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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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13:35 / 13.07.07
that rocks Medulla!

PM your email of choice to get the images and I'll send 'em over to you. I appreciate your help!
electric monk
17:13 / 17.07.07
Layout Patrol (such as it is) is hammering out the template. We should have a working model soon.

Is everyone clear as to what we're looking for in artwork from a production standpoint? If not, I can offer some general info. This issue is not relevant until we vote on art, of course.

In the meantime: Ghadis to the octarine courtesy phone, please. Ghadis to the octarine courtesy phone.

(My heart is soaring with excitement over this project, BTW.)
17:28 / 17.07.07
Medulla is kicking ass on the art -> voting site deployment.

Quality wise after the vote the selected images can be emailed straight from the CAG account to the Layout peeps.

I'd like to suss out here in thread our collective feelings about standalone art, article illustrations, and diagrams.

It is my opinion that diagrams are the essential visual reps of something being discussed in the article itself, illustrations compliment an article, and standalone work is what it says on the tin. I bring this up because I believe we have a mixture going up on the voting site.

(which reminds me I need to poke Roy with a stick about his diagrams...)

I had a stress/anxiety dream about a paper being due for class and now I realize it is my own brane yelling at me about my promised article. do you know how confusing it is to try and do an outline while dreaming?
17:33 / 17.07.07
15:57 / 22.07.07
Flickr is teh broke for me. Sorry about the delay.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
16:36 / 23.07.07
I want to apologize for my lack of involvement with this project. I had some (what I thought) great ideas that I was very excited to contribute, namely a synopsis of memisis and alterity within the realm of magic. I felt that I couldn't give the project my full and wonderful attention after vacationing and study in Europe for a month.
But I am quite excited to read this thing. How's it faring? Any completed articles yet?
And of course if you (collective) need any assistance within anything regarding the journal I'm more than willing to assist.
12:34 / 24.07.07
I haven't completed mine but I am trying....damn writer's block and paranoia!
12:57 / 24.07.07
I have to wrangle myself to start writing so don't feel bad. I've mostly been running around like a nut and haven't had a great deal of sit down time. Thus the term-paper-is-due stress dreams I imagine.

thanks to Medulla's spectacular efforts, the art voting site is being eyeballed by CAG to make sure it is ready then we'll email out the access info to all the project members.
18:12 / 24.07.07
Speaking with editor voice: THINK OF WHAT YOU'RE WRITING AS A ROUGH DRAFT.

Stop being paranoid about making it perfect. That's someone else's job. Just jot down the right ideas in something like the right order and words that people can understand.
10:39 / 25.07.07
I'm more paranoid abut what people will think about what I have written contents-wise rather than it being perfect. Guess it's only natural. :~
09:44 / 28.07.07
I'm lacking the internet at home so I'm probably going to have to duck out of helping with proofing as I can't do the back-and-forth easily, so I can't guarentee I'll be useful in that role. Still planning/writing my article though! Failing all else I can email it from a public computer, so it will arrive even if the internet isn't fixed at home. This is also the explanation of my lack of contribution on here, for which I'm sorry.
16:08 / 29.07.07
It all sounds amazing.

I'm sorry not to be contributing (which is why no abstract) but I got so busy I've nearly eaten my own leg with the stress. Life is being hectic for me, but Mix is writing his and is all on course and fine.
22:27 / 06.08.07
Hey all
Just got back from holidays and i'm afraid i'm going to have to check in and check out from helping with the project. To be honest i've just got so much stuff i need to get on with in my life at the moment it's scary so helping out with the production stuff is a bit much for me. Sorry about that guys but i'm sure something fantastic will come of this and i'm looking forward to it!! Sorry!!!!
06:49 / 07.08.07
I'm nearly at the end of the first draft (Yippee!) so hopefully I will be emailing it to the CAG by the end of next week at the latest for feedback, critism and

The time has really flown on this project.
17:52 / 07.08.07
Paging Editor Patrol...

