Ok a workflow process update for everyone!
To ensure a high quality anthology the Temple and the entire Barbelith community can be proud of, Gypsy Lantern has been putting in a tremendous amount of work. He's stepping into Production Editor capacity as a quality control coordinator.
As articles come into CAG's email they are read by Quantum, Live Things/MC, Gypsy Lantern, and myself and one of us or some of us or all of will begin corresponding with the author suggesting improvements (Zippid has taken on a CAG advisor position). For the sake of clear communications we are trying to do this one on one and keep other members of CAG up to date on what the current status is. In his QC capacity Gypsy may also send along more suggestions.
Then the articles are sent up to the Editors, ( grant, MattS, Feverfew) for what's known more widely as copy-edit and what I like to think of as deep word tissue massage.
From there articles are sent back to CAG and then on to Layout, emonk, MattS, Medulla. Layout sends them back in PDF form and they go to the Production Editor, Gypsy Lantern. From there we will need the Proofers to lend eyeballs, and then a final approved copy goes to the contributers for sign off before publication.
CAG's email is serving as the central clearing house so CAG and specifically me (XK) can keep track of versions, status, and making sure authors are feeling loved.
We're trying to keep this as transparent as possible so nothing is a surprise and everyone has a sense of where things are in the pipe and that shit is actually getting done.
The articles being sent through the pipe are really fucking spectacular. Everyone is busting their butts doing rewrites, editing, layout and everything else it takes to produce what I know will be a new standard for high quality magical community anthologies.
Much love to everybody involved! |