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The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1


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19:03 / 20.04.07
I guess 'Lula I'd like to make room for people who make magical art that may not be converted to relevant illustrations of particular articles topics. Relevant to the mission of the collection of course, relevant to an article seems a bit restrictive especially as we're not at this moment asking articles to be relevant to a specific topic.

So if you can write an article about anything Temple-y and if it is up to snuff it gets in, why have a different standard for the visual offerings?

I personally hate it when illustrations that only have a surface connection to an article get smushed on. It just feels dodgy compared to when an illustrator is really inspired to work with a specific author.

does that make any sense?
This Sunday
19:17 / 20.04.07
I'd say if it's got the quality, that is, if it passes the editorial board and whomever's on it is being fair and reasonable, then it ought to go in. If someone is horribly bothered by line-art appearing in a serious tome they've got issues beyond the issue, and I really couldn't care less if they then enjoy or derive anything from the journal. And some of the visual stuff may communicate more accurately than a print article.
This Sunday
19:20 / 20.04.07
Also: Numinosity's a good one. Without... bars somebody, and Temple Magick gives it too much grounding as a kind of school or, y'know, temple. And I don't know that we want that.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
19:21 / 20.04.07
Tangentially, if this does work out really well, there may be a mass rush of new Barbeapplicants and a crush of people in the Temple. Are existing mods comfortable/happy/braced for impact and should Tom Coates be informed/warned?
19:29 / 20.04.07
ahahah someone just registered Numinosity.

I shit you not.
19:38 / 20.04.07
I've checked on some options if we do want to go with that name. We should probably decide soon and then move to PM for final decisions.
20:02 / 20.04.07
Maybe we could look at the wiki for Numen for some more ideas?

I quite like the name Numen.
This Sunday
20:19 / 20.04.07
Numen sounds a but 'Nu Men' to me. I know it's a silly reading, but doesn't it? It's like the Iron John drums are about to come and they're not even the good classic Iron John drums, just some new guys banging around and delivering condescending poetry.

I'll stop that now. Sorry.
20:43 / 20.04.07
Quants has asked me, and I'd be happy to submit something. I have a piece of working with the Ganesha yantra nearly finished which people might enjoy.

*thinks* should really change my name back to Illmatic so people might have a clue as to who I am.

Will ask Trouser the Trousersnake as well.
20:53 / 20.04.07
I'm loving this so much. I don't know about anyone else but I'm going to make this happen if I have to write every copy in my own blood.

I don't like 'Numinosity' though. Sorry. Too philosophical, IMHO, and pushes my neologism buttons too, although as a word I like it- a mix of numinous and luminosity, it's evocative, but I don't think it makes a good title.
Fair points all about the 'without', I think we need something else. We do have a few weeks at least before it becomes pressing though, so I'm confident something will emerge.
MattShepherd: I WEDDED KALI!
20:55 / 20.04.07
21:57 / 20.04.07
A words I like:

Antiperistasis- "the opposition of a contrary quality, whereby the quality it opposes becomes heightened,"
Gypsy Lantern
22:38 / 20.04.07
I'd like to submit something to this. Something about relationships with deity, and possibly some of my art as well if it's appropriate (I do this oddly demented pen and ink stuff that I'm starting to get a bit more confident about showing to people).

I'd also like to be involved in the content review/editorial side if you need more people for that.

For the title, I'd be really tempted myself to just call it "Barbelith vol.1" and leave it at that.
22:40 / 20.04.07
Too complicated. I'm thinking of things that would make me go 'Ooh' and pick up a book in a shop. We can rely on quite a lot of word of mouth exposure, but the grabbier the title (and illustration) the better. IMHO.
22:42 / 20.04.07

, I'd be really tempted myself to just call it "Barbelith vol.1" and leave it at that.

I'd like to have a Temple reference personally, like "Barbelith Temple I"
22:48 / 20.04.07
I'd also like to be involved in the content review/editorial side if you need more people for that. GL

Well, I'd be happy to have a Quatrumvirate (Tetravirate? No...) or indeed a Quintumvirate (?!) in fact if anyone else wants to make a fifth in the CAG that would be cool as long as nobody at any point ever mentions the invisibles cell structure.

Unless anyone else objects, I hereby deputise Gypsy Lantern, here's your badge and gun.

Do we have a fifth?
22:58 / 20.04.07
Some ideas, as I am loving the rhetoric and Haus is to blame! (just joking)

mar-tir'-i-a from Gk. marturion “testimony” testatio
Confirming something by referring to one's own experience.

en’-thy-meem Gk. "a thought, a consideration" conclusio

kairos (This one is rather interesting):
The opportune occasion for speech. The term kairos has a rich and varied history, but generally refers to the way a given context for communication both calls for and constrains one's speech. Thus, sensitive to kairos, a speaker or writer takes into account the contingencies of a given place and time, and considers the opportunities within this specific context for words to be effective and appropriate to that moment. As such, this concept is tightly linked to considerations of audience (the most significant variable in a communicative context) and to decorum (the principle of apt speech).

Just some ideas from this fascinating site here.
22:59 / 20.04.07
23:11 / 20.04.07
Old woman?
00:56 / 21.04.07
Have we heard back from id about being on CAG?

