Hm. This was average, wasn't it? It was a solid viewing that didn't do anything particularly wrong, but it certainly lacked exhilaration.
I think this episode went a bit wrong because Tom Macrae, youngest of the writing team probably isn't as familiar with the old clichés of Doctor Who, clichés that the new series has utilised, but in unexpected ways (and in rather self-aware fashion).
What I did like, was the Doctor talking to Mickey via the CCTV camera, and Lumic as the Cyber Controller was pretty cool too. The Cybermen were at their most effective when entirely stationary in the cooling tunnel.
Also, have to say that I loathed blonde Byker Grove man. Now that I think of it, this episode could have been a far better adventure if it were a one parter, with all of the Pete Tyler crap ripped out. It would have been tighter, better paced and most importantly, wouldn't have undermined Father's Day if it did that.
Next week's looks good though, doesn't it, with what promises to be great dialogue from Gatiss and thoughtful direction from Lyn. |