Finished articles proofed by CAG ready to be handed off with more incoming.

I'm currently thinking the best bet is to email forward the articles to grant. Does this seem ok for Editor Patrol?
08:16 / 08.08.07
Hoping to get my piece finished today. Will email soon as done.
13:20 / 08.08.07
Yes. We might should work out a good markup system - I suppose highlighting in Word would work - if you want to have a look before or after I do for corrections, so we'll know who suggested what and why.

Or, I (and is this just me?) can just go in and tweak prose, then submit back to whoever's in charge, who can then submit back to author for approval.

That's probably easiest.
14:29 / 08.08.07
I know I've not been checking in much. Now, worse yet, I go away for ten days. I return on the 20th. Sorry, folks.
20:01 / 09.08.07
Ok so here's the current deal:


we will pick 6 images for inside and 1 cover.
everyone involved in the project gets to pick 6 images plus 1 cover. Images with the highest number of votes win.

I will be *emailing* out info to the awesomeness that is our art site and Medulla was kickass enough to set up for us this weekend. All votes VIA EMAIL go to CAG for sorting.

***Votes need to be in by the end of August!!***


Editor Patrol is go with articles being first eyeballed by CAG then sent on to these fine folks. The author and the CAG assigned Editor will discuss the piece, work on it, and send a finished version back to CAG. It then goes to Layout Patrol, then to Proof and final Author final approval.

17:06 / 10.08.07
There are 4 articles in CAG's hot little hands. (Live things, Roy, GL, and Archabyss)
Can I get a status post from all other promised article writers? Anyone know they are not getting it in?

I'll start by saying that I should have a draft into CAG by the end of next week.
08:48 / 11.08.07
My article's still in progress; it should be done in time.
This Sunday
09:21 / 11.08.07
Wrestling with some last-minute ethical concerns in mine. Should have it into y'all within the next few days.
15:49 / 11.08.07
I was sent in by email a September 15th due date. What is that?
14:58 / 14.08.07
Any answers about the September 15th due date?
06:35 / 15.08.07
I believe the 15th September date is the deadline for first drafts but I'm guessing with some of the first draft articles being popped in that XK was just seeing how people are doing. A friendly 'what's up?' post.
14:01 / 15.08.07
Whew! Thanks archabyss.
14:45 / 15.08.07
yeah sorry wandered offline for a bit there ( I know it's shocking!).

I'm herding cats and the Editors are starting up with what is coming in. The Sept 15th is still the actual date but I for one need to be hassled to get it done. Carrying it about in the brane does not count (for me) these days.
14:46 / 15.08.07
Oh and the art vote invite emails went out this AM. If you haven't received one and are participating please email/PM.

All the details to vote on art and such.
14:49 / 17.08.07
To clarify for my confused little brain, I'm sure it has been answered but I really want to make sure...

The Wiki says finished articles (for review) due on the 31st of August, but the revised date is 15th of September for first/second drafts of articles?

Does the Wiki need editing?
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
16:21 / 17.08.07
I'm trying to proof one of the articles but it is so lucid and well-written that there's nothing to do and I'm developing a complex. This is what they call a "good problem."
16:48 / 17.08.07
the wiki probably needs an edit but the new date reflects the first timers' scramble. Dunno if we want to officially change it in the Wiki or just keep ourselves in the know.

MattShepherd: just you wait until my grammar deprived ramblefest sprawls out on your desk.
Saturn's nod
06:39 / 19.08.07
15th Sept would be less painful/more possible for me, as I have a week in the Hebrides the week before that which will let non-work writing get a look in without ridiculous midnight-working feats.
Sibelian 2.0
09:26 / 20.08.07
15th Sept would be perfect for me as it's im the middle of a week's break from one job to another.
electric monk
12:00 / 20.08.07
Is art vote tiem?
jentacular dreams
12:03 / 20.08.07
Can I just say I'm really looking forward to this. Kudos to all.

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