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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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17:52 / 03.06.06
Fuck, did I miss it?

I missed it!
17:54 / 03.06.06
[Practises his best Paddington glare]
Get thee to UKNova, all three of you.
A fall of geckos
18:11 / 03.06.06
Just noticed that the last post was the 666th reply to the thread:

Doctor Who: Season 2 UK
A thread for the discussion of the second season of the new Doctor Who in the UK... This thread is for discussion of episodes as they are broadcast and should be kept free of spoiler info for future episodes.
:: STARTED BY sleazenation
:: 666 REPLIES, LAST AT 20:54 03.06.06

Mourne Kransky
18:12 / 03.06.06
Kewl. Whohoo! Event Horizon Lite, right enough, but very appropriate for the virtual eve of 6.6.06. Used so many SF conventions with aplomb! Only odd thing was the explorer-crew's apparent lack of curiosity about these unexpected humans (they think) materialising on this little planetoid way out on the rim.
18:25 / 03.06.06
Yeah, that is a bit odd, but I think the idea is that there are so many strange things about the place that a couple of people turning up (as long as they're really nice, as the Doctor and Rose are) isn't anything too wierd and they're willing to let it go. The "intruders! into the brig!" that characterised so many of the 1980s series got a little wearing.
18:27 / 03.06.06
That was brilliant - great mix of traditional who conventions - space stations full colonists and quarries used as sets for alien worlds and more filmic cues - Event Horizon, Alien and The Black Hole to name just three. And there was the Cthulonic Ood and a load of actors that I sort of recognized.

Yay! - can't wait until next week...
Lama glama
18:29 / 03.06.06
The calm before the storm, with the Doctor and Rose talking about getting a mortgage together was the best exploration we've seen of their relationship so far this season. I've come right around on my opinion of Rose and find her an incredible presence on screen again. Huggable Rose is back!

The Ood in the opening scenes (after the strongest pre-theme tune sequence of the year) were prone to bumping into stuff due to their prosthetics, but that's easily forgiveable because of their excellently choreographed (and unnerving) stares in the latter parts of the episode.

I wanted Scooti to be a companion, but instead she got one of the most grim deaths to appear in the season thusfar.

The music was excellent, with some of Murray Gold's strongest compositions since School Reunion. Bring on the official soundtrack!
18:31 / 03.06.06
Balls. I missed it. If anyone who knows me taped it, please let me know.
18:43 / 03.06.06
failed to dvd it tonight - will be trying to do so tomorrow...
19:02 / 03.06.06
RE: Scooti, yes, I thought she was companion material so the shock was even worse. Nice.
19:12 / 03.06.06
Scooti was the mechanical character (she's a trainee engineer) that tends to get killed off in this new series - remember Gwennith and Ruffalo...
Lama glama
20:21 / 03.06.06
I still bear the emotional scars of Ruffalo's death. So, do we all want to see what Satan looks like, or would we prefer if it remained a disembodied voice? The hologram in tonight's episode seems to indicate that we'll probably see a bit more of it, but I think I'd prefer to see it continuing to act through the people that it possesses.
Evil Scientist
20:23 / 03.06.06
That scene in the archaeologist's room was nasty.

"DON'T turn around!"
02:05 / 04.06.06
I thought it was a terrific episode, but I swear, if it turns out to be a ripoff of Sphere, I'll be right pissed.
02:08 / 04.06.06
But I liked the way that, when the light hit the visors on their spacesuits, made their faces look like skulls...
17:14 / 04.06.06
Oodly enough there is a dr who connection to Event Horizon - Sean Pertwee, son of the third doctor, Jon Pertwee, was the one of the crew...
17:54 / 04.06.06
The bit in Toby's room was scaryace. Can I clap for the actor playing him? Really sold the feeling of "I'm shitting it but I have to look".

Good looming camera work too.

Next week: A Swordfight with Satan!
18:15 / 04.06.06
Things I liked (having seen el torrent)

The camera transition when Danny closes one of the door portholes, the circle of the porthole becoming the circle of Toby's magnifying glass.

"We seem to have landed in a cupboard" and "It's just like a flatpack cupboard. Only bigger. And easier to make"

Scootie! Lovely EVA'd Scootie!

Rose and Oodrights. "Don't start you'll sound like one of those Friends of the Oooooodd" "Well maybe I am, yeah" Go Rose!
Regrettable Juvenilia
18:57 / 04.06.06
There was some great direction in this one - "Don't turn around", the whole sequenced with DevilToby outside, and best of all for me the shot of the Captain looking at a hologram which shows the lift's descent, which appears as a red line descending down the middle of his face...

I think this might have been the strongest episode of the season but I have to say, I think I'm coming round to the people who have a problem with the way Tennant delivers certain lines.
Eloi Tsabaoth
19:33 / 04.06.06
Can I just say I only realised after the episode that the Captain was played by Shaun Parkes, who was also Tennant's man-servant/ best friend in Casanova. Puts an extra layer on the hug, and the trust scene. If only he could be a companion...
19:43 / 04.06.06
Ood: The beast will arise from the pit and consume you all.
Rose: What?
Ood: Enjoy your meal.

