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Doctor Who: Season 2 UK


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12:07 / 15.05.06
CYBERFLARES!!! those updated cyberdudes are wearing some seriously cool metal trousers...which appear to be chaps also...
13:29 / 15.05.06
Picking up on what Tom said about the Tardis' full crew I have a thought. Maybe (and it's a big maybe) the Doctor is just that, the medical part of the crew and we're missing the Captain, the Navigator and such like.

If memory serves right there were five or six gas masks that fell from the ceiling. So can more imformed fans fill out the crew in this manner.

Or am I talking bollocks. I've already stated I'm not that big an old school who fan, but what I can remember seeing there has never been any mention of other crew members. And even in the time of the full Timelords the Doctor worked alone.

Maybe it is just writers and actors filling interviews but it is an interesting thought.

As for the episode (which I loved) anyone care to make a guess as to who "Gemini" (the mole) is?
Regrettable Juvenilia
13:43 / 15.05.06
I strongly suspect that Gemini is Pete Tyler.
13:51 / 15.05.06
Well, in the classic series the Doctor was a renegade who kind of stole his tardis and went on the run from his own people - they caught up with him and punished him... of course, later on The Doctor ended up as President elect of all the Timelords, a position so prestigious that it prompted him to go on the run yet again to evade his responsibilities...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:12 / 15.05.06
In re: Tom's post, I remember seeing or reading somewhere that the Tardis was supposed to be manned by multiple Time Lords. Makes a bit of sense, but as has been pointed out, there don't seem to be any definite rules in the Who-verse which I agree makes it fantastic.
Poke it with a stick
20:05 / 15.05.06
Haus, you can get there through Mickey's game, but, if you really want to know it's...





Gemini12. Which doesn't actually give you much of a result, but there you go.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:34 / 15.05.06
I realize I'm beating a dead horse, but I really liked this last paragraph of "The Empty Child" recap on Television Without Pity.
21:41 / 15.05.06
Ooooh. You're right there.

That's a lovely, lovely way of looking at season one.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
21:51 / 15.05.06
Isn't it though? What I really like about Eccleston's interpretation of the Doctor is that immense loneliness, that sense of tragedy he seems to portray with every slight look, with every offhand gesture. I mean, I still think it was a stroke of genius to have a respected actor like him inhabit the role for a brief period of time. Which makes me all the more keen to see how Tennant is in the role.
22:14 / 15.05.06
Just a stunning review. Has anyone invited that person to join ussss? It's exactly how I saw it working and why Tennant does work so well for me. Eccers did the purgatory and redemption (for the Doctor Colin years as well as well as the Time War), now it's time to rebuild and try to have some fun. But it doesn't work like that, does it? Got to keep striving to save the universe(for ratings, if nothing else, work that intertextuality) and ensure things don't screw up and mmmmmrrrgggnnhhhhh*

*[The reluctant sounds of tear-stained re-muffling until Saturday, 7:45]
Lama glama
22:15 / 15.05.06
The BBC have revealed the packaging of the season 2 boxed-set and praise be to the Face of Boe, it isn't the size of a small dressing table this time 'round.

If you have a region free DVD player, Kali, you'll be able to get your hands on it around November.


Kali, Queen of Kitteh
22:25 / 15.05.06
Thanks, sweetheart, but I don't have a region-free DVD player. The only way I was able to watch raggedman's Series 1 DVDs was via my computer.

I'm seriously about to get all warm-and-Stoatie-like about this whole thing.

And as for Jacob from Television Without Pity, I shot him an email. You should read his recap of "Dalek." It's chockful of mythology and historical references. Just the kind of genius thing we go in for here at Barbelith.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
22:29 / 15.05.06
Whoops. This part of the recap actually comes from "The Long Game." Still, very nicely done.

