See, this is why we rock. America has to create warriors to fight it's bogeymen, we have a Doctor.
cube 1) If the Doctor reckons he's in 1950s America why does he wheel out a scooter?
Because he thought they were in New York, a few years later? I'm not quite getting what exactly your issue with this is?
2) Why does wiping brainwaves require face-stealing, anyway?
I'll tell you if you can explain why seeing a Silurian face-to-face causes humans to mentally revert to a 'caveman' state.
3) How do they get the faces back?
I'll tell you if you explain why the Time Lords only sent three Doctors to confront Omega rather than the full thirteen.
4) The faceless people are somehow being kept alive despite having no faces. Why exactly would the Wire bother doing that?
I'll tell you... Actually, I rather assumed the nefarious plan involved some sort of drone army. You're right, technically it doesn't make a huge amount of sense, but why was the reset button in 1.2 so difficult to get to?
6) "Goodnight Children, Everywhere." Just checked, Children's Favourites didn't start till 1954.
That's nothing, in 'Remembrance of the Daleks' episode 2 they make reference to Doctor Who being on telly, yet it's still light outside, DW being on after dusk. I thought "Goodnight Children, everywhere" was "Goodbye" and a radio, not a telly catchphrase.
7) "Where in London are we?" You just spent hours looking at a map of the area, Dave.
9) SCART lead? On Betamax?
On a machine the Doctor makes out of bits and bobs from the shop and FROM THE TARDIS.
I enjoyed that episode. Presumably Mark Gatiss, like Stephen Moffat, wasn't told about the Mickey story arc right before this, hence the sudden change of pace (let's just pretend a few weeks have gone by between episodes). And the Doctor almost manages to get another bodycount- free episode.
What was a bit odd was that Gran gets her face sucked off and they immediately stick her up in the spare bedroom. Would they not turn to someone in authority to sort her out rather than keep it secret? |