'If Shirpa isn't fucking well prepared to be accept the fact that she's bloody lucky to have been given the opportunity she's been given to be on English television (which is the best television in the world,) when genuinely English people would kill for the opportunity, and then expects to worshipped as a fucking princess or something just because she's, like, the fucking Madonna of the Ganja, or whatever - audiences of millions, you say, do you? Well maybe, but aren't there, like, fucking millions of rats in that part of the world, wherever it is? Not that I could point to it on a fucking map, or nothing! Nah-ha-ha-ha ... I'm a fucking caution, me ... But I hate myself! But I love myself! I'm just ... being myself!'
Basically, if this ongoing, terrible situation wasn't being shown live, I don't know if it would have been broadcast at all.
I particularly liked Jade's outburst about Face's alleged (by her) alcoholism; as if the (according to Jade) fact that The Face Man's now apparently putting away a bottle of scotch a night hasn't got anything to do with some of the honest, earthy, British characteristics on display here, courtesy of Leo, the Jaqueigfdster, Jade, Jack, and the complicit, broken, showbiz tiredness of 'H', Danielle and the other one.
On this showing, we're the scum of the earth really, aren't we? |