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Celebrity Big Brother 2007


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18:56 / 15.01.07
I'm more drunk than I thought. I opened this thread and don't even remember posting that.

That must have been Bad Stoatie.

I try to keep him at bay.

Meanwhile, Good Stoatie was apparently getting all unecessary about Dirk Benedict over on Digital Spy.

I really need to watch these blackouts.
19:16 / 15.01.07
Wow. Not only are Jade and Danielle fairly unpleasant, but they're unpleasant TO EACH OTHER, and the one on the receiving end at any given time doesn't notice.

Alex's Grandma
19:32 / 15.01.07
Jade's 'ditzy' act in the Diary Room re: the funny eskimos is ... well it's just sickening really, isn't it?

Like a spitting cobra trying to pass itself off as the Baby Jesus in a school Nativity play. Not in a good way.
19:42 / 15.01.07
Oh my fucking God.

H from Steps is actually telling it like it is about the racism and shit that's going on.

He's not actually doing it where it would actually make any difference, though.
19:46 / 15.01.07
H is saying the right stuff, yes, but being determinedly neutral where his intervention might actually help - with Jo, anyway.
20:00 / 15.01.07
I take back what I said about Jade having matured.
Alex's Grandma
20:11 / 15.01.07
Well H presumably knows what he'd be told if he tried to talk to Jo about her behaviour - something along the lines of 'oh shut up, you poof!' I'm guessing.

It's horrible telly, but it's nevertheless now quite gripping ...
20:15 / 15.01.07
I take back what I said about Jade having matured.

You and me both, trunkboy.

I really have an unhealthy crush on Dirk now, though.
20:18 / 15.01.07
Well H presumably knows what he'd be told if he tried to talk to Jo about her behaviour - something along the lines of 'oh shut up, you poof!' I'm guessing.

20:23 / 15.01.07
Still, it's not all pointless handwringery: if I'm not mistaken, HfromSteps takes away this year's OMG L*rd *f t*h Fl**s!!1! Award - surely BB's own Godwin.
22:24 / 15.01.07
Not sure about the Godwin there...

There's some debate as to what Jack says here, but I'm personally fairly convinced it's a racial slur beginning with the letter "P".

It's clearly not "cunt", as some of the fucker's apologists claim, and I can't think of many other words they bleep like that.
23:55 / 15.01.07
There's actually something quite soothing about watching people sleep. Even the most obnoxious fuckers in the world can be at least vaguely tranquil at times.
Alex's Grandma
00:15 / 16.01.07
So far, it's true, Jack isn't behaving all that well.

I'm inclined to give him the benefit of the doubt though - he must be making Jade feel very fucking unhappy, like she's an idiot or something, what with his constant boozing, lechery and morbid self-abuse.

Jack's being a bit naughty about all that allegedly 'racy' material, arguably, but then again, if he's as dead set as he (inadvertently, possibly) appears to be on being the iceberg to the Titanic that is Jade's career, I can't fault him, really.
09:20 / 16.01.07
I too found Jade's 'eskimo' thing nauseating, but not as nauseating as her pathetic go-having and false apologies to Shilpa toward the end of the show.

Are they still doing that thing where the audience can send notes to the housemates? There was much fanfare about this on the opening show and now nobody seems to be mentioning it. Perhaps because by this point most of the notes would be (a) badly spelled, ungrammatical missives of outright racism against Shilpa, written by all the sub-rock-dwelling half-humans motivated to express their vile attitudes by the sight of the Jackieeee - 'I look like Skeletor after the heroin really started kicking in' - eeeeexxxxfffgggyy and her strange mutant brood 'giving it some' and (b) as per Newton, a series of violent and quite possibly literally poisonous/incendiary (I'm looking at you here, Alex's G) letters decrying Jack/Jade/Danielle/Jo (delete as applicable) as a 'fucking racist racist fuck' (or similar). Can't see Dermot reading those out on CBBLB, to be fair.

If they are still doing it, here's a wheeze: let's all send Jade and Danielle some lovely photos of ourselves. All making the 'loser!' sign (thumb and index finger held at forehead in l-shape) at them.

Because after all, that is what they're celebrities for. Losing Big Brother, losing Miss World. It's only fair we should remind them.
10:17 / 16.01.07
Channel 4 has said it will not tolerate any racist abuse on Celebrity Big Brother and confirmed that Jack Tweed called fellow housemate Shilpa Shetty a "cunt", not a "Paki".

