I think I've gotten myself updated on the progress of this exciting publication, but bear with me if I've missed anything. I am most interested in the visual aspects of this book, since I have no doubt of the intellectual quality of the writing that goes on here, and also, because I fancy myself an artist.
It might be good to remember that we were initially inspired by a very powerful comic book, the fusion of art and prose, and to underestimate this medium would be a disservice. But of course, I understand the desire to keep illustrations relevant and of high quality; hopefully any doubt can be remedied by effective communications between writers and artists.
So, without becoming completely verbose, I would like to propose myself as an artist of some type of magic related comic section for the publication; one might be tempted to debate the effectiveness of comics as a nonfiction medium, or to quickly think of Grant Morrison and Alan Moore...but instead try thinking of R. Crumb’s collaboration with Harvey Pekar, only this time Harvey is invoking Captain America as some righteous god form to defeat a corrupt CEO or some other real life story of awesomeness you guys might have.
I don’t want to talk about myself too much, but I’ll link you to this proto-beta-digital-moving-comic-dealy (that requires Flash to view some animated panels ((click the little play button))) (click the left or right side to go backwards or forwards respectively, and the writing is quite lame, I know). Jeez, sorry that is so complicated just to show a sample of me comics:
the comic
So, perhaps I should start a new thread about this, but can this idea work with the publication? And who wants to throw some ideas around? I’ve seen a bunch of other really talented visualists around this board, as well as some really intelligent/freaky/interesting/awesome thinkers, so if we started really, REALLY collaborating, well... |