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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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19:53 / 23.04.07
Not to speak for anyone else but I'm reading this as the desire to avoid people talking out of their asses and using shiny words that sound good but deliver nothing of value.
20:34 / 23.04.07
Hey! My shiny asswords will enlighten you puny humans!
I mean, yes, apophenia is right as is everyone else- writing from experience is best, I think Talks to Strangers phrased it pretty well.
Doc Checkmate
21:59 / 23.04.07
Hey! My shiny asswords

"HEY! MY SHINY ASSWORDS!!" will be my new berserker cry as I throw myself into battle... or just something to say on dates to break that awkward silence. God I missed this place.
13:09 / 24.04.07
Can I get an Edit Patrol person to the Wiki post I just chucked up there?

Make my Ass Words Shiny

Also if anyone has problems with what I posted there please lemme know. I sourced this thread for all the info but, you know...
13:30 / 24.04.07
So these be the peeps I have info for:

grant (Proof/Edit)
betty woo (Proof)
monk (Layout)
feverfew (Proof/Edit/Layout)
invisible_al (Proof)
matts (Proof/Edit/Layout)
id (CAG/Proof/Edit)
quants (CAG)

I need Gypsy and TTS's off board contact info for CAG.

Anyone else who threw in upthread for a Patrol Team please PM me your off board email for this project and what task you are in for.

Currently it looks like there is support for trying out the fancy software option for wrangling this thing so I'm going to set up for us to play with.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
13:32 / 24.04.07
Any rejected articles will be returned with an explanation for the decision.

With hopes of resubmission? Or as a final decision?
14:43 / 24.04.07
Members of CAG will contact authors to discuss any concerns or suggested areas of improvement for submitted work.

The above is about working with folks who have their heart in the right place but need some prodding. So that would be resubmission to me.

Any rejected articles will be returned with an explanation for the decision.

Considering our guidelines and the willingness of CAG to make suggestions/work with people, I'm thinking rejection is in order for work that let us say clearly falls outside of the lines.

them lines being:
All acceptable work for the publication will reflect the standards of respect, tolerance, and thoughtful presentation. We are asking for work on the topics of faith, magic and mysticism, bodywork, and applied psychology

that make more sense?
The Ghost of Tom Winter
14:46 / 24.04.07
Apparently I can't draw conclusions. Thank you for clarification.
14:49 / 24.04.07
no worries it may need to be edited to be more clear.
15:13 / 24.04.07
Regarding Artwork:

At the abstract phase of written work, perhaps artists might be allowed to hand in quality thumbnails? I was thinking it could help to match up articles with art. It might also alleviate any painfulness with regard to rejection. (I am terrible at thumbnails, myself, but it may be useful for some artists who are time pressed, but wish to contribute.)

Although, as an artist or a writer (and practitioner), taking the attitude of this as a learning experience would be a healthy attitude, whether chosen or not - IMHO.

Chin up!
17:00 / 24.04.07
Well 'Trix I'm not sure if a finished piece can be judged by a thumbnail. I also want to stay away from constraining artists to have to work in relation to articles. I guess I'm trying to avoid people illustrating articles because unless the author and artist are working together it often times feels really forced. I'd rather not hitch artists and authors unless they want to collaborate.

Do we want artists to submit a portfolio piece to represent their style instead of thumbnail?
17:44 / 24.04.07

For hats in the ring article/art wise I've culled this here thread and gleaned:


Doc Checkmate
The Ghost of Tom Winter
Saturn's Nod
rosie x
Gypsy Lantern
Imaginary Mongoose Solutions

Liger Null

Anybody I missed or spoke too soon about?
I know there are some off board sumbission for articles coming down the pipe as well. At least 3 I know of personally.

Say the magic number is around 20 articles of various lengths, we cool?
I'm not too terribly worried about cost at this point as we have some donors lined up.
That said, do we have a guesstimate on pricing to produce the beastie? Or do we need a solid page count first?
17:54 / 24.04.07
I'd say that's a bit hazardous, putting the focus on the experiential/first-hand stuff. Stops simple, but vital articles, such as science-and-magick (or in magick), or ruminations on 'why do people do X'. The critical articles, I suppose, versus the memoir-esque. I'd argue that both are necessary and beneficial.

Yeah, I would agree, I’m not trying to exclude articles with a more factual flavour. It’s just that in magic, I feel the key factor in all the most compelling writing I’ve read has been experience – “I did this, and then this happened. Wow!” I felt Generation Hex suffered from a preponderance of “well, this is how you do magick” articles, which then didn’t redeem themselves by offering up anything new or unique – this uniqueness might have come about if the author’s had been willing to ground their writing (thanks, Saturn’s Nod) in their experience.
electric monk
17:59 / 24.04.07
I guesstimated on Lulu earlier (they have a handy calculator): A 6"x9" book of 350 pages costs about $12 to produce. That's BW interiors with a full-color cover. Lulu looks like a one-stop shop for our desired distribution plan, and their FAQs are super-helpful.

OBTW, I PM'd The Fool earlier, and ze's up for contributing artwork. I think ze'd be a great candidate for article illios, if we're still considering that. I asked hir to chime in here when ze could.
This Sunday
18:05 / 24.04.07
I was halfway-volunteered for an article, in a thread (polarities of gender) back in the Temple. But, yes, I'll try and knock out an abstract sometime in the next few, regarding the magick of naming things and the dangers of binary lockdown. If I can work out how to depersonalize it enough to work for well, the large amounts of people I'm apparently incapable of communicating what are to me basic concerns/perspectives. If not, it'll be a very personal abstract, and anyone can feel free to bounce or take as they so decide.

