Of course she has. Ken has some fiftysomething growing-up years on her, though, and if he'd merely said, "I just forgot", she'd have calmed down pretty quickly. Her concern was for the 'servants' who she felt would now go unfed; Ken, by adopting a "who cares, it's just a game" line stoked the situation.
Are you patronising Jacquie? If so, I suppose you think you're better than Jacquiuee, right? You think you're the sort of person who could have Jacaqqtr locked away forever for the good of humanity? It must be very easy to think that. But mate, I'm telling you, it's not on. Because Jadchjglkje is a real fucking person ...
Even though at the moment she must seem like a bad scene.
(I'm also angry with her because I knew I recognised her from somewhere - I gave her ... a lot of money a while ago now, because I wanted love, but then she, Jafdeythr, ran away, in her capacity as a 'clipper'.
On the down side, I'm still not over it.
But, on the up side, it wouldn't, hypothetically, I suppose, be too hard to work out where the Mum of Jade lived, and then seeing one's way clear to firebombing it. |