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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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11:48 / 01.05.07
I think that ideas for another journal might be a bit premature at the moment... I would love to see some magically inspired art in the journal (Mordant's recent Loki is fantastic for instance), I hate journals which don't have any kind of visual relief - though I think the content should be primarily textual.
12:09 / 01.05.07
Art has already been approved for this journal volume and we have a system in place for reveiwing it.

Anyone wishing to contribute may send art to Each piece will be hosted on a private web page for a private vote.

This journal will have art and articles appropriate to the Temple forum's Faith, magic and mysticism, bodywork, and applied psychology. This was decided very early on the project and the call has gone out.

As for fear of 'zine-ness and general low level product we are not doing this for the commercial value. We are doing this for a community offering and it just so happens our community operates at a higher standard than many magical communities. We can afford to host a variety of perspectives and talents without compromising quality.

Let us not shut the door on people, rather let's invite them in for a chat to see what's up. Enough other venues are shut to many insightful and great ideas simply because of bullshit agendas. Let's be open to learning.

Articles run the risk of being rejected on the grounds of not meeting the standards of Barbelith, which is to say intolerance and ungrounded/unresearched opinion determined by CAG. Fiction has been ruled out currently. Art runs the risk of rejection by community preferences and taste determined by the private vote.
12:33 / 01.05.07
Well after spending a weekend writing and rewriting it, I have sent off my abstract. Under a different email address though, sorry XK but the address I gave you I'm having difficulties with hence the change.

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else wants to write especially after reading Saturn's Nods abstract.
15:41 / 01.05.07
I was just worried about magical work being excluded from the magical journal because it was visual rather than written.

We're all about the inclusion rather than exclusion.
15:48 / 01.05.07
We're all about the inclusion rather than exclusion.

This is what I thought was the case, and makes me happy. I really was under the impression that art was going to be included and was hoping this wouldn't change, but couldn't sit there and not make it clear why I thought that when it looked like seperation might be advocated.
16:03 / 01.05.07
I really didn't mean to cause offence with the art thing; I think the artists here on the Lith are excellent. When I referred to fanzines I was more thinking of the level of seriousness than quality, which was my main concern.

I was also not suggesting that the journal contain no art, since obviously some people's articles will need picture references and whatever. I was just hoping for a more writing based issue this time.

However, I bow to the majority opinion. And I'm sure it will be groovy.
16:08 / 01.05.07
I was just worried about magical work being excluded from the magical journal because it was visual rather than written.

That sounds like I was being really intolerant and it's freaking me out a little bit. To be clear, Haloquin, I wasn't advocating exclusion. I was worried that the writing would be taken over by the art and that the journal would contain more art than articles, since there was so much good stuff being proposed and we have so many talented artists. My suggestion was not to exclude artists but to make a better venue for both articles and art.
20:09 / 01.05.07
'Lula is rightfully invested in a quality product and I'm pretty certain that as we all are really focused on that outcome we're looking good.

I do feel very positive about a collective vote on art as it allows us all to feel involved with such a complex thing to decide on.

On the CAG article abstract wrangling front I'm very excited as we have our first official on board and off board abstracts received by the CAG email account. The abstracts are are stellar!

The formal response I sent back reads a bit bland but all of CAG needs to review the abstract so I'm trying not to be too WEEEEE! in my emails.
01:36 / 02.05.07
Okay, so you'll notify artists about article topics so they can make make relevant illustrations? Count me in please?
08:44 / 02.05.07
The formal response I sent back reads a bit bland but all of CAG needs to review the abstract so I'm trying not to be too WEEEEE! in my emails.

And so, to the nervous wait........
12:41 / 02.05.07
Okay, so you'll notify artists about article topics so they can make make relevant illustrations? Count me in please?

We'll we're not really doing illustrations but art work that stands on it's own.
However if you really want to illustrate something perhaps a contributing author will contact you directly.

Or else you're free to design your own piece and submit it to
12:46 / 02.05.07
..and for people submitting abstracts CAG will get back to you ASAP with suggestions or any feedback about your abstract. In most cases the major issue would be overlap with another author but I sorta doubt that will happen with such a diverse group. Obviously the sooner you get your abstract in the sooner your pick is vetted.

We're not likely to reject abstracts if they adhere to the WIKI guidelines if that helps!
15:25 / 02.05.07
That sounds like I was being really intolerant and it's freaking me out a little bit. To be clear, Haloquin, I wasn't advocating exclusion.

In which case I sincerely apologise for you feeling that way. I didn't think you were being intolerent, and must have misread what you had said as I thought that complete seperation was what you were aiming for.

That you were worried about it being dominated by art makes sense, and suggesting another outlet is a good idea, although (as someone pointed out upthread) possibly getting ahead of ourselves.

