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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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12:42 / 05.01.07
*Vague threadrot*

Might I add that while watching the show t'other night my mother wandered into the room and uttered the words-

"Oh, Ken Russell. I was in one of his films."

On further investigation, it wasn't as a saucy nun or something equally disturbing, but some bit part running down a hill in 'Isadora Duncan'. Thanks Channel 4, for extracting that little biographical titbit from the blurry hell of the maternal memory...

Celebrity Big brother: bringing families together!*

*(Whilst causing profound psychic trauma on behalf of those involved)
Alex's Grandma
13:14 / 05.01.07
Mm. I suppose for a while back there you must have been wondering if it was 'The Devils' she was talking about ...
yawn - thing's buddy
14:58 / 05.01.07
Face is a funny guy. he was funny on that A-team reunion show and he's funny on this.

Good on The Face.

still, i doubt this lot'll shift paradigms by the bucketload like they did last janua-ua-ua-ua-ry.

i love paradigm shifts, me.

unless, of course, the producers have something really odd planned for tonight.
16:02 / 05.01.07
Wow, I just got emailed by Digital Spy forum support to tell me my usage of the phrase "SHUT THE F*CK UP" (I even starred it) was inappropriate. (I was talking about Leo Sayer. How much more appropriate could it have been, ferfucksakes?)

It's DEFINITELY that time of year again.
The Natural Way
17:06 / 05.01.07
I vote that we only ever refer to Dirk as The Face, Face or Face-man
19:20 / 05.01.07

They're splitting up Ken, Cleo and Face!

Although this does mean we might actually get some conversation out of Jermaine and Shilpa.
19:26 / 05.01.07
Oh dear God, the Goodies go in the house with KEN.
Alex's Grandma
19:41 / 05.01.07
Davina's great, isn't she?

There's no way that at all that she's pretty much begging for somebody to cut her throat.

Go Davina! Go directly to Hell! And have a rotten time while you're doing it! The years you spent with Eric Clapton's 'old man' in your mouth are going to have to be paid for eventually, Davina.

However terrible the process is.

Damn it.
19:44 / 05.01.07
Funny how the two who actually HAVE servants get to have, well, servants.
Alex's Grandma
19:46 / 05.01.07
I vote that we only ever refer to Dirk as The Face, Face or Face-man

I second that emotion, with a qualifier: that when we are cross with with him we call him by his full name: Templeton Peck. If we are cross but forgiving and slightly charmed despite ourselves, we may refer to him as "Peck" or "Pecker".
The Falcon
20:28 / 05.01.07
Yeah, I'm a third on the motion. I only refer to the Faceman as 'Face' or 'the Faceman' when he's on telly as is, in any case.
20:31 / 05.01.07
I would call him Starbuck, were it not for the fact that that would probably make for some awkward breakfast convesrations when, as is destined, I marry the new Starbuck.
20:36 / 05.01.07
And you know what? That's not squalor by any stretch of the imagination. They should come round to MY house.

Well, actually, they shouldn't. Except Ken, Cleo and Face. I'd make them a cup of tea.
20:37 / 05.01.07
That's cool, that means I get to have Apollo.
Alex's Grandma
21:26 / 05.01.07
Is it a bad thing to wonder why whatever it was that happened to Jade's Mum's arm didn't happen to the rest of her?
21:50 / 05.01.07
'Cause nerve damage tends only to travel downhill.
Alex's Grandma
22:25 / 05.01.07
I'm not sure if Jade's Mum, or her terminally shit offspring, would be giving 'princess' Shilpa such a hard time if Shilpa was caucasian.

It's no surprise that Jade's Mum has issues about this kind of thing - what's more distressing is that Channel 4 has seen fit to give the Goody family any sort of an outlet, at all, for it's boring, idiotic views.
22:43 / 05.01.07
Is Donnie gonnie?
Alex's Grandma
23:06 / 05.01.07
I suppose he ran out of nice things. But I am disappointed.
The Falcon
00:27 / 06.01.07
Sad news. I do hope they'd relent and allow him back, but it's unlikely I spose.
08:39 / 06.01.07
So what's happened with Donny? For some reason I haven't been able to read any threads on DS since last night.
08:41 / 06.01.07
Ah. Got the news bit to work.

