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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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18:34 / 05.09.07
Or you'll have a cooking accident? I don't get it.
electric monk
17:21 / 06.09.07

On a serious note, the first article is | this | close to heading back into CAG's caring hands. As this article was the first, it showed me where the holes were in the template I set up. So re-evaluating, re-working. I hope to send it on VERY soon. I also plan to send a copy to the members of Team Layout with formatting changes and additions noted.

What else, what else?

Oh yes. We might just have another volunteer for Team Layout. Which is a good thing.

I started laying out the cover today. If someone has fluff copy for the back cover, send it on over. No rush on that so if we don't have it yet, don't panic.

Finally, I can't wait for y'all to see these pages. This will undoubtedly be the classiest, sexiest, smartest book you've ever laid your hands on.
17:38 / 10.09.07
Five days left and I think I'll make it!
I have to fatten up a few sections and am waiting for a few ref books to arrive so I can cite things directly rather than from memory (or making shite up).


How is everybody else doing?
19:03 / 10.09.07
Grinding toward completion...

Or you'll have a cooking accident? I don't get it.

If she doesn't roll up her sleeves they will CATCH FIRE and then it will indeed be BURNING TIEM NOW. It was the funniest burning sleeves pic I could find.
22:06 / 10.09.07
Oh dear Quantum. Thank you for clarifying that! My rebus-fu is not so sharp.
06:29 / 11.09.07
Not too badly, just finishing the re-do after very helpful advice. Hopefully by tonight it should be done and emailed, then I can think about reading the book I brought on holiday.
10:59 / 14.09.07
I think a Saturday deadline is silly. I say we take articles until Monday. Anyone object?
13:25 / 14.09.07
I think it should stand officially at the 15th and anyone with a later ETA best get an email into CAG asking for a placeholder.

Cat herding (ahem) does require a certain amount of flexibility and squirt bottle trigger finger skill.

I should add this is because we need to get a good count of finished articles and even getting an email in by the 15th really will make a difference.
johnny enigma
16:08 / 14.09.07
I just hope you lot actually get this thing done and out there as I'm really looking forward to reading it, and I'm glad to see that everyone is pushing ahead with it.

Godspeed you black emperors! (or something)
19:46 / 14.09.07

I finished my first draft. Having emailed it to my red pencil toting english major spouse I now live in fear of being handed back a piece of paper stamped 'CRAP'. I also sent it to another friend with a mystical inclination to see if it makes any sense.

Hopefully I will email it to CAG tomorrow. Then the actual skilled members of CAG can help me make it less stinky.

How are you folks coming alone?

electric monk
16:57 / 15.09.07
The template is Ready, and I'm sending out a proof to Layout and CAG peeps. If anyone sees anything I've missed, let me know.
electric monk
17:21 / 15.09.07
Ooh, and:

Everybody welcome Medulla Oblongata to the Layout team. She is a welcome addition and raring to go.

Cheers, Medulla! And check yr PMs.
07:25 / 16.09.07
Can members of the CAG have a look at the email please.
19:01 / 16.09.07
I sent mine! Please let me know when you get it.

*twitches nervously*

Thank you!
20:02 / 16.09.07
Sent mine earlier today.

15:06 / 17.09.07
Ok I'm showing articles in from:

Live Things
Gypsy Lantern
mr. doug skinner

and a placeholder from apt plutology, medulla, and possibly quantum?

Does this mesh with everyone out there?
15:44 / 17.09.07
Also Sibelian 2.0 has very kindly agreed to let us use his totem images as free standing art in the journal. YAY!
16:40 / 17.09.07
YAY! Mine is in, sorry for the delay. Any word on Mixmage's handrunes article?
17:31 / 17.09.07
Live Things
Gypsy Lantern
mr. doug skinner

place holder for Med and Apt.
19:48 / 17.09.07
mixmage is reporting a go with a slight delay. so one more placeholding.
20:00 / 17.09.07
Also soon will the articles run screaming through CAG's hands, into Editors', then to Layout. So I needz a role call on Proof.

betty woo, Sekhmet, Decendent, and?

I'm leaving off the people who are in CAG/EDIT/LAYOUT teams already because we will all get a copy of the proof copy.

I think earlier in the thread Haus offered and probably a few other folks.
Can I get a show of eye ball volunteers please?
electric monk
20:11 / 17.09.07
Small request: If one of the Proofers would volunteer to manage traffic for the Proof team, that'd be spectacular. I'm moving traffic for Layout, and having one contact on the Proof team would make the process a lot easier.
12:12 / 18.09.07
I'll go post in the Pager as well.
12:42 / 18.09.07
Haven't been looking at this topic, but I'm a fairly good editor/proofreader so I'll volunteer.

If you could use my help just send a PM.

One question: Conform everything to U.S. style, or British style, or leave everything in the style provided?
12:52 / 18.09.07

I'll PM ya.
jentacular dreams
12:54 / 18.09.07
You want proof reading? I'll show you proof reading...
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
13:21 / 18.09.07
if you still need more proofreaders, I could help.
17:22 / 18.09.07

Also who is got their fingers in the PR pies?
21:32 / 18.09.07
Ahem, yes... apologies for the delay. Should be winging its way to you right now.
12:24 / 19.09.07
Can't wait for this to come out and I get to read what others have written for the book.

However I feel that on it's completion, wherever we are, that drinks must be had!
12:49 / 19.09.07
yes mixmage's is in CAG's hands. Thank ya!
13:24 / 20.09.07
Ok a workflow process update for everyone!

To ensure a high quality anthology the Temple and the entire Barbelith community can be proud of, Gypsy Lantern has been putting in a tremendous amount of work. He's stepping into Production Editor capacity as a quality control coordinator.

As articles come into CAG's email they are read by Quantum, Live Things/MC, Gypsy Lantern, and myself and one of us or some of us or all of will begin corresponding with the author suggesting improvements (Zippid has taken on a CAG advisor position). For the sake of clear communications we are trying to do this one on one and keep other members of CAG up to date on what the current status is. In his QC capacity Gypsy may also send along more suggestions.

Then the articles are sent up to the Editors, ( grant, MattS, Feverfew) for what's known more widely as copy-edit and what I like to think of as deep word tissue massage.

From there articles are sent back to CAG and then on to Layout, emonk, MattS, Medulla. Layout sends them back in PDF form and they go to the Production Editor, Gypsy Lantern. From there we will need the Proofers to lend eyeballs, and then a final approved copy goes to the contributers for sign off before publication.

CAG's email is serving as the central clearing house so CAG and specifically me (XK) can keep track of versions, status, and making sure authors are feeling loved.

We're trying to keep this as transparent as possible so nothing is a surprise and everyone has a sense of where things are in the pipe and that shit is actually getting done.

The articles being sent through the pipe are really fucking spectacular. Everyone is busting their butts doing rewrites, editing, layout and everything else it takes to produce what I know will be a new standard for high quality magical community anthologies.

Much love to everybody involved!
18:37 / 20.09.07
Um, I missed the art voting deadline because it took a while for me to be able to view the images, and then I was confused about how it all worked and only just worked out the deadline has passed... is there any point me sending in my votes or is it all sorted already? I'm happy either way, it'd be nice to join in, but it is one less thing to think about at the mo!

Also, many hugs to everyone... I'm thrilled by the whole project and very grateful to be a part of it!

*excitedly working through feedback and making changes*
14:28 / 21.09.07
send votes!
My Mom Thinks I'm Cool
13:16 / 28.09.07
If I'm an official proofreader, do I need to sign up somewhere or give someone my email? or, uhm, yeah. how does this work?

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