I think a Triumvirate is a better idea than a collective for voting systems, simply because collectives can, as Quants said, become like herding cats.
However, one idea could be that Temple moderators agree or disagree the content, with of course the exception of XK since she has brought up the idea. These are people that the board trusts to moderate the Temple into a place everyone can be proud of, what's to stop that extending outwards into this journal?
Regarding cover art, asking people to create art that may well take them many hours is unfair if they are then thrown into a little Barbelith 'competition'. We have many artists here whose work surpasses much on the internet; The Fool and Bedhead to name two. It would be lovely to ask someone like that to design us cover art but we could only do that if we, in the main, accepted what we were given. Perhaps we could vote as a collective on nominating people to submit work they have done as samples, from which one artist is chosen for commission. Perhaps we could choose one artist to commission for the cover and one for the internal artwork. I would certainly not like to ask many people to create work for a vague hat-pull at the end and I would advise against this.
Regarding the name: One of the things that stands out about Barbelith is the Temple. If we are publishing something which is, in the main, written by people who frequent the Temple regularly, then it would be foolish business sense to discard the Barbelith brand - it can only gain us readers. By all means give it a sub-name, but I would argue strongly that if you publish under any other name you run the risk of becoming a back-scratching, localised peer-to-peer journal, only read by mates of Barbelith. People come to Barbelith and wish to join purely because of the Temple. I think we should at least in the first instance, acknowledge that. I think this because we are a brand, regardless of whether we wish to be. Isn't this our ideal opportunity to rebrand ourselves and position the Temple where we think it should be? Let's publish under the Temple name and make it something we can all be really proud of.
One way to do this is to call the first issue:
Barbelith, The Temple: Numinosity.
Then slowly we can phase out the 'Barbelith', when people get to know the journal.
What do people think about that?
Also, what do people think about asking people to submit work samples for consideration for choosing a cover artist? The cover artist will be chosen before he or she does the work, and will be chosen on the basis of sample work submitted to us. |