Much as I wasn't much of a fan of Donny's, how come they didn't boot the horrendous Glyn last summer for doing what seems much the same?
16:28 / 06.01.07
I got really annoyed when, last night, Jackiey Goody (and no, I'm not mistyping, that really is, according to Channel 4, how she spells her name) started saying to Ken 'you must be used to 'avin servants, you, I bet you've got loads of servants' or some such wank. Why? Because he's got a posh accent? So therefore he must have servants? Because he doesn't talk like a Philip Morris lab-test beagle who's been given the power of speech? Honestly.
18:24 / 06.01.07
I tend to find it much easier if you view Jade Goodys' existence as a 'Celebrity' as the most elaborate of windups. I have nothing against her as a person in particular, and I'm happy for anyone who manages to do well for themselves, but it's just the construction of the persona - if that can be said to have taken place - behind it.

Like I say, view it as an elaborate windup, and it becomes tolerable - but otherwise...
Alex's Grandma
18:53 / 06.01.07
How come they didn't boot the horrendous Glyn last summer for doing what seems much the same?

It was because Glen was representing Wales, I'm guessing. Wales in general being apparently an area where's not much to do of an evening except text in the votes on the mobile phone, while sitting about listlessly at the stop of the bus.

With an erection.
19:48 / 06.01.07
Actually, I don't have much of a problem with Jade, it's her mum - the twisted offspring of Derek Jameson and the gin-loving fox off Shooting Stars - who really gets up my goat.

Leo Sayer has just said he didn't come on the show to be made fun of. Why not? It happens everywhere else.
19:52 / 06.01.07
Contestants! YOU HAVE WATCHED THE SHOW. Surely, at this point, you must know that you don't fucking talk about nominations, and they can hear you whisper, so fuck that lark for a kick-off. But noooooooooo.

Jackiey Goody = the thin Marjorie Dawes. 'Shilpa, where do you live? Do you live in a house, or a shack?'
20:11 / 06.01.07
It actually took me a moment to comprehend that it was "or a shack". The social inappropriateness was such that I found bits of my brain randomly scrambling for areas of Mumbai that might sound like "shack", in order to rationalise the statement in a less jaw-dropping manner.
22:23 / 06.01.07
She then followed it up, of course, with the inference that, because Shilpa lives in not just a house, but a big house, then she must be a Princess! Good lord. What mental representation of India does Jackiey Goody have?
Jack The Bodiless
22:41 / 06.01.07
Key word there being 'mental'.

Donny walking (climbing) out was actually kind of cool. Just motioned H over ("Oi, H. Gis a hand, mate."), H hoisted him up, and he shoved himself up the wall and sauntered off, yelling that he was fucked if he was waiting on a moron and her family. Never thought he'd stay the distance anyway, so that was a reasonably fun way for him to just suddenly fuck off. Having watched Towers Of London on Bravo, it's horribly apparent that they're basically a pub rock Sex Pistols/Motley Crue with that cringeworthy combination of an articulate savvy (when sober, which was about half the time) and an almost total lack of self-awareness. I have a soft spot for that - people just clever enough to know what they want and how to get it, but just dumb enough not to realise they haven't a prayer because they're total shit.
22:50 / 06.01.07
Hmm, that's your assessment... I call "lightweight" on postcard boy.

But fair play to him for actually going when he felt like it, rather than doing the whole "I'm gonna leave" AND THEN DOING NOTHING OF THE SORT thing that got soooooo boring last year.
22:55 / 06.01.07
22:57 / 06.01.07
I've just seen Leo Sayer, looking like Tommy Cooper without the fez, spelling out the word HELP in pretzels on a table-top and being caught by Jade and her boyfriend.

I want to scrub my eyes with... erm... eye-scrubbing stuff.
Jack The Bodiless
23:07 / 06.01.07
Bugger. I've been watching E4+1 to catch up. Half a mo.
Jack The Bodiless
23:09 / 06.01.07
Leo's biggest fear is being bored. But clearly not boring. Or needy. Or giant spiders. Or needy giant spiders boring holes in his needy boring head.

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