Shit ya if GL wants in I'm down with that (YAY)! Though I'm not sure we can just deputise folks, Quants. I think we need to make sure everybody is cool with it. Also I think at a certain point we need to keep it small enough to be manageable.

So is everyone ok with Quants, Gypsy, id and I as content review? Do people feel that it is weighted too heavily in any one direction? The one thing that I notice looking at the line up is a good diversity of traditions but it is pretty heavy on the male id-ing side (3:1). Should we get another female id-ing person or any other viewpoint you think is lacking or do people feel comfortable with this?
Please feel free to PM if you're not comfortable posting directly in thread.

and hey my favorite is still:

The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1

because after all...

This. Is. BARBELITH!!!!
01:11 / 21.04.07
The first post I ever posted on my blog was about the word Kairos. Someone told me about it, and it inspired me to write a blog. That was in 2003.

So of course, I think Kairos is cool.
01:16 / 21.04.07
id, XK, Quants and Gypsy Lantern - what a lucky journal.

01:17 / 21.04.07
("Awesome" to Olulabelle)
The Ghost of Tom Winter
01:59 / 21.04.07
I love the simplicity of The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1. Perhaps for future editions, ones that are possibly themed, we could have The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 2 Numinosity. With the word being the overarching theme within the journal. This could allow room for someone to discuss what the theme is and means then have other articles expand on that. Of course that might lead to limited entries but you wouldn’t have to do it every time I suppose. Actually the more I think of it the more I see less room for variety, but it can still be a possibility.
02:16 / 21.04.07
If this is specifically going to be focused on magic with an anti-oppressive ethos, then Summum Bonum is a good idea; if not, then it's promising a bit much, I think. Really, though, I'm more likely to favor using languages other than Latin, if we're trying to avoid elitist head-up-arseholeness.

Yes, I will do editing and content review... this is great, because I'm not in a good position to actually submit something right now, and if I'm doing content review it will be cleaner and more fair if I don't submit, so find here a handy excuse.

I'm having irregular internet access for the next week and a half or so, though. So please bear with me.
This Sunday
03:13 / 21.04.07
Since I just effectively quit my work-for-hire sympathy ghosting gig, I'll volunteer for editing duty, if there's still a need. Why not, y'know? I'll enjoy reading these pieces far more than I would what was starting to look like it might haunt the horribly angry bitter convers threads for months and months.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
06:30 / 21.04.07
Random question that just popped into my head: for those doing research based articles what citation style would be appropriate? Lord knows we have hundreds to choose from.
This Sunday
06:59 / 21.04.07
I always found bastardizing the MLA format into a Chicago style, made the most sense. Communicates to the reader right where the ref is, what it's for and what it's from.

As long as it's not long junky lists in the end-matters.
07:31 / 21.04.07
I know nothing about citation styles and academic presentation and I did my degree a long time ago, so I might need some help with wtf that actually means and how to do it correctly.
The Ghost of Tom Winter
07:52 / 21.04.07
It’s super easy:


Chicago Manual of Style

Another thing to consider is the format of citation within those styles. If it’s a bastardization would we use footnotes at the bottom, at the end of the article or some other form all together.

I think creative commons license was mentioned somewhere up thread. How are rights reserved for the sited authors so there is no inadvertent plagiarism or some such? I also know nothing about creative commons so that might not even be an issue.
10:57 / 21.04.07
Ghost of Tom, those links are tricky!

Here is a site for citations, heh.

That links to MLA, but there is a tab at the top of the page with "Chicago" on it.
11:16 / 21.04.07
More writing style guides here with PDF's and everything!
12:31 / 21.04.07
I've gone and gotten the CAG a gmail account which I will PM the other CAG members in a minute.

My thinking is submissions will come into that email address to be checked by the CAG (I'm thinking of making a master Excel doc that lists the name o' piece, author, contact info, and then fields for CAG, proof, layout and such)

Um, I just had a sort of brilliant smack to the head insight about how to do this workflow management style and a baby website for us. I have to go check something but if it works out I may just spend the rest of my day in shock and awe.
15:42 / 21.04.07
I'm also thinking we should use the Temple Journal Wiki for now until we sort out a website. We should get it all shiny and then direct peoples there.

How do we want to present this collection to the world?

The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1
A community generated collection of articles and visual art exploring faith, magic and mysticism, bodywork, and applied psychology.

tweak it!
16:02 / 21.04.07
ok you may yell at me for jumping the gun but this is what I'm emailing out to people:

Good Morning,

I'm excited to announce a new inclusive not for profit publication:

The Barbelith Temple Presents: Vol 1
A community generated collection of articles and visual art exploring faith, magic and mysticism, bodywork, and applied psychology.

We are a subset of a web based messageboard community open to all promoting dialogue between individuals of various backgrounds and traditions. Our community standards include tolerance, respect, and thoughtful intelligent exchange.

The Barbelith Temple is a forum within the community that discusses topics such as faith, magic and mysticism, bodywork, and applied psychology.

We have just started a brand new project to create a collection of work not only for ourselves but for the greater religious, spiritual, and magical communities. Our hope is to provide the highest quality information from a variety of authors and artists sourced from their direct experience and passion.

If this is something you would like to be involved with please let me know. If you know people who may wish to participate or submit work please forward them this information.

Thank you!

I'm excited I can't help it. If we change stuff/names later I'll update the folks involved.

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