One for the Mishearings thread in convo.
20:08 / 04.06.06
In case anyone missed one of the best lines (it was a bit mumbled) it was: "'No turning back?' That's almost as bad as 'nothing can possibly go wrong' or 'this'll be the best Christmas Walford ever had'."
Lama glama
21:53 / 04.06.06
'this'll be the best Christmas Walford ever had'."

I kept trying to hear that last bit! Thanks for the clarification. The supporting cast for this week was possibly the best so far and it definitely holds up to multiple viewings. The episodes that have held up to multiple viewings this season tended to do so because of the humour and emotional pathos- "Girl in the Fireplace," "School Reunion," "Tooth and Claw."

This episode, though, isn't being too reliant on humour (although the occasional smattering of jokes are still spot on, despite some dodgy Rose jokes near the beginning) or heavy-handed emotional issues. No, it seems to be an episode revolving entirely around a collection of excellent (maybe not entirely original) ideas, executed with great style by the director.
22:13 / 04.06.06
Oh, and for those with a thing for Who slash fiction, Flickr has an interesting pic to ponder.
22:31 / 04.06.06
Well, as pointed out in last week's episode, Rose goes for the domestic approach, always chatting to the domestic staff, which made her derision of the waitress in rise of the cybermen all the more jarring...

loving the Ood...

and yeah, both the science and security officers seemed somehow familiar...
Lama glama
22:42 / 04.06.06
Gnargh! Avoid Sky News active's entertainment section if you don't want the conclusion of the season (apparently) spoiled for you.

Yeah, the crew of the station were great. They seem like they could support a more traditional science fiction show of their own, with the possible exception of the security guy.

Scooti was this season's attempt at that Joss Whedon stalwart-strong, independent, yet "cute" female character-Willow, Kaylee, Fred from the Jossverse and that obvious homage to the character type, Cally from Battlestar Galactica. Why did she have to die so soon!
Lama glama
22:52 / 04.06.06
Also, another thing I didn't hear because the music was a bit too loud at the time. When the possessed Ood were coming up the stairs, did they mention Trogdor as one of the names of the beast?
23:35 / 04.06.06
Let's hope a rather muscular dragon climbs out of that shaft, readers.
10:46 / 05.06.06
Yeah, I thought the actor playing Toby was brilliant. His demonic grin (when stood outside, basking in the black hole) was proper unsettling. Somehow managed to convey "pure evil caught in the act of enjoying itself" with *naivety*, like a wee faun stood on its hind legs for the first time. A sort of childish self-celebration, thassit.
A beautiful tunnel of ghosts
10:56 / 05.06.06
When the possessed Ood were coming up the stairs, did they mention Trogdor as one of the names of the beast?

I thought it was Dok-Tor. Is there a transcript?
Lama glama
10:58 / 05.06.06
Just watched the episode for a second time and it's definitely Trogdor, or more precisely the Ood says Trog, pauses for a moment and then says dooorrrr.

Evil Scientist
10:58 / 05.06.06
When the possessed Ood were coming up the stairs, did they mention Trogdor as one of the names of the beast?

I got Abaddon, Satan, and Lucifer.

What with all of the "incubating under a black sun" business I think Triplets was right. Some Glint Mozzelcum inspiration for the writer of this one.
Mysterious Transfer Student
16:06 / 05.06.06
Scooti was this season's attempt at that Joss Whedon stalwart-strong, independent, yet "cute" female character-Willow, Kaylee, Fred from the Jossverse and that obvious homage to the character type, Cally from Battlestar Galactica. Why did she have to die so soon!

Enjoyers of Scootie who are scratching their heads going "where have we seen her before? Eh?" might profit by checking out The Descent, in which you can see more of the delectable, if oddly named MyAnna Buring, and about which Xoc once started a thread.
17:17 / 05.06.06
They seem like they could support a more traditional science fiction show of their own, with the possible exception of the security guy.

On the first point I think you're right, the crew gave off a big impression that they'd known each other for quite a while/were established before Doctor Rose arrived.

To be fair, Security Guy didn't have much to work with inside his archetype. I did like his emoting during his exchange with Satoby.

Mr. Jefferson tell me, sir... did your wife ever forgive you?

Let me tell you a secret... she never did
17:59 / 05.06.06
That was fucking ace, like Event Horizon crossed with Prince of Darkness, only DOCTOR FUCKING WHO!!!


It seems churlish to scratch my head at a couple of bits, it was so goo, but I will anyway-

Didn't Rose give her phone to Mickey?

And when they said about the view of the black hole driving people mad, it seemed like it had happened to lots of people. Who were they?

Either of those could be me misremembering stuff, though, so I'll just give this one a hearty "FUCK YEAH!!!"

Roll on next week, when Slayer no doubt emerge from the pit and rock the doc's socks off.

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