It was clear that your intentions were good, and your reasoning was obviously sound. I saw no intolerence, just differing opinions.
16:26 / 02.05.07
Am excited as I've just got my confirmation letter.
Although wondering if something is amis because there is a vague mention of the project in Barbannoy? Has something awful and secret happened?
16:34 / 02.05.07
I've PM'd Haus but had no reply.
18:24 / 02.05.07
Nothing awful and secret has happened. PM is a bad way to get Haus if memory serves, I once thought I'd really pissed him off. Turned out to be a busy inbox.

Please, let's not give a flying fuck if people barbannoy, rage or stand outside bookshops burning our publication. Some people won't like it, some people will hate it and call us devil-worshippers, some people will love it and THEY are the people we should worry about.
07:25 / 03.05.07
Am excited as I've just got my confirmation letter.

Same here, this calls for a celebration over the weekend!
07:32 / 03.05.07
Princess, all the Barbannoy stuff relates to the Policy, which you should probably try and follow if you don't already, especially given that you plan on being a Temple mod.

The only thing it has to do with this project is that Haus was comparing how things change so quickly with the Temple and that earlier on in the week he was offering to help here and now we've got a banning thread about a Temple member. I believe I am correct in saying that he's fully on board with this project and is going to help with proofing etc, something which I think we should all be very pleased about.
16:23 / 03.05.07
I've been keeping up with policy, just didn't make the connection. And I wasn't sure if the Temple or the journal was being referenced, so I was confused.
Although, I have been very tired this week, so quite probably my stupidity was showing.

Anyway, Im rotting now. How goes things with the Almighty CAG?
Less searchable M0rd4nt
10:40 / 04.05.07
Nothing is fucked, dudes. Just an epidemic of Barbefrazzle.
14:23 / 04.05.07
"How goes things with the Almighty CAG?"

Rocketing along nicely, I am currently cudgelling my ill-IT-erate brain into learning the software we're using, compiling feedback for abstracts, schmoozing in the officers lounge with the other CAGs and trying to research and write my article.
And get a new job.
08:01 / 06.05.07
Oh CAG! Behold, I light incences for you. Here, I pour rum for you. Watch my legs, they dance for your glory! Oh Great and Mighty multiplicity of Gods, will you not now answer our prayers? Come down from on high and tell us lowely beings of flesh what is happening in your august realm.
04:06 / 08.05.07
Okay, s'pose this is the last time I'll ask before I take a hint, but: will someone allow me to make illustrations based on their article? PM me!
05:02 / 08.05.07
So, um, I'm not even the guy behind the curtain pulling the levers, but we've been reading some abstracts and they're lovely. We'd like more please. Yum.
This Sunday
09:57 / 08.05.07
Y'know, having just knocked out my abstract and sent it off without looking at it again (because I'll despise it if I do), I can honestly say, this is much easier when you don't know any of the editorial staff at all.

And... I forgot to sign it. Huh. Wow. I deleted my real name off of it, because, y'know, I knoow I'm gonna piss some people off if the article actually gets picked up, but I didn't plug in... then again, it's me. Recognizably long-winded and slightly off. Talks about racial stuff too much, and funny sexualities. Half the comics forum regulars could probably write my posts for me.
12:52 / 08.05.07
Oooh some lovely things in CAG's email this fine morning! I'm going to put them in the repos. Thank ye!
13:31 / 08.05.07
Does nobody want illustrations from Mr Domino? You crazy people.
This Sunday
14:27 / 08.05.07
Actually, my piece could - if approved - stand a nice demo illo. Something along the lines if those Hi-Lights 'Gufus and Gallant' things, but with suspicious portrayals.
20:01 / 08.05.07
I was referring to the CAG duty as magical cat-herding and found this picture of a magical cat which pleased me so much this is the third place I've posted it;

That's you, that is.
20:03 / 08.05.07
She somehow reminds me of XK after the story about her ballgown... wait, this is total threadrot isn't it? Back to the herding. Sorry.
20:04 / 08.05.07
No wait! It illustrates how cool illustrations can be! On-topic, after all.
20:12 / 08.05.07
Will you be taking any magical orientated short story submissions in the near future, or is it only RL magic-related writing?
20:45 / 08.05.07
Only RL I'm afraid.
23:28 / 08.05.07
Ok, no probs, thanks.
01:47 / 09.05.07
Heh, thanks Quantum. Yes, I am willing to draw sorceror pets, as long as said pet is based on true events. Also, a Goofus and Gallant of magic would be quite hilarious as well. "Goofus uses sigils to meet helplessly drunk girls at parties", while "Gallant makes his sigils to cure his friends' erectile disfunction".

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