Also, I believe Z. deScathach, has something in the works.
18:29 / 24.04.07
MAUAUAHAHAHAH! Egg-shalent Agents!


Justrix brought up an important point about bracing for critique and even rejection. While everyone's voice is valued we all have to be willing to listen to feedback to pull this thing off. I for one *know* the proof copy edit team will probably hand me back a red pencil marked up article. It's something I can learn from if I suck up my pride.

It's really important that you consider how you will emotionally react to feedback from the community. This isn't about popularity... this is about quality control.

If we look at our community we can see compassion and investment in each other's work. That's what we're sourcing here.
This Sunday
18:35 / 24.04.07
I'd like to smooth that over a bit by reminding everyone that they can feel absurdly justifiably put out with the adjustments, criticisms, and commentary, and still capitulate to get it in print. Also: that's why God invented STET. And then invented the roundfile as a balance.
19:04 / 24.04.07
You're looking for artists right? I'm available.
21:01 / 24.04.07

Liger Null

No, no! I'm included in the Art list and I certainly don't want to contribute Art. I don't even think we should have Art in this issue, other than a cover. I obviously didn't explain that very clearly. I also think Justrix should write an article, but that is personal opinion.

I personally would like to write an article about psychedelic magic, as I said upthread, because that's what I know about and practice. However, one problem I have is with the illegality of this. For example, is it okay to talk about the home cultivation of illegal plants or allies?
Saint Keggers
21:26 / 24.04.07
For example, is it okay to talk about the home cultivation of illegal plants or allies?

As far as TBTP:V1 goes, I think it'd be fine. But as to what you want to admit to in writting??? Your lawyer may think differently!
21:28 / 24.04.07
Kegs is wise.
21:28 / 24.04.07
Well yes, there is that, but I also may not wish to publish under my real name!

It's a serious question though, because it has consequences for the journal and for me. It's why I don't write a great deal about the specifics on Barbelith.
21:46 / 24.04.07
If you submit it to the and supply another name we will have no idea who it is from. Which is grand with this sort of thing. Just don't link it to your board ficsuit in anyway.
This Sunday
21:49 / 24.04.07
Speak in hypotheticals. We're all on enough to make our own interpretations, right or wrong.

(And have illustrations.)

But don't leave the evidence trail too thickly. Unless you're Hunter Thompson, his advice about putting it in the open to avoid legal condemnation probably won't work too well.
22:29 / 24.04.07
I'm happy for any and all contributors to use pseudonyms as they see fit. I'd prefer people to have the option of how much information to disclose or not, with the default being none.

I was thinking about bios, little 'about the author' bits, and then I quickly realised I didn't want them. Let's not. They always read as contrived and pretentious to me, I think the work should speak for itself and people can put links at the end of the piece if they want.
Go to to find out more!
23:18 / 24.04.07
I've also been thinking that Temple threads are a fertile garden of inspiration for articles- the maladaptive thread, love spells, misogyny in the occult, cultural appropriation etc see the Temple Barbeclassics thread.
betty woo
11:34 / 25.04.07
I may be up for submitting an article - right now there's something based around my recent work with constructing a drapo (voudoun flag) for Legba bouncing around in my head, banging up against ideas of sacrifice, placing solo work within a tradition's historical context, and the general evolution / history of the drapo - but I'm not quite sure if it'll come together into anything useful.

The Temple threads have some fantastic information, but they'd need a fair bit of editing to transform them into a coherent article-type object, with re-ordering and removing extraneous comments. Were you thinking about having contributors use them as a springboard for new articles, or reworking the threads themselves for inclusion? I imagine the later has some tricky issues around getting permission from everyone involved to reprint their comments.
11:54 / 25.04.07
Definitely as inspiration or a springboard, trying to use the actual threads wouldn't work.

OK, it's a week until people should start submitting abstracts by my count. If we need more CAG people Decrescent Daytripper has volunteered, so we're looking good on people power (BTW, put proof/edit next to my name on your list XK, I enjoy that sort of thing).

Get writing people! HUP!
14:02 / 25.04.07
Oh and to be extra super clear, we want people to mail abstracts to to keep this thread for discussion.
Except Saturn's Nod who's already put an abstract here, ten points to Team Saturn for promptness. (BTW SN, I'd say skew your piece toward magic and it's looking good. The down side to a scientific style is that it's very cautious, everything has to be watertight, which this doesn't have to be- I'd like to hear personal views on your integration of scientific method into your practice for example)
18:31 / 25.04.07
Is this going to be published eventually?
18:42 / 25.04.07
You may want to read the Wiki to get an overview of the project.
20:35 / 25.04.07
Okay, sent the first half of my article.
23:42 / 25.04.07
It's fucking fantastic!

Will have a think on it and send you (via email) some pleading for areas of expansion after the other CAG have a looksee.

Will go get off my tuckus and make the repository now.

Other CAG members:

Please enter into dialogue with each other and then offline with the authors. No reason to each tell the poor folks the same thing over and over again. Confab then inform!
08:21 / 26.04.07
Glad you like it. The other half will be all practical stuff - not how to do it, but what I did, and what happened. I might be able to supply some photographs of yantras to illustrate the article.
09:54 / 26.04.07
Cool. That's good example of why illustrations are useful for some, and it'll be great to have some yantras in the book because they're beautiful.

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