The second story -- and I'd advise you that there's a reason we named the baby "Sophia" -- goes like this: in most versions of the Gnostic myth, Sophia births the world that Plato called the demiurgos, or for a single deity, the Demiurge, an entity responsible for the creation of the universe. Sometimes he's benevolent, leonine, like Mithras, and just got caught in the trap of his own creation. Elsewhere, though, he's not so nice. He has three names, like gods usually do: Ialdabaoth, meaning "Suffer the little children to come unto me"; Samael the Blind; and Saklas the Fool. He doesn't even know that there's a better god out there because he's so caught up in his own creation. Generally, he creates some archangels, or "Archons," Editors, who rule the material realm and usually do the whole Pilgrim's Progress deal on those of us inside it. If you're wondering why this episode seems to owe so much to The Matrix, well, it's little show of faith in Russell Davies to say that the source material's all there and quite old. Or maybe it's all because of that Elvis Costello song. In any case, the Gnostic belief is that there's a certain kind of spiritual light lodged in the material world, symbolized by knowledge, of a specific kind, that the redeemer figure retrieves and gives back to God -- individual redemption as the restoration of the divine. So you've got Ahriman, who destroys the cage, and Sophia, who takes it apart, and they're both looking for the information, and they both mean the end of the world, and the start of something unimaginably beautiful. Maintenance of the divine becomes your Cartesian problem, as an active mover -- like the alchemists. The thing about these stories, where the Creator isn't necessarily the same guy as regular old helpful God, is that the focus is more on information, and less on who's better or worse off -- white hat or black hat, you and your information are just the stuff in the zit between them. Yeah, "Dalek" is better. I like this one more. See the distinction?
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
22:34 / 15.05.06
This is no ways a means to detract from Series Two. Sorry if it seems like threadrot to others.

Regrettable Juvenilia
23:13 / 15.05.06
Majorly off-topic, but TVWP's Jacob's Battlestar Galactica recaps also PWN...
10:35 / 16.05.06
Triple Fuss Emily:

"Besty bit, the homeless walking into the processing floor, screaming and trying to sanitise it with the Lion Sleeps Tonight. Horrible.


Ooh, it was annoying me that I couldn't think what that reminded me of, but Doctor Who Confidential inadvertently tipped me off - Reservoir Dogs! The ear cutting scene. Deliberate ref?

I'm with Lady on the very first Cybermen with the cloth faces being the most satisfying, visually; they look a bit silly but in the right sort of way - basic and utilitarian, like what a logic-brained beastie should. I do like the heavy stompyness of the new ones, but they're not as sexy as the silver wet-suit clad Troughton era dudes.

Another plus - the cockernee geezer henchman with the Vic Reeves collar. A weird mix-up of Evil Corporation and East End Gangsters What Loves Their Mums thingy going on. Exactly the sort of thing a nipper would do (eg bunging dinosaurs, Superman and Star Trek into the same story), and I like that.

Is Trigger just a dodgy actor? I recall he was a bit rough in that Harry Potter film.
Tryphena Absent
11:41 / 16.05.06
No way. He was great in Archer's Goon!
Our Lady Has Left the Building
14:28 / 16.05.06
With respect to Kali, could you please stop talking about season one in here? You've got the choice of two other threads to chat about it and I'd be more than happy to discuss it with you there.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
14:53 / 16.05.06
Yes'm. Again, I apologize.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
15:54 / 16.05.06
Boo, TWP seems to be down...
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
16:01 / 16.05.06
I always have problems with that site.
18:36 / 16.05.06
I second miss De Logardiere: Mr Lloyd Pack is a fantastic actor- he's done Pinter (award nominated for his part in "One for the Road"), shakespeare, and worked with Greenaway too. My guess is he's playing the whole camp side of things because, like any actor offered a part in Who, a villain no less, it looks bloody good fun!
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
18:52 / 16.05.06
I'm sure this has already been linked, but I just found it. Make your mix of the Doctor Who theme!
Evil Scientist
09:17 / 17.05.06
This week's Tardisode sees Trigger sending a production order out across the world, presumably to various cyber-factories. The cyber-invasion begins! Cyber at the start of any word makes it cyber-cool you know?

Of course you know, you cyber-know.

I have a horrible suspicion this is all going to end up with a distinctly "Trek"-based solution of a virus or whatever being sent out over the earpods to kill off the cybermen worldwide (temporarily at least).
09:39 / 17.05.06
This is a parallel world - there is no narrative reason that the Doctor has to succeed and save the planet/humanity at all...

And there is a chance that either Micky or Ricky will die leaving Noel Clarke to play which ever one doesn't die...
Ruchbah me, Armaduras
09:59 / 17.05.06
This is a parallel world - there is no narrative reason that the Doctor has to succeed and save the planet/humanity at all...

