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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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18:23 / 21.05.07
So far 3/5 CAG have submitted abstracts. I may just be heel dragging to the wire.
13:48 / 22.05.07

Remember submission ends at the end of this month!
14:04 / 22.05.07
I believe there are 3-4 abstracts plus art we are waiting to receive? I'm comparing what we have in the repos to what people have stated in this thread and elsewhere to generate that number.
14:09 / 22.05.07
I'm looking forward to seeing what the CAG have to say on my abstact.
Sibelian 2.0
14:35 / 22.05.07
14:54 / 22.05.07
ah thanks I've put in a mod request for the spelling.

17:06 / 22.05.07
Note to self- hassle off-board contributors
electric monk
19:34 / 24.05.07
This round of art submissions doesn't include cover art, does it? Just making sure.
19:39 / 24.05.07
yes it does include cover art! All art! Everything that is in needs to be in by the 31st!
electric monk
19:40 / 24.05.07
Glad I asked then. Sending something shortly!
19:40 / 24.05.07
though now after breathing....

It doesn't have to be all gussied up and with words cover art. I'm sort of assuming when we do the art vote we'll collectively pick the cover. the text and what not can be done in layout, yes/no?
electric monk
19:54 / 24.05.07
Liger Null
14:19 / 28.05.07

I regret to say that I won't have a submission for this volume, due to too many other commitments. The deadline kind of snuck up on me.
19:08 / 28.05.07
The deadline is over three months away, all you have to do is send an email to* with a brief description of what your article will be about. Then you have three more months to write the piece, no worries.
Send an abstract! It only takes three minutes! Barbelith needs YOU, dear reader, to tell us you want to be involved! It costs nothing! You could get rich and famous! People will read your work and tell you you're great!Your soul will go to eternal paradise if you do! All your dreams will come true! Sexy people will want to go to bed with you! Money will fall from the sky into your lap! You will have flying dreams! SEND US YOUR ABSTRACT!

*(did we mention that? That's in case anyone missed it, that number again,
11:35 / 29.05.07
The deadline is over three months away,

*scratches head*

I am a little confused by this. I thought the deadline was the 31st of May, for abstracts and artwork. Where did 3 months come in?
11:43 / 29.05.07
I am a little confused by this. I thought the deadline was the 31st of May, for abstracts and artwork. Where did 3 months come in?

The deadline for abstacts and artwork is the 31st of May, the deadline for actually giving over your article is in three months time.

At least that's how I have read it.
11:46 / 29.05.07
People will read your work and tell you you're great!Your soul will go to eternal paradise if you do! All your dreams will come true! Sexy people will want to go to bed with you! Money will fall from the sky into your lap! You will have flying dreams!

My needs are simple....chocolate and alcohol, but I guess they come under 'dreams coming true' part.
12:09 / 29.05.07
Yup, that is correct, the looming deadline is for abstracts 'n art, then we have another deadline for the finished pieces three months later. Chocolate liqueur and ten points to house archabyss.
13:56 / 29.05.07, completely polished work by August 31, right?

I am guessing there is some tossing back and forth of the articles between the CAG and author, for proofs and edits. Is this correct?

Maybe this is obvious to others, but I have a question about resolution for the artwork - what should it be?
14:05 / 29.05.07
I think the Layout Patrol team will have to chime in about resolution?
electric monk
14:26 / 29.05.07
Your artwork needs to be 300 dpi for best results, Justrix. Are you scanning a drawing or creating computer-generated imagery?
14:27 / 29.05.07
Leading by semi crappy example, I just emailed in my abstract.

Sibelian 2.0
15:38 / 29.05.07
Send an abstract! It only takes three minutes!

OH! I thought it was the whole article by May 31st.

Cough. Purposeless procrastination.

But you'll be wanting full, proper art by 31st? Yes?
16:18 / 29.05.07
Are you scanning a drawing or creating computer-generated imagery?

Thanks, monk.

I am doing a computer generated image, so I will adjust my settings. I wanted to do this ol' skool, analog, but I am way too slow. Actually, I am using the cgi to assist me in my hand drawn version.
16:41 / 29.05.07
But you'll be wanting full, proper art by 31st? Yes?

Yes please!
19:41 / 29.05.07
But... just checking... no illustrations until the article is at least some way towards working? Are the illustrations for articles being voted on? And do artists need to be approved for the illustrations in advance?
20:03 / 29.05.07
AFAIK, all art needs to be submitted by the deadline this Thursday. All art will be voted on by all the people participating in the project. Illustrations included unless they are specifically diagrams required by the article.

So to me an illustration *Required By An Article* (I'm going to call it a diagram) is not the same as a creative free standing piece which maybe used to represent the article.

So it maybe more helpful to divide it by saying all art including illustrations in by 5/31 vs. all diagrams either by an author or working with an author which maybe submitted with the finished article.

diagram: a schematic or technical drawing of that shows how things work or how they are constructed

What say you people? Is this clear and fair?
This Sunday
20:11 / 29.05.07
Sounds reasonable (says someone who's not submitting art, but trying to arrange some this-is-how-it-works illo).
13:39 / 30.05.07
I'd allow a bit longer for artwork I think. Partly because you can't do an abstract for it in the same way, and partly because I don't think we've had that many art submissions yet...
14:19 / 30.05.07
Thank you for bringing that up, Quantum!

I do agree with you, and that is why I mentioned using thumbnail sketches or mock-ups initially, if just to get an idea of the art that is being submitted. Much in the way that an abstract gives one an idea, but does not convey details.
14:33 / 30.05.07 also allows more time for people to liaise over the illustrations (two people take four times as long to procrastinate) and it would be a shame to exclude them.
15:04 / 30.05.07

I'm sorry but I don't think we can leave the door open without a set time limit for art. For example the website of work needs to be put up and the vote needs to happen.

The deadlines went already for the art so honestly I think we need to stick to it. I'd add the caveat of saying if you send CAG an email with intent to submit art ( email by 5/31 not art) that might be an option.

The cat herding is difficult enough with the vote for all work I feel very strongly we need to to stick to the firm time requirements.
15:05 / 30.05.07
..and actually we got a truckload of art submitted.
15:17 / 30.05.07
Something sent. Nothing groundbreaking—I'm more attached to the proposed response/collaboration idea than to the article. If it sounds dull, by all means, leave it out.
19:32 / 30.05.07
Ohmigosh...the deadline! A truckload of art! This is getting really...intense. I love it.

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