Oh, well, that's all right, then. We take it seriously if it's racist (except we don't) but rampant misogyny is fine.
Jack The Bodiless
10:42 / 16.01.07
On a different subject, can someone make sure Dirk wins for me? Being as how he's the bestest bloke ever?

I was gonig to go for Cleo, but her general flapping over the divide in the house has pushed her down a place.

10:58 / 16.01.07
I bet you any money you like that Davina makes no mention of the racist bullying that's been going on when Jo, Danielle or Jade comes out of the house. But I hope they feel ashamed when they see the coverage about it. Do you think they realise they're being actively racist, or do you think they don't see it as racism? If the latter, do you think they might feel bad when someone points it out to them?
11:25 / 16.01.07
Wow, I just saw a TV news story here in Australia about the ganging up on Shilpa. She's going places that girl! I've never sat through a full episode of Big Brother. The very early 2004 Australian versions I saw were all a bit *yawn* Ho hum boring as bat shit.
12:22 / 16.01.07
Hmm, I think you've gotta be a total fucking moron to sit around saying things like that and think it's not going to be perceived as racist. Watching last night, there was all sorts of talk about 'do they do that over there?!? OMG, they are (she is) so other!'. Ian 'H' and anyone else that saw that happening in front of their eyes (like Cleo) should have stood up for her. I mean, if you can't attack racism on TV in front of millions of people (where you're likely to get very little backlash, or indeed, you'll get positive PR for defending them 'elpless minorities), where can you? All it takes is for one of the housemates equiped with a spine to go 'oi, you. Stop being a racist cunt.' That in itself wopuld be enough to put the cat amongst the pigeons, forcing the more selfaware bullies to consider how it's playing on the screen.

And yes, you're right, if it ain't racism then it's certainly misogyny.

But yes, some seriously anger-making TV. Who can we send inside to sort these fucks out?
12:26 / 16.01.07
There was talk of putting another family in.

I vote the Manson Family.
12:43 / 16.01.07
That Dave Gorman clip Fly was talking about.

Dave's alright! Who knew?
Alex's Grandma
12:54 / 16.01.07
Do you think they realise they're being actively racist, or do you think they don't see it as racism? If the latter, do you think they might feel bad when someone points it out to them?

I suppose it'll come up in whatever press interviews Jo, Jade and Danielle do post-eviction (it's hard to imagine anyone being particularly bothered about talking to Jack), and that it will hotly denied; 'anyone who knows me knows I haven't got a racist bone in my body,' etc.

If the complaints carry on at the present rate though, Davina might have to mention it, especially when talking to Jade, who, interestingly, in a terrible way, seems to be very much the alpha male in this situation, at least when not playing the cute ickle girl in the diary room.

The producers, meanwhile, must be thanking whatever gods they pray to pretty much hourly at the moment; if Jade got creative with the bed sheets and then put up a burning cross in the garden I doubt they'd intervene.
13:02 / 16.01.07
Big Brother racism furore top story on Sky News.
13:32 / 16.01.07
Newspapers claim Jade has been dropped by an anti-bullying charity she has supported for two years because of her behaviour on the show.

The beeb had a news story about this, and they used the word 'distanced' rather than 'dropped', but it seems clear this charity have definitely decided Jade isn't the kind of person to associate with.

Still, it's nice to know she'll always have a home at the English National Ballet.
Lama glama
13:40 / 16.01.07
Yeah, I was just channel surfing and came across the story. Apparently, Ofcom has received 3000 complaints about the racist bullying of Shilpa. I've only dipped into this show sparingly this year, but what I've seen so far is fairly repulsive.

There are wonderful funny people like Cleo, Starbuck and Shilpa and then there are the utterly vile people like Jo O' Meara and Danielle wotserface. Their conversation about India last night was genuinely unsettling and ignorant. Danielle's comment about adding skin flakes to Shilpa's food was met with hesitant, but eventual uproarious laughter. The members of the group obviously uncomfortable with Danielle could have used that moment to pull her up about her blatant endorsement of bullying, but instead chose to wimp out and fucking laugh at the idiot's joke.

Dirk or Shilpa, FTW!
Lama glama
13:41 / 16.01.07
Oooh, Derek from Big Brother 6 is on now.
13:42 / 16.01.07
Who can we send inside to sort these fucks out?