I imagine (or rather, hope) the Cybes will try and get hold of the Tardis to rampage through all realities doing their thing. After all, the Doctor and Rose have got to get back, haven't they? Or maybe there will be a big Heartwrenching Choice With Tinkly Music.

I also think there's enough precedent for the Doctor to lay his life on the line to save innocent lives, even if they're not 'his' (the presence of Jackie should at least make them feel a bit like 'ours').

Personally, though, I was heartily disappointed in this episode. Considering it's supposed to draw from Spare Parts, it had none of the original's poignancy - Lumic was a big, mad, wheelchair-using, shouty cliche of a villain, and the whole 'the Tardis exploded because it did' 'now it's better because it is' thing felt weak. The direction, acting and design saved it, which hopefully bodes well for The Age of Steel.
Evil Scientist
10:26 / 17.05.06
And there is a chance that either Micky or Ricky will die leaving Noel Clarke to play which ever one doesn't die...

More likely to be Ricky I'd have thought.

I have a feeling that the Age of Steel is going to end with the illusion of victory for the Doc. A couple of reasons for this:

The Doctor doesn't run. Even if Cyber-kind is getting the upper hand and spreading across the planet he'll keep on fighting. Whilst, arguably, a parallel Earth is more disposable (plotwise) than regular Earth it isn't from the perspective of the Doctor. Considering the threat that cybermen present I doubt he'd leave without making damn sure they were shut down.

Also, we know Micky stays. Now it's possible that the Doctor and Rose simply think he's dead and leave without him (although that's already been done in the first season with a certain someone else). If cybermen effectively rule the Earth at the end of AoS, then it'd be a bit much to leave Micky there and piss off.

More likely is that they think the cybermen are stopped, Micky decides that being the fifth wheel in the Tardis isn't for him and decides to stay and take over Ricky's life where he has a meaningful role as a Preacher, and his Grandmother is alive.

Tardis fades out. Hidden cyber-factory in the Amazon comes online, and the cybermen dominate the planet in time for Army of Ghosts (with a few ragtag human survivors led by Micky and his buddies).
Evil Scientist
12:15 / 17.05.06
Apologies for double-posting. But a thought randomly sprang into my head regarding Army of Ghosts.

Whatever dragged the Tardis through the dimensional walls could have been something trying to jump across from the "home" dimension into the parallel.

Perhaps the end of Age of Steel leaves hundreds of thousands of dead cybermen laying about the place. Brand spanking new homes for....the Gelth?

Too many Gelth and not enough of these shiny immortal bods they've inherited. So it's back through the Cardiff rift to clean out the humans on Earth 1 and get some more cyber-homes for the cyber-Gelth.

And the Daleks show up for...some reason, and everyone's bickering over who gets harvesting rights on the human population.

Or, y'know, not. Ignore me, I've just been upgraded into this metal body and it hurts! (Well it stung a bit, and now tickles).
12:26 / 17.05.06
And then they FIGHT!

Ruchbah me, Armaduras
13:00 / 17.05.06
Cyber-Daleks! That would be fun.
Evil Scientist
13:11 / 17.05.06
And Autons!!1!
Evil Scientist
13:14 / 17.05.06
And then they FIGHT!


Don't scoff. There have been a lot of rumours that the Season 2 finale was going to be a team-up and/or war between the Daleks and the Cybermen.

Check out the Army of Ghosts wiki for further unsubstantiated rumour-mongering.
Kali, Queen of Kitteh
15:36 / 17.05.06
Just watched the "School Reunion" episode. And yes, Stoatie, I'm wiping away tears. And am very glad the Doctor rebuilt K-9.
Our Lady Has Left the Building
17:00 / 17.05.06
Evil Cyberman Also, we know Micky stays. Excuse me? Since when?
Evil Scientist
07:21 / 18.05.06
The Shooty Lama Thing said (back on p10):

This might be somewhat spoilerish, but as far as I know, Noel Clarke is only going to be appearing in "..Fireplace" and the Cybermen two-parter. After that, he'll be out of the picture until the finalé, so he only has three episodes or so to become the best companion ever.

Logic indicates he'll be staying in the cyber-dimension.

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