch of the new website.

Sounds fine to me.
14:55 / 25.02.08
What about the ones who aren't yet invited to Liminal Nation? Maybe you should/could ask them if they mind? I think it's probably a good idea to rebrand it Liminal nation, but it's a bit weird assuming that contributors who haven't yet been asked to join will be okay with that.

Also how will that affect the rest of us who are invested in it, or in some way helping with it, but who have not got anything to do with Liminal Nation? Presuming you'll continue the publishing conversations over there?
13:48 / 26.02.08
It really shouldn't matter much, Lula. It is nice of you to be so considerate and inclusive, but aren't there contributors who were never even a part of Barbelith in the first place, anyway?

I am not a part of Liminal Nation and I am not bothered by the fact I am contributing to this. For me, I am just happy to be a contributor and to be writing something that is not deemed as bunnyfluff.

Not quite sure how others feel about this, but I think it would be nice if there could be a Barbelith mention somewhere so that the connection could be made; as Barbelith does have that household name (albeit, subcultural households). Or possibly a joint mention? "Barbelith Temple and Liminal Nation Presents". Hmm, Too confusing? As I said though, I am not too concerned over it.
Gypsy Lantern
14:09 / 26.02.08
Yeah, there's a couple of contributors who aren't, have never been and probably never will be barbelith members. If anyone has a problem with the rebranding and doesn't think its a good idea, there's nothing stopping them from posting their argument here.

I think it makes a lot of sense though as it brings a more forward looking attitude. I'd like to edit more of these anthologies in the future, but probably now under the auspices of LN rather than Barbelith, so from that perspective it makes sense to just create the LN brand now, rather than do Barbelith Vol 1 then Liminal Nation Vol 1 further down the line. Whilst all of the Journal CAG members are actively involved in Liminal Nation, it's a bit misleading to talk about who is/isn't a member of that board, as it hasn't been opened yet and is still very much in development and beta testing.

As I said upthread, I'd find it difficult to write an introduction for Barbelith Temple Journal 1 that didn't read like an epitaph. Not because of the quality of contributor here, but because the technical and administrative burdens of this place have made it so frustrating that it's been necessary to create Liminal Nation in the first place. If we did it as Liminal Nation Journal 1, I could write an introduction that showed how that new forum (and its publishing arm) evolved directly out of Barbelith Temple. I'd write it as a short history of how Barbelith began as an Invisibles message board, then evolved into something else, with specific emphasis on the temple forum and the culture and values that developed there, and how all these factors gave birth to the new project that is Liminal Nation.
Gypsy Lantern
14:17 / 26.02.08
There's loads of production stuff I want to follow up in this thread, and I owe emails to both Grant and Monk about their respective bits of this, but I am totally swamped between this, Liminal Nation and my day job at the moment. I'll be back on the case with the journal stuff as soon as I've passed a few fast approaching work deadlines. I think I'd prefer to keep production updates in this thread though, rather than migrating them over to LN, as LN isn't really open for business yet and I'd like to retain the transparency that we've had so far on this project.
14:30 / 26.02.08
I could write an introduction that showed how that new forum (and its publishing arm) evolved directly out of Barbelith Temple.

Works for me! Awesomeness.
15:52 / 26.02.08
Sounds good here too.
Less searchable M0rd4nt
09:41 / 28.02.08
Sounds groovy to me, not least because the word "Barbelith" currently makes me want to puke.
07:38 / 26.03.08
Hopeful bump!

Just wondered how it's going on.
13:09 / 20.04.08
*pokes thread with a stick*

Just wondering, how's this going? I'm resisting looking over what I wrote because I have a suspicion I'll want to change it now... the more time passes, the more I learn! If I do look, making minor changes or adding in footnotes is probably not feasible now is it?
Gypsy Lantern
08:44 / 21.04.08
Three articles have been laid out.

Five articles - including yours - are with Grant for copyediting. I'm not sure if he has found the time to do any of these yet, but once they are copyedited they will be passed to Monk for layout.

Three articles are still with me. I'll read them and pass them onto Grant - and onwards into production - as soon as the current bottleneck moves on a bit.

It's a bit slow going I'm afraid, mostly because I think everyone involved is balancing it with the demands of a day job; and I'm also currently dividing my time between this project, getting the Liminal Nation board up and running, and working on my own book. It will get done though.

Grant and Monk: How are things going at your end of this?
Gypsy Lantern
11:38 / 21.04.08
Just checked my emails, and another two articles have passed through the copyediting stage and been sent onto Monk for layout.
electric monk
12:04 / 21.04.08
Gots 'em both. I will pass them on to Papess and Matt later today.

It's a bit slow going I'm afraid, mostly because I think everyone involved is balancing it with the demands of a day job; and I'm also currently dividing my time between this project, getting the Liminal Nation board up and running, and working on my own book. It will get done though.

The Hardest Workin' Man in Showbiz, ladies and gentlemen! Best of luck with your tome, GL.
17:10 / 20.01.09
!bump! for news...
17:21 / 20.01.09
Now that the LN site is up and running, I believe the plan is for this to become more of a priority in 2009.

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