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you The Great Khali.

I think that would cause a steeeeeeeeep drop on the India-bashing graph for the series...
13:45 / 16.01.07
Dave's alright! Who knew?
Well, I did. He's a top photographer, too. Check out his Flickr sets, especially the ones of London at night.
14:27 / 16.01.07
Good lord. John McCririck was just on Sky Sports, excoriating the unthinking bullying of people who would never think of themselves as racist. The world has gone mad.
Lurid Archive
14:47 / 16.01.07
I'm not seeing overt racism so much as some deeply unpleasant behaviour conducted by unbelievably ignorant people. (Jackiey, as opposed to Jade, Jo and Danielle, was being racist however.) You can't help suspect that racism is the motivation for the way they are behaving, although it isn't really expressed as racism (as far as I could tell).
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:43 / 16.01.07
I'm not watching BB so have only got interested in the racism but does whoever it is that claims they cannot pronounce Shilpa's name got some obvious mouth-based disability that stops them pronouncing names? Because unless they've got a lisp I cannot see them having any genuine reason for difficulty. What's interesting is that C4 and Endemol have always been very laissez-faire about what happens (always getting one of their trained monkey's to quit and tell the newspapers "It's terrible, if someone doesn't step in to stop the show the housemates will all end up killing one another and eating themselves!!1!") as evidenced by trying to ignore the complaints. I suspect that their plan now is to pretend they're doing something but ignore the complaints. More pressure will make them announce that they will do an enquiry after the show ends and then not do anything. In the end this show is created to show people at their worst and this kind of outrage is exactly what they want.

Meanwhile, hurrah for Dave Gorman.
miss wonderstarr
16:45 / 16.01.07
One can only hope that this repulsive behaviour is going to seriously damage the outside careers of those involved ~ I really don't forsee Davina or Dermot bringing up accusations of racism in any eviction interviews. Disappointingly, in Dermot's case, I think: I had always thought of him as somehow more intelligent and independent, while Davina's been hopeless for ages.

I'm a bit unclear as to exactly who's said what, but on a very small scale, I was genuinely going to buy Jo O'Meara's single and album as she seemed a decent pop person during the first week, and I wouldn't want to have it in my house if she's been doing mock-Indian accents.

It would be cheering if the bullying of Shilpa results in a kneejerk public revulsion that really hits Jade, Jo and Danielle hard when they leave the house. I think the reaction so far is surprising BB and Endemol, and perhaps the viewer response to this racism is building into a bigger story day by day now ~ which in a way I find quite positive. I'd really like to see some kind of public stand against this stupid celebrity behaviour; I'd like to see Shilpa win and her persecutors pilloried when they come out.
17:02 / 16.01.07
I just hope she doesn't walk out, though I'd totally understand if she did.

Ironically, I didn't have a huge amount of time for her when she went in... the way she's dealing with this shit has really boosted my opinion of her. In her situation I'd have gone postal by now. I'd now be happy for her to win (not as happy as if it was Dirk or Cleo, but still fairly chuffed), and it's not a "supporting the underdog" thing- she's really shown herself to be a pretty fucking sorted person. If Jade, Danielle, Jack and Jo have won it for her by proving themselves to be racist scum, then good luck to her.
17:03 / 16.01.07
I'm not seeing overt racism so much as some deeply unpleasant behaviour conducted by unbelievably ignorant people. (Jackiey, as opposed to Jade, Jo and Danielle, was being racist however.) You can't help suspect that racism is the motivation for the way they are behaving, although it isn't really expressed as racism (as far as I could tell).

Was thinking about this at uni today: couldn't they all be charged with racial harassment? You wouldn't have to prove that they'd said racist things, just that their motivation in what they did do and say was racially based. And AFAIK in UK law an incident can be classified as a hate crime as long as the victim considers it one, which might be a help.
17:35 / 16.01.07
I didn't see this, but I read that the girls mocked Shilpa for bleaching her facial hair and said that she was "trying to be white." I would have counted that as overt racism. That and the fact that they were mocking her accent seem pretty overt to me, but perhaps I am not clear about the definition of overt racism. If that isn't, what would be? Is it only things like actual name racist name calling (for example if Jack did say the P word) which count?

I do think it's a good thing that at least the story is hitting the headlines and that so many people have made complaints but I agree that Endemol will probably do nothing about it.

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